Please refer to the following release notes when upgrading your version of Knockback-Navigators.js.
- introduced css optimized transitions - now the transitions module is knockback-transitions instead of knockback-sample-transitions. Removed optoins from animations -> should all be possible to set using css classes.
- made pane navigator check for DOM changes using setInterval to ensure an active element is always present.
- introduced css transitions and renamed sample-transtions-jquery to default-transitions
- made TransitionSavedState internal to pane navigators and automatically save and restore
- renamed transition animations: CoverVertical -> SlideUp and NavigationSlide -> Slide
- added AMD loader to all components.
- updated kb.loadUrl and added kb.loadUrlFn so they can be called directly from an HTML View
- renamed knockback-sample-transitions to knockback-transitions
- XUI bug fixed: reverse on panes and appending source code
- initial release