DNA barcoding is a method to know the names of species from DNA. DNA is one of the key elements to bridge life and digital information which we can handle with code. In this workshop, we will learn the very basics of how to handle DNA information using a computer with a DNA cocktail🍹
One of the benefits of using biotechnology in combination with code is that it allows us to approach things like food, health and the environment that are deeply related to human life from a different angle than the sensors that have often been used so far.
Most lives on earth, such as animals, fish, plants, and microorganisms, have DNA in their bodies as an important score for making their bodies. The information from them can bring us a better understanding of the relationship between species and also the environment around us.
15mins: Introduction
- Background. Why bio now?
- About YCAM Bio Research
30mins: DNA Cocktail(Bar)
- Hands-on experiment: Make and drink a DNA cocktail (strawberry, pineapple juice, white rum, and mint)
- Reference: How to make a cocktail from strawberry DNA (by Genspace, NY)
1hour: DNA Sequencing(Barcoding)
- Hands-on experiment: Use micropipettes and microtubes, handle some reagents.
- Demo: Read DNA with portable DNA sequencer.
- Reference: Oxford Nanopore Technologies - MinION, International Barcode Of Life, [DNA of Forest](https://www.ycam.jp/projects/ycam-bio-research/ https://special.ycam.jp/dna-of-forests)
1hour: Bioinformatics(Coding)
- DNA analysis: BLAST search to identify species
15mins: Wrap up