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Kleo Kocaqi edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the PetStoreAndClinic wiki!

Week 01

[March 27th - April 2nd, 2023]

During the first week, no tasks were assigned to any member of the group specifically, but rather it was a week of discussion regarding what software we were going to build, the name of the software, what will be included in it, a name for the group and a group logo. After a week of discussions, we decided that we were going to build a website that can be used to manage a Veterinarian Hospital. We decided on the different roles and what each user has permission to do in general. The name of the Project will be PetStoreAndClinic. The name for the group was decided to be "Byte Squad" and a logo was also provided, which is uploaded. More details on the project will be discussed in the upcoming weeks. Also, some details are posted in the ReadME file.

Week 02

[April 3rd - April 9th, 2023]

After having been presented to some project requirements, we gathered to discuss upon them and divided the work for this week as follows:

  • Albi Ceci – start working with the front-end development of the project.
  • Arjeta Sinaj – Project Overview; Purpose and Scope of this Specification; Product/Service Description; Product Context.
  • Kledi Haxhimali – User Characteristics; Assumptions; Constraints; Dependencies.
  • Kleo Kocaqi – Provide as many functional requirements as possible; User Interface Requirements (login and client pages).
  • Mauricio Spaho – Provide as many functional requirements as possible.
  • Megi Ahmeti – User Interface Requirements (receptionist, doctor, manager, and administrator pages).
  • Romina Muraçi – Learnability; Accessibility; Efficiency; Memorability; Errors; Satisfaction; Capacity; Availability; Latency; Monitoring.
  • Stela Brinja – Maintenance; Operations; Standards Compliance; Portability; Security; Protection; Authorization and Authentication.

All group members are pleased to write down their work and provide it to the group leader before Friday.

Update: All members delivered their work on time.

Week 03

[April 10th - April 16th, 2023]

We decided that there will be 21 user scenarios as follows:

  1. User logs in
  2. User changes the password
  3. Add a new manager
  4. View the manager’s profile
  5. Add a new doctor
  6. View the doctor’s profile
  7. Add a new receptionist
  8. View the receptionist’s profile
  9. Add a new client
  10. View the client’s profile
  11. Add a new pet
  12. View the pet’s information
  13. Search for a user
  14. Delete a user
  15. Apply medical information to a pet
  16. Apply bills to a client
  17. Update a user’s information
  18. Transfer an employee to another shop/location
  19. Update a pet’s information
  20. Client leaves feedback
  21. User logs out

Each team member, except Albi Ceci who will once again work on the front-end development of the project, will be assigned three user scenarios, for which he has to provide the description, extension, and user case.

Tasks Assigned:

  • Albi Ceci – continue working with the front-end development of the project;
  • Arjeta Sinaj – Work on user scenarios 1, 2, and 3;
  • Kledi Haxhimali – Work on user scenarios 4, 5, and 6;
  • Kleo Kocaqi – Provide Domain Requirements. Work on user scenarios 7, 8, and 9;
  • Mauricio Spaho – Work on user scenarios 10, 11, and 12;
  • Megi Ahmeti – Work on user scenarios 13, 14, and 15;
  • Romina Muraçi – Work on user scenarios 16, 17, and 18.
  • Stela Brinja – Work on user scenarios 19, 20, and 21.

Update: Some group members delivered their work very late, therefore the upload of the user case tables was impossible. However, all the works were delivered before the weekly presentation in class and the job was well done.

Week 04

[April 17th - April 23rd, 2023]

We decided to change the user scenarios a bit and therefore have 18 user scenarios instead of 21:

  1. User logs in
  2. User views their profile
  3. User edits their information
  4. Create a new user
  5. Search for a user
  6. Edit a searched user's information
  7. Fire an employee
  8. Add a new pet
  9. Search for a pet
  10. Edit a searched pet's information
  11. Add products to a client/pet
  12. Generate a bill for a client/pet
  13. Add medical products to a pet
  14. Transfer an employee
  15. Client leaves feedback
  16. The client books an appointment
  17. View feedback left by the clients
  18. User logs out

Members who are assigned any user scenario should provide its description, extension, user case, and activity diagram.

We also decided that there should be 6 use case diagrams:

  1. Basic Operations
  2. Relationship between the receptionist and client/pet
  3. Relationship between the manager and receptionist/doctor
  4. Relationship between the administrator and the staff
  5. Book an appointment
  6. Leave feedback

Tasks Assigned:

  • Albi Ceci – try to finish the front-end development of the project;
  • Arjeta Sinaj – Work on user scenarios 1, 2, and 3;
  • Kledi Haxhimali – Work on user scenarios 4, 5, and 6;
  • Kleo Kocaqi – Work on the Use Case Diagrams;
  • Mauricio Spaho – Work on user scenarios 7, 8, and 9;
  • Megi Ahmeti – Work on user scenarios 10, 11, and 12;
  • Romina Muraçi – Work on user scenarios 13, 14, and 15.
  • Stela Brinja – Work on user scenarios 16, 17, 18.

Update: All members delivered their work on time and the job was well done.

Week 05

[April 24th - April 30th, 2023]

Since all members had to go through midterm exams this week, no tasks were assigned to any team member.

Week 06

[May 1st - May 7th, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

Week 07

[May 8th - May 14th, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

Week 08

[May 15th - May 21st, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

Week 09

[May 22nd - May 28th, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

Week 10

[May 29th - June 4th, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

Week 11

[June 5th - June 11th, 2023]

[Weekly Report Goes here]

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