From 3d5fa644f39a6d815c34d933800499c012e9a317 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kolby Moroz Liebl <>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 14:32:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh: add portal network
 history portal-mesh simulator (#988)

 .../portal/history/portal-mesh/Cargo.toml     |  14 +
 .../portal/history/portal-mesh/Dockerfile     |  24 ++
 .../portal/history/portal-mesh/src/    | 250 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 288 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Cargo.toml
 create mode 100644 simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Dockerfile
 create mode 100644 simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/src/

diff --git a/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Cargo.toml b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c681c9ade6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name = "portal-mesh"
+version = "0.1.0"
+authors = ["Kolby ML (Moroz Liebl) <>"]
+edition = "2021"
+ethportal-api = { git = "", rev = "2a32224e3c2b0b80bc37c1b692c33016371f197a" }
+hivesim = { git = "", rev = "8ff1e3d3c941dd00d56dacd777a5dfb71edf402f" }
+itertools = "0.10.5"
+serde_json = "1.0.87"
+tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
+tracing = "0.1.37"
+tracing-subscriber = "0.3.16"
diff --git a/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Dockerfile b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98d5424429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+FROM rust:1.71.1 AS builder
+# create a new empty shell project
+RUN USER=root cargo new --bin portal-mesh
+WORKDIR /portal-mesh
+# copy over manifests and source to build image
+COPY Cargo.toml ./Cargo.toml
+COPY src ./src
+# build for release
+RUN cargo build --release
+# final base
+FROM ubuntu:22.04
+RUN apt update && apt install wget -y
+# copy build artifacts from build stage
+COPY --from=builder /portal-mesh/target/release/portal-mesh .
+ENTRYPOINT ["./portal-mesh"]
diff --git a/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/src/ b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a1006e34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulators/portal/history/portal-mesh/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+use ethportal_api::jsonrpsee::core::__reexports::serde_json;
+use ethportal_api::types::distance::{Metric, XorMetric};
+use ethportal_api::types::portal::ContentInfo;
+use ethportal_api::{
+    Discv5ApiClient, HistoryContentKey, HistoryContentValue, HistoryNetworkApiClient,
+use hivesim::{dyn_async, Client, NClientTestSpec, Simulation, Suite, Test, TestSpec};
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use serde_json::json;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+// Header with proof for block number 14764013
+const HEADER_WITH_PROOF_KEY: &str =
+    "0x00720704f3aa11c53cf344ea069db95cecb81ad7453c8f276b2a1062979611f09c";
+const HEADER_WITH_PROOF_VALUE: &str = "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";
+// private key hive environment variable
+async fn main() {
+    tracing_subscriber::fmt::init();
+    let mut suite = Suite {
+        name: "portal-mesh".to_string(),
+        description: "The portal mesh test suite runs a set of scenarios to test 3 clients"
+            .to_string(),
+        tests: vec![],
+    };
+    suite.add(TestSpec {
+        name: "Portal Network mesh".to_string(),
+        description: "".to_string(),
+        always_run: false,
+        run: test_portal_scenarios,
+        client: None,
+    });
+    let sim = Simulation::new();
+    run_suite(sim, suite).await;
+async fn run_suite(host: Simulation, suite: Suite) {
+    let name = suite.clone().name;
+    let description = suite.clone().description;
+    let suite_id = host.start_suite(name, description, "".to_string()).await;
+    for test in &suite.tests {
+        test.run_test(host.clone(), suite_id, suite.clone()).await;
+    }
+    host.end_suite(suite_id).await;
+dyn_async! {
+   async fn test_portal_scenarios<'a> (test: &'a mut Test, _client: Option<Client>) {
+        // Get all available portal clients
+        let clients = test.sim.client_types().await;
+        let private_key_1 = "fc34e57cc83ed45aae140152fd84e2c21d1f4d46e19452e13acc7ee90daa5bac".to_string();
+        let private_key_2 = "e5add57dc4c9ef382509e61ce106ec86f60eb73bbfe326b00f54bf8e1819ba11".to_string();
+        // Iterate over all possible pairings of clients and run the tests (including self-pairings)
+        for ((client_a, client_b), client_c) in clients.iter().cartesian_product(clients.iter()).cartesian_product(clients.iter()) {
+                NClientTestSpec {
+                    name: format!("FIND_CONTENT content stored 2 nodes away stored in client C (Client B closer to content then C). A:{} --> B:{} --> C:{}",,,,
+                    description: "".to_string(),
+                    always_run: false,
+                    run: test_find_content_two_jumps,
+                    environments: Some(vec![None, Some(HashMap::from([(PRIVATE_KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.to_string(), private_key_2.clone())])), Some(HashMap::from([(PRIVATE_KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.to_string(), private_key_1.clone())]))]),
+                    test_data: None,
+                    clients: vec![client_a.clone(), client_b.clone(), client_c.clone()],
+                }
+            ).await;
+            // Remove this after the clients are stable across two jumps test
+                NClientTestSpec {
+                    name: format!("FIND_CONTENT content stored 2 nodes away stored in client C (Client C closer to content then B). A:{} --> B:{} --> C:{}",,,,
+                    description: "".to_string(),
+                    always_run: false,
+                    run: test_find_content_two_jumps,
+                    environments: Some(vec![None, Some(HashMap::from([(PRIVATE_KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.to_string(), private_key_1.clone())])), Some(HashMap::from([(PRIVATE_KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE.to_string(), private_key_2.clone())]))]),
+                    test_data: None,
+                    clients: vec![client_a.clone(), client_b.clone(), client_c.clone()],
+                }
+            ).await;
+            // Test find nodes distance of client a
+   {
+                    name: format!("FIND_NODES distance of client C {} --> {} --> {}",,,,
+                    description: "find nodes: distance of client A expect seeded enr returned".to_string(),
+                    always_run: false,
+                    run: test_find_nodes_distance_of_client_c,
+                    environments: None,
+                    test_data: None,
+                    clients: vec![client_a.clone(), client_b.clone(), client_c.clone()],
+                }
+            ).await;
+        }
+   }
+dyn_async! {
+    async fn test_find_content_two_jumps<'a> (clients: Vec<Client>, _: Option<Vec<(String, String)>>) {
+        let (client_a, client_b, client_c) = match clients.iter().collect_tuple() {
+            Some((client_a, client_b, client_c)) => (client_a, client_b, client_c),
+            None => {
+                panic!("Unable to get expected amount of clients from NClientTestSpec");
+            }
+        };
+        let header_with_proof_key: HistoryContentKey = serde_json::from_value(json!(HEADER_WITH_PROOF_KEY)).unwrap();
+        let header_with_proof_value: HistoryContentValue = serde_json::from_value(json!(HEADER_WITH_PROOF_VALUE)).unwrap();
+        // get enr for b and c to seed for the jumps
+        let client_b_enr = match client_b.rpc.node_info().await {
+            Ok(node_info) => node_info.enr,
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error getting node info: {err:?}");
+            }
+        };
+        let client_c_enr = match client_c.rpc.node_info().await {
+            Ok(node_info) => node_info.enr,
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error getting node info: {err:?}");
+            }
+        };
+        // seed client_c_enr into routing table of client_b
+        match HistoryNetworkApiClient::add_enr(&client_b.rpc, client_c_enr.clone()).await {
+            Ok(response) => match response {
+                true => (),
+                false => panic!("AddEnr expected to get true and instead got false")
+            },
+            Err(err) => panic!("{}", &err.to_string()),
+        }
+        // send a ping from client B to C to connect the clients
+        if let Err(err) = {
+                panic!("Unable to receive pong info: {err:?}");
+        }
+        // seed the data into client_c
+        match, header_with_proof_value.clone()).await {
+            Ok(result) => if !result {
+                panic!("Unable to store header with proof for find content immediate return test");
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error storing header with proof for find content immediate return test: {err:?}");
+            }
+        }
+        let enrs = match client_a.rpc.find_content(client_b_enr.clone(), header_with_proof_key.clone()).await {
+            Ok(result) => {
+                match result {
+                    ContentInfo::Enrs{ enrs } => {
+                        enrs
+                    },
+                    other => {
+                        panic!("Error: (Enrs) Unexpected FINDCONTENT response not: {other:?}");
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error: (Enrs) Unable to get response from FINDCONTENT request: {err:?}");
+            }
+        };
+        if enrs.len() != 1 {
+            panic!("Known node is closer to content, Enrs returned should be 0 instead got: length {}", enrs.len());
+        }
+        match client_a.rpc.find_content(enrs[0].clone(), header_with_proof_key.clone()).await {
+            Ok(result) => {
+                match result {
+                    ContentInfo::Content{ content: ethportal_api::PossibleHistoryContentValue::ContentPresent(val), utp_transfer } => {
+                        if val != header_with_proof_value {
+                            panic!("Error: Unexpected FINDCONTENT response: didn't return expected header with proof value");
+                        }
+                        if utp_transfer {
+                            panic!("Error: Unexpected FINDCONTENT response: utp_transfer was supposed to be false");
+                        }
+                    },
+                    other => {
+                        panic!("Error: Unexpected FINDCONTENT response: {other:?}");
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error: Unable to get response from FINDCONTENT request: {err:?}");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+dyn_async! {
+    async fn test_find_nodes_distance_of_client_c<'a>(clients: Vec<Client>, _: Option<Vec<(String, String)>>) {
+        let (client_a, client_b, client_c) = match clients.iter().collect_tuple() {
+            Some((client_a, client_b, client_c)) => (client_a, client_b, client_c),
+            None => {
+                panic!("Unable to get expected amount of clients from NClientTestSpec");
+            }
+        };
+        let target_enr = match client_b.rpc.node_info().await {
+            Ok(node_info) => node_info.enr,
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error getting node info: {err:?}");
+            }
+        };
+        // We are adding client C to our list so we then can assume only one client per bucket
+        let client_c_enr = match client_c.rpc.node_info().await {
+            Ok(node_info) => node_info.enr,
+            Err(err) => {
+                panic!("Error getting node info: {err:?}");
+            }
+        };
+        // seed enr into routing table
+        match HistoryNetworkApiClient::add_enr(&client_b.rpc, client_c_enr.clone()).await {
+            Ok(response) => if !response {
+                panic!("AddEnr expected to get true and instead got false")
+            },
+            Err(err) => panic!("{}", &err.to_string()),
+        }
+        if let Some(distance) = XorMetric::distance(&target_enr.node_id().raw(), &client_c_enr.node_id().raw()).log2() {
+            match client_a.rpc.find_nodes(target_enr.clone(), vec![distance as u16]).await {
+                Ok(response) => {
+                    if response.is_empty() {
+                        panic!("FindNodes expected to have received a non-empty response");
+                    }
+                    if !response.contains(&client_c_enr) {
+                        panic!("FindNodes {distance} distance expected to contained seeded Enr");
+                    }
+                }
+                Err(err) => panic!("{}", &err.to_string()),
+            }
+        } else {
+            panic!("Distance calculation failed");
+        }
+    }