This is a list of tasks/activities that are useful or necessary to know while working on the Kogito operator. This document is written in an order that is recommended to be worked through chronologically as a new Kogito operator developer.
To run the operator, you will need to have a Kubernetes cluster to work with. We recommend using CRC or minikube to run a local cluster to develop the operator with.
CRC (CodeReady Containers) allows you to have a locally running OpenShift container on your machine. This article gives you a good overview of the product as well where to download it and ensure that it works. You will need to create a Red Hat account to download CRC. It should be noted that CRC can be a very demanding application and require a lot of resources to run smoothly. The official documentation states their hardware requirements as such:
- 4 physical CPU cores
- 9 GB of free memory
- 35 GB of storage space
From our developers' experience, we would recommend having more memory if possible (16+ GB) so that you have extra memory to run your other development applications (browser, IDE, builds, etc.).
To get the command to login as an admin, you can use crc console --credentials
minikube provides an alternative to CRC if you do not have a device capable of running CRC. The "Getting Started" guide for minikube suggests the following system requirements:
- 2 CPUs
- 2 GB of free memory
- 20 GB of free disk space
minikube can be deployed as a VM or container.
We suggest deploying it as a container for a faster startup time
(<1m for container vs. >2m for VM). To do so, Docker must
be installed. Once you have done so, minikube can be
deployed as a container with minikube start --driver=docker
To deploy using a VM, KVM2 is the recommended virtualization
software for minikube. Once installed, minikube can be
deployed as a VM with minikube start --driver=kvm2
To set your default minikube driver, you can use minikube config set driver [docker|kvm2]
such that for future launches,
minikube start
will suffice and use your preferred driver.
You will also need to install kubectl.
The operator requires some dependencies in order to run. The following dependencies are copied from the operator's README. Please ensure that they are up-to-date and still match. Following are the specific installation commands/links for Fedora:
Go, Golint, Python 3.x, CEKit:
sudo dnf install go python3 python3-pip cekit
go install
On other Linux distributions, it is advised to install CEKit
using venv
- Docker
- Operator SDK v1.21.0
- make sure to set
to v1.21.0:export OPERATOR_SDK_DL_URL=
- make sure to set
- Golangci-lint
To test that your changes to the operator works, you will usually want to deploy a Kogito application to Kubernetes. To do so, you will need to compile a Kogito example, and there are some dependencies to do so. The following dependencies are copied from the process-quarkus-example's README. Please ensure that they are up-to-date and still match. Following are the specific installation commands/links for Fedora:
- Maven:
sudo dnf install maven
- GraalVM
- set
environment variable - Native Image compilation
(after installing GraalVM)
gu install native-image sudo dnf install gcc glibc-devel zlib-devel libstdc++-static
- set
To test that your changes to the operator work, you will want to be able to run your modified operator locally. To do this, you will need to apply some CRD's/YAML's.
First, start your local Kubernetes cluster and create a new namespace.
crc start
crc console --credentials # run the admin login command
oc new-project kogito # create and switch to "kogito" namespace
minikube start --driver=docker
kubectl create namespace kogito
# set all future kubectl commands in the minikube cluster to apply to the "kogito" namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kogito
After this, you can run these commands from the base directory of your cloned operator repository:
make install
DEBUG=true make run
In future runs, only DEBUG=true make run
needs to be run.
But if no changes were made to the api/
folder, DEBUG=true go run main.go
can be run for a faster startup time.
To test that your changes to the operator works, you will usually want to deploy a Kogito application to Kubernetes. To do so, you will need to first compile a Kogito example.
You can compile Quarkus Kogito applications into either a JAR file or a native executable. The native executable packages all the Java classes and its dependencies into the executable and allows for a quicker startup and lower memory usage in exchange for a longer build time. You can read more about native images in GraalVM's docs. Spring Boot Kogito applications can only be compiled into a JAR.
Instructions to build specific examples can be found in the
README for each example. Generally speaking, JAR's are
compiled with mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
and native executables are
compiled with mvn clean package -Pnative -DskipTests=true
(GraalVM must be
installed with native image compilation). To build with
additional profile options (e.g. persistence or events), you
can separate the profiles with commas: mvn clean package -Pnative,persistence,events -DskipTests=true
Note: The Kogito operator must be running in the current namespace in order for the examples to be deployed onto Kubernetes. See the section Running Operator Locally for more information on how to do this.
Note: Deploying via CLI only works if you are running CRC.
You can build and install the Kogito CLI by running make install-cli
in the base directory of your cloned operator repository.
This will compile the CLI binary to $GOPATH/bin
or $HOME/go/bin
if the GOPATH
environment variable is not set. To ensure that you can run
the binary, add $GOPATH/bin
to your PATH
environment variable.
To deploy, ensure that you have CRC installed/started (crc start
) and are logged in (get your login command with crc console --credentials
You can create and switch to a new namespace with oc new-project [namespace name]
With the Kogito CLI, there are many ways to deploy an
application. You can see all the various deployment options
using kogito deploy-service -h
deploy-service will create a new Kogito service in the Project context.
Providing a directory containing a pom.xml file in root will upload the whole directory for s2i build on the cluster.
Providing a dmn/drl/bpmn/bpmn2 file or a directory containing one or more of those files as [SOURCE] will create a s2i build on the cluster.
Providing a target directory (from mvn package) as [SOURCE] will directly upload the application binaries.
kogito deploy-service NAME [SOURCE] [flags]
You can categorize deployments into S2I (source-to-image) or binary. Each will be covered each now.
This is the type of deployment you will most likely be using most often if you are deploying from the CLI for development purposes. Binary deployments allow you to reuse the binary (JAR or native executable) you have already compiled locally.
To deploy a binary build, you must first be in the example
folder where you compiled the binary. In the example folder, there
should be a target/
folder that contains your JAR or
native executable. To deploy the binary, you can simply run
kogito deploy-service [app name] target
It is unlikely that you will be using S2I builds frequently for operator development as it takes longer to build on CRC, and it will have to build each time you want to deploy. Nonetheless, it is still good to know how to deploy this way.
Deploying Directory
This corresponds to Providing a directory containing a pom.xml file in root will upload the whole directory for s2i build on the cluster.
# deploying local folder
kogito deploy-service process-quarkus-example kogito-examples/process-quarkus-example
# deploying example from web
kogito deploy-service process-quarkus-example --context-dir process-quarkus-example
Deploying Single File
This corresponds to Providing a dmn/drl/bpmn/bpmn2 file or a directory containing one or more of those files as [SOURCE] will create a s2i build on the cluster.
# deploying local BPMN2 files
kogito deploy-service process-quarkus-example kogito-examples/process-quarkus-example/src/main/resources/org/kie/kogito/examples
# deploying BPMN2 file from web
kogito deploy-service process-quarkus-example
While deploying via CLI is somewhat convenient, deploying via image/YAML is the recommended method of deployment and the only available method if you are using minikube.
The first step to deploying this way is building the image
with Docker. The instructions to do this can be found in the
folder of the operator in the quarkus-jvm.Dockerfile
and springboot.Dockerfile
depending on the runtime of the application you're trying to
build. You will need to setup a Quay
account (or any other image registry) and login to it on Docker using docker login
Once your built image is pushed to Quay, you can now deploy the application onto Kubernetes.
By default, new images pushed to Quay are setup as a prviate repository. You must go onto Quay and change the settings for the image to be public.
The YAML to deploy the application varies depending on the specific
requirements of it. In all cases, you deploy the YAML using
the command oc apply -f [YAML file name]
for CRC or kubectl apply -f [YAML file name]
In the simplest case, no KogitoInfra
or KogitoSupportingService
are required. For example, process-quarkus-example
without persistence/events enabled. The YAML for this case
can be found in
in the operator:
kind: KogitoRuntime
name: process-quarkus-example
replicas: 1
image:[Quay username]/process-quarkus-example
An example of deploying with a KogitoInfra
would deploying
the process-quarkus-example
with persistence enabled. The YAML for this case
can be found in
in the operator:
# Infinispan operator should be pre-installed in namespace
# And have installed an Infinispan server named "kogito-infinispan" in the same namespace of the Kogito resources
# Follow these instructions to setup the Infinispan server:
kind: KogitoInfra
name: kogito-infinispan-infra
kind: Infinispan
name: kogito-infinispan
kind: KogitoRuntime
name: example-quarkus
# see the quarkus-jvm.Dockerfile in this directory to know how to build your image locally
image:[Quay username]/process-quarkus-example:latest
- kogito-infinispan-infra
Ensure that the Infinispan operator is installed in the namespace as
the comments in the YAML mention, and the image is built
with the -Ppersistence
flag. The comments also mention that
an Infinispan server is required and link to these instructions to do so.
An example YAML you could do this with is:
kind: Infinispan
name: kogito-infinispan
replicas: 1
Once your application has been deployed to Kubernetes, you will often want to check whether it is working properly by sending a request to it via an endpoint. To do so, it must be exposed.
In CRC, a route will automatically be created for the
service so that the application is automatically exposed.
You can find the URL for all your applications using oc get routes
where the URL's will be listed under the HOST/PORT
For minikube, one way to expose the service is with a NodePort. You can do so by using the following commands:
# get the name of the deployment
kubectl get deployment
# expose deployment
kubectl expose deployment [deployment name] --type=NodePort --name=[deployment name]-np
# open URL in default browser
minikube service [deployment name]-np -n kogito
Note that the Kogito application may not have an HTML page to open at the URL, but the command will still output the URL which you can then use to test endpoints.
Certain parts of the operator will need to query a Kogito application's URL, and so the operator needs to retrieve this URL somehow. For end users that are running the Kogito operator inside the cluster, the operator can take advantage of Kubernetes' DNS and use URL's that are internal to the cluster.
However for developers running the Kogito operator
locally, the operator will not be able to access the
internal URL's. Thus when running the operator locally, the
environment variable
must be set after exposing the Kogito application. To do
this, you should stop the locally-running operator, run the
following command and then restart the operator:
export LOCAL_KOGITO_SERVICE_URL=[exposed Kogito application URL]
The operator repository is composed of many folders. This section will cover the general purpose of each:
- Definition for custom Kogito resources/types.bundle/
- Required by OLM. Contains the metadata, manifests, and current CRD version.cmd/
- Code for Kogito CLI.config/
- Files for Kustomize.controllers/
- Code for operator's controllers (a controller watches a specific resource type).core/
- Bulk of operator's
- Docs for Kogito developers.examples/
- Example YAML files for deployment onto Kubernetes.hack/
- Various shell scripts formake
- Internal Go routines not meant to be exposed or imported by other apps.meta/
- Contains scheme and type registrations used by Kubernetes client.modules/
- Modules used to build the operator image using CEKit.profiling/
- Files used to profile the operator.test/
- Code for BDD tests.version/
- Code for operator version.
Once you have made changes to the operator, you will want to test if they work. One way to ensure that the operator is running the changes you made is to add a custom log/debug message. I will now walk you through adding one and parsing the logs for it.
The operator uses a Logger
object to output log messages.
Various Kogito objects will each have their own Logger
property/object. To output a log message in the file that
you are working on, search for the word Log
to see if
there is another function that uses it that you can copy.
In this section, we will just add a simple log message to
the KogitoRuntime
reconcile loop. In the Reconcile()
function of controllers/kogitoruntime_controller.go
simply add log.Debug("test debug log")
anywhere in the
function after the log
object is defined.
We will now run the operator to see if we can see our custom log message. See the sections Running Operator Locally, Building Examples and Deploying Examples to Kubernetes for running the operator and deploying a Kogito application.
If all was successful, you should see something like the following in your operator log:
[time] DEBUG kogitoruntime_controllers.DEBUG test debug log {"name": "[app name]", "namespace": "[namespace]"}
If you have a terminal with scrollback and a find function,
you can search for your log message that way. Else, you can
also run your operator with DEBUG=true make run 2>&1 | tee operator.log
. tee
outputs the operator log to both your
terminal and operator.log
where you can then parse through
the logs in operator.log
At times, you will want to step through the code to figure
out a bug or ensure that something is working. To do this,
you will need a Go debugger. It is recommended that you use Delve.
Ensure that your GOPATH
environment variable is set (see the section about installing the
Kogito CLI).
You can find instructions for setting up Delve for the following IDE's:
You can also debug from the command line using dlv debug main.go
The Kogito project uses Jira to track and manage its various bugs/issues/feature requests. You can find unresolved operator-specific tickets here. You will need to create a Red Hat account (you should have one from downloading CRC) to access all the features of the Jira board.
You can also bring up concerns/talk to Kogito developers about tasks on the Kogito Zulip community chat.
Once you have completed a Jira ticket and are ready to
submit it, make sure to run make before-pr
to ensure your
code is ready to submit. You should also add an entry to the
release notes
with your Jira description. Be sure to consult the README
and PR checklist
for other PR requirements.