- Introduction
- The first and second rule of decoding replies
- Decoding Zig types
- Decoding Redis errors and nil replies as values
- Allocating memory dynamically
- Parsing dynamic replies
- Bundled types
- Decoding types in the standard library
- Implementing decodable types
One of the main features of OkRedis is the ability of decoding Redis replies without having to resort to dynamic allocations when not stricly necessary.
The main way the user can negotiate reply decoding with the client is via the
first argument of send
and sendAlloc
Basic example:
// Send a command and discard the reply
try client.send(void, .{ "SET", "key", "42" });
// Ask for a `i64`
const reply = try client.send(i64, .{ "GET", "key" });
std.debug.print("key = {}\n", .{reply});
What's interesting about this example is that Redis replies to the GET
with a string, but the user is asking for a number, and so the client will try
to parse a number out of the Redis string using fmt.parseInt
As you can see, this is a bit more complex than just 1:1 type mapping, and this document will try to explain how the client tries to be handy without appearing too magical.
Let's start with the two most important principles of decoding Redis replies.
Redis commands can be considered dynamically typed and, while in practice it's easy to know what to expect from a command (by reading the documentation), it's possible to get surprised occasionally (especially by thinking you don't need to read the documentation). This brings us to the first rule:
Asking for a type that ends up being incompatible with the reply will cause
the client to return error.UnsupportedConversion
. (Note: error mapping is still WIP so not all errors are being correctly masked for now, so you might momentarily encounter other errors)
One way in which commands often surprise programmers is by returning errors or
. For example calling INCR
on a non-numeric string will return an error,
and SET
with the NX
option will return nil
when the NX
condition is not
satisfied. OkRedis makes sure to never silently drop errors or nil
which brings us to the second rule:
If the requested type doesn't account for the possiblity of receiving an error
or a nil
reply, the client will return error.GotErrorReply
if any such event occurs.
Note that encurring in the errors mentioned above will not corrupt the connection. (Note: this is still WIP, so YMMV)
Later in this document you will see how to properly decode errors, nil
and how to decode replies whose type you can't predict, for example when writing
an interactive client.
By using void
, we indicate that we're not interested in inspecting the reply,
so we don't even reserve memory on the stack for it. This will discard any reply
Redis might send, except for error and nil replies, which will reported as
Zig errors, as mentioned in the previous section.
try client.send(void, .{ "SET", "key", 42 });
Numeric replies can be parsed directly to Integer or Float types. If Redis
replies with a string, the parser will try to parse a number out of it using
(this is what happens with GET
const reply = try client.send(i64, .{ "GET", "key" });
Optional types let you decode nil
replies from Redis. When the expected type
is not an optional, and Redis replies with a nil
, then error.GotNilReply
returned instead.
try client.send(void, .{ "DEL", "nokey" });
var maybe = try client.send(?i64, .{ "GET", "nokey" });
if (maybe) |val| {
} else {
// Yep, the value is missing.
Parsing strings without allocating is a bit trickier. It's possible to parse a string inside an array, but the two lengths must match, as there is no way to otherwise indicate the point up to which the array was filled using an array type alone (in Zig null-terminated arrays are supported but not the idiomatic way of representing strings).
For your convenience the library bundles a generic type called FixBuf(N)
. A
just an array of size N
+ a length, so it allows parsing strings
shorter than N
by using the length to mark where the string ends. If the
buffer is not big enough, an error is returned. We will later see how types like
can implement custom parsing logic.
const FixBuf = okredis.types.FixBuf;
try client.send(void, "SET", .{ "hellokey", "Hello World!" });
const hello = try client.send(FixBuf(30), .{ "GET", "hellokey" });
// .toSlice() lets you address the string inside FixBuf
if(std.mem.eql(u8, "Hello World!", hello.toSlice())) {
// Yep, the string was parsed
} else {
// Alternatively, if the string has a known fixed length (e.g., UUIDs)
const helloArray = try client.send([12]u8, .{ "GET", "hellokey" });
if(std.mem.eql(u8, "Hello World!", helloArray[0..])) {
// Yep, the string was parsed
} else {
Map types in Redis (e.g., Hashes, Stream entries) can be decoded as structs.
const MyHash = struct {
banana: FixBuf(11),
price: f32,
// Create a hash with the same fields as our struct
try client.send(void, .{ "HSET", "myhash", "banana", "yes please", "price", "9.99" });
// Parse it directly into the struct
switch (try client.send(OrErr(MyHash), .{ "HGETALL", "myhash" })) {
.Nil, .Err => unreachable,
.Ok => |val| {
std.debug.print("{?}", val);
The code above prints:
MyHash{ .banana = src.types.fixbuf.FixBuf(11){ .buf = yes please�, .len = 10 }, .price = 9.98999977e+00 }
We saw before that receiving an error reply from Redis causes a Zig error:
. This is because the types we tried to decode did not
account for the possiblity of an error reply. Error replies are just strings
with a <ERROR CODE> <error message>
structure (e.g. "ERR unknown command"),
but are tagged as errors in the underlying protocol. While it would be possible
to decode them as normal strings, the parser doesn't support that possibility
for two reasons:
- Silently decoding errors as strings would make error-checking error-prone.
- Errors should be programmatically inspected only by looking at the code.
To parse error replies OkRedis bundles OrErr(T)
, a generic type that wraps
your expected return type inside a union. The union has three cases:
for when the command succeeds, containsT
for when the reply is an error, contains the error code.Nil
for when the reply isnil
The last case is there just for convenience, as it's basically equivalent to
making the expected return type an optional. Adding .Nil
basically makes
your one-stop-shop for error checking.
In general it's a good idea to wrap most reply types with OrErr
const FixBuf = okredis.types.FixBuf;
const OrErr = okredis.types.OrErr;
try client.send(void, .{ "SET", "stringkey", "banana" });
// Success
switch (try client.send(OrErr(FixBuf(100)), .{ "GET", "stringkey" })) {
.Err, .Nil => @panic(),
.Ok => |reply| std.debug.print("stringkey = {s}\n", reply.toSlice()),
// Error
switch (try client.send(OrErr(i64), .{ "INCR", "stringkey" })) {
.Ok, .Nil => @panic(),
.Err => |err| std.debug.print("error code = {s}\n", err.getCode()),
is a good way of parsing OK
replies from Redis in case you want
to inspect error codes.
The examples above perform zero allocations but consequently make it awkward to
work with strings. Using sendAlloc
you can allocate dynamic memory every time
the reply type is a pointer or a slice.
const allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;
// Create a big string key
try client.send(void, .{ "SET", "divine",
\\When half way through the journey of our life
\\I found that I was in a gloomy wood,
\\because the path which led aright was lost.
\\And ah, how hard it is to say just what
\\this wild and rough and stubborn woodland was,
\\the very thought of which renews my fear!
var inferno = try client.sendAlloc([]u8, allocator, .{ "GET", "divine" });
defer allocator.free(inferno);
// This call doesn't require to free anything.
_ = try client.sendAlloc(f64, allocator, .{ "HGET", "myhash", "price" });
// This does require a free
var allocatedNum = try client.sendAlloc(*f64, allocator, .{ "HGET", "myhash", "price" });
defer allocator.destroy(allocatedNum);
The previous examples produced types that are easy to free. Later we will see
more complex examples where it becomes tedious to free everything by hand. For
this reason OkRedis includes freeReply
, which frees recursively a value
produced by sendAlloc
. The following examples will showcase how to use it.
const freeReply = okredis.freeReply;
When using OrErr
, we were only saving the error code and throwing away the
message. Using OrFullErr
you will also be able to inspect the full error
message. The error code doesn't need to be freed (it's written to a FixBuf),
but the error message will need to be freed.
const OrFullErr = okredis.types.OrFullErr;
var incrErr = try client.sendAlloc(OrFullErr(i64), allocator, .{ "INCR", "divine" });
defer freeReply(incErr, allocator);
switch (incrErr) {
.Ok, .Nil => @panic(),
.Err => |err| {
// This is where alternatively you would perform manual deallocation:
// defer allocator.free(err.message)
std.debug.print("error code = '{s}'\n", err.getCode());
std.debug.print("error message = '{s}'\n", err.message);
The code above will print:
error code = 'ERR'
error message = 'value is not an integer or out of range'
Previously when we wanted to decode a struct we had to use a FixBuf
to decode
a []u8
field. Now we can just do it the normal way.
const MyDynHash = struct {
banana: []u8,
price: f32,
const dynHash = try client.sendAlloc(OrErr(MyDynHash), allocator, .{ "HGETALL", "myhash" });
defer freeReply(dynHash, allocator);
switch (dynHash) {
.Nil, .Err => unreachable,
.Ok => |val| std.debug.print("{?}", val),
The code above will print:
MyDynHash{ .banana = yes please, .price = 9.98999977e+00 }
It's also possible to use OrErr(*MyDynHash)
to have the client allocate on the
heap the decoded reply, in case we plan to have the value survive longer than
the function's lifetime.
While most programs will use simple Redis commands and will know the shape of
the reply, one might also be in a situation where the reply is unknown or
dynamic, like when writing an interactive CLI, for example. To help with that,
OkRedis includes DynamicReply
, a type that can be decoded as any possible
Redis reply.
const DynamicReply = okredis.types.DynamicReply;
const dynReply = try client.sendAlloc(DynamicReply, allocator, .{ "HGETALL", "myhash" });
defer freeReply(dynReply, allocator);
switch (dynReply.data) {
.Nil, .Bool, .Number, .Double, .Bignum, .String, .List => {},
.Map => |kvs| {
for (kvs) |kv| {
std.debug.print("[{s}] => '{s}'\n", kv.key.data.String, kv.value.data.String);
The code above will print:
[banana] => 'yes please'
[price] => '9.99'
For a full list of the types bundled with OkRedis, read the documentation.
The custom decodable types included in OkRedis should be enough for most users, but it's possible that in special cases one might want to decode a complex type using the parser's facilities to avoid intermediate representations.
Two main cases for this need could be:
- Redis module (or Lua script) authors that want to offer client-side tools to their users
- Somebody who might want to embed OkRedis in a higher-level language via the C ABI.
Let's expand slightly on these two use cases.
If you're adding a command to Redis (or implementing a Lua script) that has a complex response type, it might make sense to provide a boiler-plate type for to your users.
In this case you are probably fine by simply defining a struct that properly represents the fixed parts of your responses.
// If replies are complex, but with a static structure.
const MyCommandReplyType = struct {
id: []u8,
query_exec_time: u64,
results: []Result,
pub const Result = struct {
partition_id: usize,
result: []u8,
// Usage is straightforward as usual.
_ = try client.sendAlloc(MyCommandReplyType, allocator, .{"CUSTOM_COMMAND"});
// And the user will still be able to combine the type.
_ = try client.sendAlloc(OrErr(MyCommandReplyType), allocator, .{"CUSTOM_COMMAND"});
// Some types might be best defined as generic to let the user customize it.
// The following type is a reasonable way of decoding a Redis stream entry
// letting the user provide a type that decodes the entry's contents,
// for example.
pub fn StreamEntry(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
id: []u8,
data: T,
// Continuing with the Redis streams example, the user might then do some
// composition based on their needs.
const Measurement = struct {
temperature: f64,
sensor_id: []u8,
room_name: []u8,
const ReadMeasurements = struct {
stream1: []StreamEntry(Measurement),
stream2: []StreamEntry(Measurement),
@"stream-remote": []StreamEntry(Measurement),
_ = try client.sendAlloc(ReadMeasurements, allocator, XREAD.init(.NoCount, .NoBlock, &[_][]const u8{
Let's say that you want to embed OkRedis in Python using Python's CFFI
faclities. In that case you'd want to have the parser produce directly custom
In this case you will probably have to deal more closely with the parsing
process. I recommend to read the implementation of
which does 90% of what you would need to do.
Zig will be able to provide the remaining tools you will need through it's C
ABI interoperability features. As an example you will probably want to define
your custom PyObject
-like structs as