These guidelines provide you with guidance for using the ksonnet logo. You can use the logo on your website or in print without pre-approval, provided you follow these basic guidelines.
You may display, modify, or use the ksonnet logo only in connection with compliant implementations of ksonnet and related uses in the following ways. A compliant implementation is an implementation of the unmodified ksonnet tool chain version of Kubernetes found at and compatible branches thereof, together with published specifications, APIs and operational patterns. Acceptable related uses include display, modification, or use of the ksonnet logo in connection with your compliant implementation, your integration with a compliant implementation, your support for a compliant implementation, your Kubernetes-compatible product, or in collateral, presentations, and marketing materials relating to compliant implementations of Kubernetes.
The ksonnet logo is copyright 2017 Heptio Inc. All other usages should be approved by Heptio with consultation of the ksonnet community.
Logo w/ transparent letters:
Logo w/ white letters: