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killme2008 edited this page Mar 8, 2013 · 49 revisions

#Metaq release notes ##Metaq 1.4.4更新日志 1.配置变更: ** 添加新选项stat,可设置全局是否开启实时统计,默认为false

** 添加新选项updateConsumerOffsets,当消费者的offset不在Broker的数据范围内,是否强制更新消费者的offset为当前最大offset。默认为false

** 添加新选项loadMessageStoresInParallel,是否在启动的时候并行加载数据,提高启动速度。

2.协议变更: **put协议添加checksum,服务端将根据checksum校验producer发送的消息数据是否完整。 **sync协议新增checksum,类似put **stats协议新增reset和help命令,分别用于重设实时统计数据和打印帮助信息。

3.易用性改进: **新增local模式启动服务器,它将启动一个内置的zookeeper服务器并启动metaq服务器,方便用户测试开发。生产环境仍然建议用单独的zookeeper集群。

./ start local

**添加服务端启动时的配置参数校验,帮助检查配置错误。 **metaServer.sh新增slave-status命令,用于查看异步复制状态。

4.性能改进: **改进group commit实现


##Metaq 1.4.3 release notes

1.Impl a ruby client for metaq

2.Improved python client for metaq

3.Added two new options in server.ini: acceptPublish and acceptSubscribe to control whether the broker or topic can accept messages from producer or accept subscription from consumer. Note:these options only influence the new clients(1.4.3) behavior,old clients will not be influenced.

4.Make stopping broker more friendly by JMX instead of kill.

5.Other small changes: upgrade gecko to 1.1.1 and quartz to 2.1.4 version;internal refactoring and added integration test.

Metaq 1.4.2 release notes

1.Adds new api to get partitions for topic in MessageSessionFactory:

  public List<Partition> getPartitionsForTopic(String topic)

2.Copy new topics config from master to asynchronous slave broker automatically.A new option in to control :


3.Adds new api to get statistics from broker in MessageSessionFactory

  public Map<InetSocketAddress, StatsResult> getStats() throws InterruptedException;
  public Map<InetSocketAddress, StatsResult> getStats(String item) throws InterruptedException;
  public StatsResult getStats(InetSocketAddress target) throws InterruptedException;
  public StatsResult getStats(InetSocketAddress target, String item) throws InterruptedException;

4.Merge tools and server-wrapper projects,provide a powerful script to manage broker.

5.Provides bat script to run broker on windows.

6.Adds a new contrib project meta-python -- metaq client for python,it only supports sending message now.

7.Adds a new stat item config,you can use stat config to get broker's config file content.

8.Other small changes,including statistics improvement etc.

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