diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/camera_info.m b/wrappers/matlab/camera_info.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..071bc3cf25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/camera_info.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+classdef camera_info < int64
+ enumeration
+ name ( 0)
+ serial_number ( 1)
+ firmware_version ( 2)
+ recommended_firmware_version ( 3)
+ physical_port ( 4)
+ debug_op_code ( 5)
+ advanced_mode ( 6)
+ product_id ( 7)
+ camera_locked ( 8)
+ usb_type_descriptor ( 9)
+ count (10)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/depth_frame.m b/wrappers/matlab/depth_frame.m
index a275930505..61af9ae734 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/depth_frame.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/depth_frame.m
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
% Destructor (uses base class destructor)
% Functions
- function width = get_distance(this, x, y)
- realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::depth_frame', 'get_distance', this.objectHandle, int64(x), int64(y));
+ function distance = get_distance(this, x, y)
+ narginchk(3, 3);
+ validateattributes(x, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'x', 2);
+ validateattributes(y, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'y', 2);
+ distance = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::depth_frame', 'get_distance', this.objectHandle, int64(x), int64(y));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/depth_sensor.m b/wrappers/matlab/depth_sensor.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cee4c9eb2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/depth_sensor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 depth_sensor class
+classdef depth_sensor < sensor
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = depth_sensor(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.sensor(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function scale = get_depth_scale(this)
+ scale = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::depth_sensor', 'get_depth_scale', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ emd
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/depth_stereo_sensor.m b/wrappers/matlab/depth_stereo_sensor.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5a0eede42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/depth_stereo_sensor.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 depth_stereo_sensor class
+classdef depth_stereo_sensor < depth_sensor
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = depth_stereo_sensor(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.depth_sensor(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function scale = get_stereo_baseline(this)
+ scale = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::depth_stereo_sensor', 'get_stereo_baseline', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ emd
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/device.m b/wrappers/matlab/device.m
index f76481fcd5..8f074cebb0 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/device.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/device.m
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ function do_init(this)
% Constructor
function this = device(handle, index)
+ narginchk(1, 2);
+ validateattributes(handle, {'uint64'}, {'scalar'});
this.objectHandle = handle;
if (nargin == 1) % constructed from device
this.id = -1;
else % lazily "constructed" from device_list
- this.id = index;
+ validateattributes(index, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real', 'integer'});
+ this.id = int64(index);
% Destructor
@@ -40,37 +43,48 @@ function delete(this)
[sensor_array{1:nargout}] = arrayfun(@realsense.sensor, arr, 'UniformOutput', false);
function sensor = first(this, type)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ % C++ function validates contents of type
+ validateattributes(type, {'char', 'string'}, {'scalartext'}, '', 'type', 2);
out = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'first', this.objectHandle, type);
- switch (type)
- case 'sensor'
- sensor = realsense.sensor(out);
- case 'roi_sensor'
- sensor = realsense.roi_sensor(out);
- case 'depth_sensor'
- sensor = realsense.depth_sensor(out);
- end
+ sensor = realsense.sensor(out).as(type);
+ end
+ function value = supports(this, info)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(info, {'realsense.camera_info', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.camera_info.count}, '', 'info', 2);
+ this.do_init();
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'supports', this.objectHandle, int64(info));
+ end
+ function value = get_info(this, info)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(info, {'realsense.camera_info', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.camera_info.count}, '', 'info', 2);
+ this.do_init();
+ info = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'get_info', this.objectHandle, int64(info));
-% function value = supports(this, info)
-% this.do_init();
-% value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'supports', this.objectHandle, info);
-% end
-% function info = get_info(this, info) % TODO: name output var
-% this.do_init();
-% info = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'get_info', this.objectHandle, info);
-% end
function hardware_reset(this)
realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'hardware_reset', this.objectHandle);
function value = is(this, type)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ % C++ function validates contents of type
+ validateattributes(type, {'char', 'string'}, {'scalartext'}, '', 'type', 2);
out = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'is', this.objectHandle, type);
% function dev = as(this, type)
-% this.do_init();
-% out = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::device', 'as', this.objectHandle, type);
-% switch (type)
-% case ''
+% % validation and initialization done in is
+% if ~this.is(type)
+% error('cannot downcast dev to requested type');
+% end
+% switch type
+% case 'debug_protocol'
+% case 'advanced_mode'
+% case 'recorder'
+% realsense.recorder(this)
+% case 'playback'
+% end
+% end
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/disparity_frame.m b/wrappers/matlab/disparity_frame.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d30bae0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/disparity_frame.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 disparity_frame class
+classdef disparity_frame < realsense.depth_frame
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = disparity_frame(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.depth_frame(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function baseline = get_baseline(this)
+ baseline = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::disparity_frame', 'get_baseline', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/format.m b/wrappers/matlab/format.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c18925abaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/format.m
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+classdef format < int64
+ enumeration
+ any ( 0)
+ z16 ( 1)
+ disparity16 ( 2)
+ xyz32f ( 3)
+ yuyv ( 4)
+ rgb8 ( 5)
+ bgr8 ( 6)
+ rgba8 ( 7)
+ bgra8 ( 8)
+ y8 ( 9)
+ y16 (10)
+ raw10 (11)
+ raw16 (12)
+ raw8 (13)
+ uyvy (14)
+ motion_raw (15)
+ motion_xyz32f (16)
+ gpio_raw (17)
+ six_dof (18)
+ disparity32 (19)
+ count (20)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/frame.m b/wrappers/matlab/frame.m
index ebae82bcbd..21a0286e5d 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/frame.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/frame.m
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
% Constructor
function this = frame(handle)
- if nargin == 0
- handle = 0;
- end
+ validateattributes(handle, {'uint64'}, {'scalar'});
this.objectHandle = handle;
% Destructor
@@ -19,32 +17,36 @@ function delete(this)
% Functions
+ % TODO: keep
function timestamp = get_timestamp(this)
timestamp = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_timestamp', this.objectHandle);
function domain = get_frame_timestamp_domain(this)
- domain = realsense.frame_timestamp_domain(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_timestamp_domain', this.objectHandle));
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_timestamp_domain', this.objectHandle);
+ domain = realsense.timestamp_domain(ret);
function metadata = get_frame_metadata(this, frame_metadata)
- if (~isa(frame_metadata, 'frame_metadata'))
- error('frame_metadata must be a frame_metadata');
- end
- metadata = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_metadata', this.objectHandle, uint64(frame_metadata));
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(frame_metadata, {'realsense.frame_metadata_value', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.frame_metadata_value.count}, '', 'frame_metadata', 2);
+ metadata = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_metadata', this.objectHandle, int64(frame_metadata));
function value = supports_frame_metadata(this, frame_metadata)
- if (~isa(frame_metadata, 'frame_metadata'))
- error('frame_metadata must be a frame_metadata');
- end
- value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'supports_frame_metadata', this.objectHandle, uint64(frame_metadata));
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(frame_metadata, {'realsense.frame_metadata_value', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.frame_metadata_value.count}, '', 'frame_metadata', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'supports_frame_metadata', this.objectHandle, int64(frame_metadata));
function frame_number = get_frame_number(this)
- timestamp = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_number', this.objectHandle);
+ frame_number = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_frame_number', this.objectHandle);
function data = get_data(this)
data = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_data', this.objectHandle);
function profile = get_profile(this)
- profile = realsense.stream_profile(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_profile', this.objectHandle));
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frame', 'get_profile', this.objectHandle);
+ % TODO: stream_profile takes two args
+ profile = realsense.stream_profile(ret);
+ % TODO: is [frame, video_frame, points, depth_frame, disparity_frame, motion_frame, pose_frame, frameset]
+ % TODO: as [frame, video_frame, points, depth_frame, disparity_frame, motion_frame, pose_frame, frameset]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/frame_metadata_value.m b/wrappers/matlab/frame_metadata_value.m
index db1743ed74..d86ccafc73 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/frame_metadata_value.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/frame_metadata_value.m
@@ -1,13 +1,34 @@
-classdef frame_metadata_value < uint64
+classdef frame_metadata_value < int64
- Frame_Counter (0)
- Frame_Timestamp (1)
- Sensor_Timestamp (2)
- Actual_Exposure (3)
- Gain_Level (4)
- Auto_Exposure (5)
- White_Balance (6)
- Time_Of_Arrival (7)
- Count (8)
+ frame_counter ( 0)
+ frame_timestamp ( 1)
+ sensor_timestamp ( 2)
+ actual_exposure ( 3)
+ gain_level ( 4)
+ auto_exposure ( 5)
+ white_balance ( 6)
+ time_of_arrival ( 7)
+ temperature ( 8)
+ backend_timestamp ( 9)
+ actual_fps (10)
+ frame_laser_power (11)
+ frame_laser_power_mode (12)
+ exposure_priority (13)
+ exposure_roi_left (14)
+ exposure_roi_right (15)
+ exposure_roi_top (16)
+ exposure_roi_bottom (17)
+ brightness (18)
+ contrast (19)
+ saturation (20)
+ sharpness (21)
+ auto_white_balance_temperature (22)
+ backlight_compensation (23)
+ hue (24)
+ gamma (25)
+ manual_white_balance (26)
+ power_line_frequency (27)
+ low_light_compensation (28)
+ count (29)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/frameset.m b/wrappers/matlab/frameset.m
index 5b788ffb46..008509074b 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/frameset.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/frameset.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% Wraps librealsense2 video_frame class
+% Wraps librealsense2 frameset class
classdef frameset < realsense.frame
% Constructor
@@ -10,25 +10,32 @@
% Functions
function frame = first_or_default(this, s)
- if (~isa(s, 'stream'))
- error('s must be a stream');
- end
- frame = realsense.frame(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'first_or_default', this.objectHandle, uint64_t(s)));
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(s, {'realsense.stream', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.stream.count}, '', 's', 2);
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'first_or_default', this.objectHandle, int64_t(s));
+ frame = realsense.frame(ret);
function frame = first(this, s)
- if (~isa(s, 'stream'))
- error('s must be a stream');
- end
- frame = realsense.frame(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'first', this.objectHandle, uint64_t(s)));
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(s, {'realsense.stream', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.stream.count}, '', 's', 2);
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'first', this.objectHandle, int64_t(s));
+ frame = realsense.frame(ret);
function depth_frame = get_depth_frame(this)
- depth_frame = realsense.depth_frame(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_depth_frame', this.objectHandle));
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_depth_frame', this.objectHandle);
+ depth_frame = realsense.depth_frame(ret);
- function video_frame = get_color_frame(this)
- video_frame = realsense.video_frame(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_color_frame', this.objectHandle));
+ function color_frame = get_color_frame(this)
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_color_frame', this.objectHandle);
+ color_frame = realsense.video_frame(ret);
+ function infrared_frame = get_infrared_frame(this)
+ ret = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_infrared_frame', this.objectHandle);
+ infrared_frame = realsense.video_frame(ret);
+ enda
function size = get_size(this)
size = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::frameset', 'get_size', this.objectHandle);
+ % TODO: iterator protocol?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj b/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj
index d01c4bc709..5c0a6ab7ec 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj
@@ -162,21 +162,33 @@
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj.filters b/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj.filters
index f9a384d89d..80927081a4 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/librealsense_mex.vcxproj.filters
@@ -94,5 +94,41 @@
Matlab Files\Examples
+ Matlab Files\Enums
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Enums
+ Matlab Files\Enums
+ Matlab Files\Classes
+ Matlab Files\Classes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/motion_frame.m b/wrappers/matlab/motion_frame.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57ab5bbaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/motion_frame.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 motion_frame class
+classdef motion_frame < realsense.frame
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = motion_frame(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.frame(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function motion_data = get_motion_data(this)
+ motion_data = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::motion_frame', 'get_motion_data', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/motion_stream_profile.m b/wrappers/matlab/motion_stream_profile.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb16e11b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/motion_stream_profile.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 motion_stream_profile class
+classdef motion_stream_profile < realsense.stream_profile
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = motion_stream_profile(ownHandle, handle)
+ this = this@realsense.stream_profile(ownHandle, handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function motion_intrinsics = get_motion_intrinsics(this)
+ intrinsics = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::motion_stream_profile', 'get_motion_intrinsics', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/option.m b/wrappers/matlab/option.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed91a14c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/option.m
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+classdef option < int64
+ enumeration
+ backlight_compensation ( 0)
+ brightness ( 1)
+ contrast ( 2)
+ exposure ( 3)
+ gain ( 4)
+ gamma ( 5)
+ hue ( 6)
+ saturation ( 7)
+ sharpness ( 8)
+ white_balance ( 9)
+ enable_auto_exposure (10)
+ enable_auto_white_balance (11)
+ visual_preset (12)
+ laser_power (13)
+ accuracy (14)
+ motion_range (15)
+ filter_option (16)
+ confidence_threshold (17)
+ emitter_enabled (18)
+ frames_queue_size (19)
+ total_frame_drops (20)
+ auto_exposure_mode (21)
+ power_line_frequency (22)
+ asic_temperature (23)
+ error_polling_enabled (24)
+ projector_temperature (25)
+ output_trigger_enabled (26)
+ motion_module_temperature (27)
+ depth_units (28)
+ enable_motion_correction (29)
+ auto_exposure_priority (30)
+ color_scheme (31)
+ histogram_equalization_enabled (32)
+ min_distance (33)
+ max_distance (34)
+ texture_source (35)
+ filter_magnitude (36)
+ filter_smooth_alpha (37)
+ filter_smooth_delta (38)
+ holes_fill (39)
+ stereo_baseline (40)
+ auto_exposure_converge_step (41)
+ inter_cam_sync_mode (42)
+ count (43)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/options.m b/wrappers/matlab/options.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b74100e5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/options.m
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 options class
+classdef options < handle
+ properties (SetAccess = protected, Hidden = true)
+ objectHandle;
+ end
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = options(handle)
+ validateattributes(handle, {'uint64'}, {'scalar'});
+ this.objectHandle = handle;
+ end
+ % Destructor
+ function delete(this)
+ if this.objectHandle ~= 0
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'delete', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
+ % Functions
+ function value = supports_option(this, option)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'supports#rs2_option', this.objectHandle, int64(option));
+ end
+ function option_description = get_option_description(this, option)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ option_description = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'get_option_description', this.objectHandle, int64(option));
+ end
+ function option_value_description = get_option_value_description(this, option, val)
+ narginchk(3, 3);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real'}, '', 'val', 3);
+ option_value_description = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'get_option_value_description', this.objectHandle, int64(option), double(val));
+ end
+ function value = get_option(this, option)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'get_option', this.objectHandle, int64(option));
+ end
+ function option_range = get_option_range(this, option)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ option_range = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'get_option_range', this.objectHandle, int64(option));
+ end
+ function set_option(this, option, val)
+ narginchk(3, 3);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real'}, '', 'val', 3);
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'set_option', this.objectHandle, int64(option), double(val));
+ end
+ function value = is_option_read_only(this, option)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(option, {'realsense.option', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.option.count}, '', 'option', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::options', 'is_option_read_only', this.objectHandle, int64(option));
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/points.m b/wrappers/matlab/points.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03e33c79ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/points.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 points class
+classdef points < realsense.frame
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = points(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.frame(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function vertcies = get_vertices(this)
+ vertices = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::points', 'get_vertices', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function export_to_ply(this, fname, texture)
+ narginchk(3, 3)
+ validateattributes(fname, {'char'}, {'scalartext', 'nonempty'}, '', 'fname', 2);
+ validateattributes(texture, {'realsense.frame'}, {'scalar'}, '', 'texture', 3);
+ if ~texture.is('video_frame')
+ error('Expected input number 3, texture, to be a video_frame');
+ end
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::points', 'export_to_ply', this.objectHandle, fname, texture.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function texture_coordinates = get_texture_coordinates(this)
+ texture_coordinates = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::points', 'get_texture_coordinates', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function s = size(this)
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::points', 'size', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/pose_frame.m b/wrappers/matlab/pose_frame.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a53b6ef4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/pose_frame.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 pose_frame class
+classdef pose_frame < realsense.frame
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = pose_frame(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.frame(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function pose_data = get_pose_data(this)
+ pose_data = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::pose_frame', 'get_pose_data', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/roi_sensor.m b/wrappers/matlab/roi_sensor.m
index 4f91a56259..45465de372 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/roi_sensor.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/roi_sensor.m
@@ -1,2 +1,38 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 roi_sensor class
classdef roi_sensor < sensor
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = roi_sensor(handle)
+ this = this@realsense.sensor(handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function set_region_of_interest(this, roi)
+ narginchk(2, 2)
+ validateattributes(roi, {'struct'}, {'scalar'}, '', 'roi', 2);
+ if ~isfield(roi, 'min_x')
+ error('Expected input number 2, roi, to have a min_x field');;
+ end
+ validateattributes(roi.min_x, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'roi.min_x', 2);
+ if ~isfield(roi, 'min_y')
+ error('Expected input number 2, roi, to have a min_y field');;
+ end
+ validateattributes(roi.min_y, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'roi.min_y', 2);
+ if ~isfield(roi, 'max_x')
+ error('Expected input number 2, roi, to have a max_x field');;
+ end
+ validateattributes(roi.max_x, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'roi.max_x', 2);
+ if ~isfield(roi, 'max_y')
+ error('Expected input number 2, roi, to have a min_x field');;
+ end
+ validateattributes(roi.max_y, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'roi.max_y', 2);
+ input = struct('min_x', int64(roi.min_x), 'min_y', int64(roi.min_y), 'max_x', int64(max_x), 'max_y', int64(max_y));
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::roi_sensor', 'set_region_of_interest', this.objectHandle, input);
+ end
+ function roi = get_region_of_interest(this)
+ roi = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::roi_sensor', 'get_region_of_interest', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ emd
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/sensor.m b/wrappers/matlab/sensor.m
index aa53c11a49..7413904eca 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/sensor.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/sensor.m
@@ -1,21 +1,47 @@
% Wraps librealsense2 sensor class
-classdef sensor < handle
- properties (SetAccess = protected, Hidden = true)
- objectHandle;
- end
+classdef sensor < realsense.options
% Constructor
function this = sensor(handle)
- this.objectHandle = handle;
+ this = this@realsense.options(handle);
- % Destructor
- function delete(this)
- if (this.objectHandle ~= 0)
- realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'delete', this.objectHandle);
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function open(this, profiles)
+ narginchk(2, 2)
+ validateattributes(profiles, {'realsense.stream_profile'}, {'nonempty', 'vector'}, '', 'profiles', 2);
+ if isscalar(profiles)
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'open#stream_profile', this.objectHandle, profiles.objectHandle);
+ else
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'open#vec_stream_profile', this.objectHandle, profiles);
+ function value = supports_camera_info(this, info)
+ narginchk(2, 2)
+ validateattributes(info, {'realsense.camera_info', 'numeric'},{'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.camera_info.count}, '', 'info', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'supports#rs2_camera_info', this.objectHandle, int64(info));
+ end
+ function value = get_info(this, info)
+ narginchk(2, 2)
+ validateattributes(info, {'realsense.camera_info', 'numeric'},{'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.camera_info.count}, '', 'info', 2);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'get_info', this.objectHandle, int64(info));
+ end
+ function close(this)
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'close', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ % TODO: start [frame_queue, etc?]
+ function stop(this)
+ realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'stop', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function profiles = get_stream_profiles(this)
+ profiles = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::sensor', 'get_stream_profiles', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ % TODO: is [sensor, roi_sensor, depth_sensor, depth_stereo_sensor]
+ % TODO: as [sensor, roi_sensor, depth_sensor, depth_stereo_sensor]
- % Functions
+ % Operators
+ % TODO: operator==
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/stream.m b/wrappers/matlab/stream.m
index 3c34699dd8..401489654a 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/stream.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/stream.m
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-classdef stream < uint64
+classdef stream < int64
- Any (0)
- Depth (1)
- Color (2)
- Infrared (3)
- Fisheye (4)
- Gyro (5)
- Accel (6)
- Gpio (7)
- Count (8)
+ any ( 0)
+ depth ( 1)
+ color ( 2)
+ infrared ( 3)
+ fisheye ( 4)
+ gyro ( 5)
+ accel ( 6)
+ gpio ( 7)
+ pose ( 8)
+ confidence ( 9)
+ count (10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/stream_profile.m b/wrappers/matlab/stream_profile.m
index 9ebedc7af0..dbc59a8003 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/stream_profile.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/stream_profile.m
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
% Wraps librealsense2 stream_profile class
classdef stream_profile < handle
- properties (SetAccess = private, Hidden = true)
+ properties (SetAccess = protected, Hidden = true)
% Constructor
function this = stream_profile(ownHandle, handle)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(ownHandle, {'uint64'}, {'scalar'});
+ validateattributes(handle, {'uint64'}, {'scalar'});
this.objectOwnHandle = ownHandle;
this.objectHandle = handle;
@@ -21,20 +24,45 @@ function delete(this)
function index = stream_index(this)
index = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'stream_index', this.objectHandle);
- % TODO: stream_type, format
+ function type = stream_type(this)
+ type = realsense.stream(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'stream_type', this.objectHandle));
+ end
+ function fmt = format(this)
+ fmt = realsense.format(realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'format', this.objectHandle));
+ end
function f = fps(this)
- f = realsense.librealsense_mex('re2::stream_profile', 'fps', this.objectHandle);
+ f = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'fps', this.objectHandle);
function id = unique_id(this)
- id = realsense.librealsense_mex('re2::stream_profile', 'unique_id', this.objectHandle);
+ id = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'unique_id', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function profile = clone(this, type, index, fmt)
+ narginchk(4, 4);
+ validateattributes(type, {'realsense.stream', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.stream.count}, '', 'type', 2);
+ validateattributes(index, {'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer'}, '', 'index', 3);
+ validateattributes(fmt, {'realsense.format', 'numeric'}, {'scalar', 'nonnegative', 'real', 'integer', '<=', realsense.format.count}, '', 'fmt', 4);
+ out = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'clone', this.objectHandle, int64(type), int64(index), int64(fmt));
+ % TODO: stream_profile gets two args
+ realsense.stream_profile(out);
- % TODO: clone
+ % TODO: is [stream_profile, video_stream_profile, motion_stream_profile]
+ % TODO: as [stream_profile, video_stream_profile, motion_stream_profile]
function name = stream_name(this)
- id = realsense.librealsense_mex('re2::stream_profile', 'stream_name', this.objectHandle);
+ id = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'stream_name', this.objectHandle);
function value = is_default(this)
- value = realsense.librealsense_mex('re2::stream_profile', 'is_default', this.objectHandle);
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'is_default', this.objectHandle);
- % TODO: get_extrinsics_to
+ function extrinsics = get_extrinsics_to(this, to)
+ narginchk(2, 2);
+ validateattributes(to, {'realsense.stream_profile'}, {'scalar'}, '', 'to', 2);
+ extrinsics = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'get_extrinsics_to', this.objectHandle, to.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function value = is_cloned(this)
+ value = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::stream_profile', 'is_cloned', this.objectHandle)
+ end
+ % Operators
+ % TODO: operator==
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/timestamp_domain.m b/wrappers/matlab/timestamp_domain.m
index 989fa61e8c..37a4fc39c3 100644
--- a/wrappers/matlab/timestamp_domain.m
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/timestamp_domain.m
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-classdef timestamp_domain < uint64
+classdef timestamp_domain < int64
- Hardware_Clock (0)
- System_Time (1)
- Count (2)
+ hardware_clock (0)
+ system_time (1)
+ count (2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wrappers/matlab/video_stream_profile.m b/wrappers/matlab/video_stream_profile.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..227a607567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wrappers/matlab/video_stream_profile.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Wraps librealsense2 video_stream_profile class
+classdef video_stream_profile < realsense.stream_profile
+ methods
+ % Constructor
+ function this = video_stream_profile(ownHandle, handle)
+ this = this@realsense.stream_profile(ownHandle, handle);
+ end
+ % Destructor (uses base class destructor)
+ % Functions
+ function w = width(this)
+ w = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::video_stream_profile', 'width', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function h = heigh(this)
+ h = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::video_stream_profile', 'height', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ function intrinsics = get_intrinsics(this)
+ intrinsics = realsense.librealsense_mex('rs2::video_stream_profile', 'get_intrinsics', this.objectHandle);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file