Releases: koszullab/metaTOR
Releases · koszullab/metaTOR
Version 1.1.0
- Add some Figures in the output:
- Completion/contamination distribution of the MAGs.
- Distribution of the quality of the MAGs in the assembly.
- Distribution of the GC and coverage inside each MAG.
- Add test for the new figure module.
- Add a module contactmap to build HiC matrix from some metaTOR objects such as contigs, bins, or other objects with contigs labels from the user. It could be use with metator contactmap [arguments]. The output could be use then with hicstuff view or cooler show to visualize matrix or with instagraal to try to scaffold MAGs.
- Modify the pairs files:
- Change pairs file extension to .pairs.
- Reorder the columns of .pairs file: readID-chr1-pos1-chr2-pos2-strand1-strand2 instead of readID-chr1-pos1-strand1-chr2-pos2-strand2.
- Use tabulation to separate column instead of space to match the official specification.
- Correction of some minor issues:
- Stop the duplication of the logging message.
- Silence the HTSlib index error (from pysam.AlignementFile) which was meaningless.
- Remove pyfastx index.
- Put as optional the output of the clustering matrix which needs high memory usage for large assembly and optimize memory usage to build it.
- Modify Assignment method to dataframe to avoid assignment to copy of the dataframe (SettingWithCopyWarning).
Version 1.0.4
- Change the format of the pairs file to match with the official specification.
- Add the HiC coverage (mean number of contacts in 1kb region) in the final bin summary.
- Add possibility to start with the pairs file.
- Add info about general alignment if multiples files are given.
- Organize temporary folder.
Version 1.0.3
- Add clustering matrix in the output of the partition, validation and pipeline modules.
- Add output files documentation.
- Add codeco.
Version 1.0.2
- Modification of the ouput files:
- Add bin coverage based on the depth file given in the bin_summary file.
- Add a final bin column in the contig data file after the validation to specify the name of the final bin of the contig. A "ND" value is given if the contig isn't binned.
- Add the pairs file of the alignment to be able to produce HiC matrices from it using hicstuff for example.
- Add a log file with all information of the run.
- With the pipeline workflow remove intermediate contig data files.
- Modify call to input data to use only header names and not order of the column.
- Change the parameter of the bowtie2 alignement back to --very-sensitive-local.
- Add the total size of the different category of bins in the log.
- Correct minor issues in the doc.
Version 1.0.1
Correct bug in validation module:
- louvain_recursif: correct type error to identify contigs of a subnetwork which could triggers empty subnetwork error.
Version 1.0.0
New version of metaTOR in Python3