This repository contains the SDK for developers to utilize in order to easily assemble blockchain calls to interact with the endaoment ecosystem as well as interface with Endaoment APIs in order to fetch information on Organizations.
This TypeScript/JavaScript client utilizes Fetch API. The module can be used in the following environments:
🌎 Environment
- Node.js
- Webpack
- Browserify
🗣️ Language level
- ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
- ES6
⚙️ Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript. In TypeScript, the definition should be automatically resolved via package.json
. (Reference)
Navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run the following commands.
yarn install @endaoment/sdk
In order to use the functionality available in the library, you must then import EndaomentSdkApi
from the library and instantiate it.
const api = new EndaomentSdkApi()
Optionally, you can pass a Configuration object when you create the variable in order to add things like middleware or to choose which network to use.
const apiConfig = new Configuration({ network: "goerli" })
const api = new EndaomentSdkApi(apiConfig)
Going from there, you will be able to access the available functionalities simply by accessing methods on that object.
api.[functionality to execute]()
This call will result in something like:
name: "Sostento Inc",
ein: "843739888",
contractAddress: "0x9ee4718e6cae47c9ac0ee1cb459332698c3fd25d",
description: "Our mission is to save lives by supporting organizations that serve on the frontline of public health emergencies.",
endaomentUrl: "",
nteeCode: "S02",
nteeDescription: "Management & Technical Assistance",
name: "Open Source Election Technology Institute",
ein: "208743186",
name: "Rock the Vote",
ein: "020767157",
Since this functionality is paginated, it accepts the arguments of count
and offset
name: 'sostento',
nteeMajorCodes: undefined // Optional, go from A to Z single letter only
This call will result in something like:
name: "Sostento Inc",
ein: "843739888",
contractAddress: "0x9ee4718e6cae47c9ac0ee1cb459332698c3fd25d",
description: "Our mission is to save lives by supporting organizations that serve on the frontline of public health emergencies.",
endaomentUrl: "",
nteeCode: "S02",
nteeDescription: "Management & Technical Assistance",
name: "Open Source Election Technology Institute",
ein: "208743186",
name: "Rock the Vote",
ein: "020767157",
You can find the full list of NTEE Codes over here.
Since this functionality is paginated, it accepts the arguments of count
and offset
ein: '020767157' // Deploying Org with this EIN
Executing this will return you the Contract Address you must interact with in the to
field and the calldata you must provide it in the data
field. The client's provider is responsible for executing this transaction with the data provided.
This call will result in something like:
data: "0xa60fe71d3635313031313939390000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
to: "0x10fd9348136dcea154f752fe0b6db45fc298a589",
value: "0"
or in the case that the EIN is invalid, it will look like:
error: "Not Found",
message: "Could not find org with EIN 123456789",
statusCode: 404
ein: '020767157', // Donating to Org with this EIN
amountIn: '100000000', // Donating 100 USDC
Executing this will return you a full quote to swap any ERC-20 to USDC and donate it to the supplied Org. In order to execute the donation, you must have the client's provider execute a Contract Interaction with the given to
address and provide it with the data
field as calldata.
This call will result in something like:
to: "0xc8457e21c1beafe5473fc9a318bfc7fe95db1f62",
data: "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",
value: "100000000",
quote: {
priceImpact: 100,
expectedUsdc: "0",
minimumTolerableUsdc: "0"
or in the case that the EIN is invalid, it will look like:
error: "Not Found",
message: "Could not find org with EIN 123456789",
statusCode: 404
This error is due to your environment not having fetch functionality available. It is very important to note that fetch is available in most modern browsers or on Node 18+. In order to use it you will either have to move your project into one of these environments (if its feasible to do so) or install a polyfill for it.
This is most likely caused by an incorrect configuration object being supplied to the EndaomentSdkApi
class. Please make sure to instantiate it by providing a Configuration
class as a parameter, you can import this from the SDK module.
This is most likely caused by an incorrect configuration object being supplied to the EndaomentSdkApi
class. Please make sure to instantiate it by providing a Configuration
class as a parameter, you can import this from the SDK module.
While there is many possible causes for this particular problem, it is most likely due to an issue with the connection between the client sending the requests and the Endaoment API. Please check your internet connection to make sure all is well. If that does not resolve the issue, there may be a problem occurring with a hosting provider or the API itself.
Please take note that most of the content in this library is automatically generated using an OpenAPI generator. In order to update descriptions or add new functionality, please refer back to the SDK module on Endaoment's backend.
To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
yarn build
First build the package then run yarn publish