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Onboarding Sample Service


This is the main onboarding service that exposes a single REST endpoint to onboard new employees.

The service is defined using a combination of 3 business processes to describe the steps required to onboard new employees. This includes one main process that serves as the overall entry point and two sub-processes to handle the interaction with HR and payroll.

Installing and Running

Compile and Run in Local Dev Mode

mvn clean package quarkus:dev    

Compile and Run using Local Native Image

Note that the following configuration property needs to be added to in order to enable automatic registration of META-INF/services entries required by the workflow engine:

Note that this requires GRAALVM_HOME to point to a valid GraalVM installation

mvn clean package -Pnative

To run the generated native executable, generated in target/, execute:

./target/onboarding-runner -Dquarkus.http.port=8080 -Dorg.acme.kogito.onboarding.local=true

Please note the additional parameter to specify you are running the service locally. When running this service inside kubernetes, it would take advantage of the service lookup feature to find other required service using labels (which isn't available when running locally).

Running with persistence enabled

Kogito runtime supports multiple persistence types, including Infinispan. In order to use the Infinispan based persistence, you need to have an Infinispan server installed and available over the network. The default configuration, expects the server to be running on:


If you need to change it, you can do so by updating the file located in src/main/resources.

You can install Infinispan server by downloading version 12.x from the official website.

Once Inifispan is up and running you can build this project with -Ppersistence to enable additional processing during the build. Next you start it in exact same way as without persistence.

This extra profile in maven configuration adds additional dependencies needed to work with Infinispan as persistent store.

OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation

Specification at

You can take a look at the OpenAPI definition - automatically generated and included in this service - to determine all available operations exposed by this service. For easy readability you can visualize the OpenAPI definition file using a UI tool like for example available Swagger UI .

In addition, various clients to interact with this service can be easily generated using this OpenAPI definition.

When running in Quarkus development mode, we also leverage the Quarkus OpenAPI extension that exposes Swagger UI that you can use to look at available REST endpoints and send test requests.


Once the services are up and running, you can use the following example to interact with the service.

POST /onboarding

To start a new onboarding for the given employee, use following sample request:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"employee" : {"firstName" : "Mark", "lastName" : "Test", "personalId" : "xxx-yy-zzz", "birthDate" : "1995-12-10T14:50:12.123+02:00", "address" : {"country" : "US", "city" : "Boston", "street" : "any street 3", "zipCode" : "10001"}}}' http://localhost:8080/onboarding

This will onboard the given employee by the contacting the hr service (for validation, adding an employee identifier and manager, etc.) and the payroll service (for adding information about payroll, taxation and vacation days). It will return all employee information (including the newly generated information from the hr and payroll service) and the status of the onboarding request. Note that subsequent calls with the same information (employee personal ID) will result in a failed status as an employee can only be onboarded once.

Please note that the first execution of this request might take slightly longer, as some lazy loading and initialization of various components might still be required. Subsequent calls should be a lot faster though.

Deployment to Kubernetes, OpenShift or Minikube

This project is configured to run with Quarkus Kubernetes extensions. You can simply run:

# make sure that the docker env from minikube is enabled locally
$ eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

# build the service, the image and deploy it on Minikube:
$ mvn clean install -Pminikube

# For Kubernetes or Knative just change the given profile to the respective platform (lower case).

NOTE: If you're targeting a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, consider the resources created on target/kubernetes directory.

Please see the official Quarkus Guide for more information.

Deploying to Knative

To be able to deploy to Knative you can follow the same guide mentioned above. The needed information is already added to the file.

In addition, following permissions should be added to the default service account so the service discovery can properly happen

oc policy add-role-to-group view system:serviceaccounts:onboarding-service -n istio-system
oc policy add-role-to-group knative-serving-core system:serviceaccounts:onboarding-service -n default

If using Knative Serving Operator on OpenShift 4.x, the permissions that need to be set are

oc adm policy add-role-to-user knative-serving-core system:serviceaccount:myproject:onboarding-service -n default
oc adm policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:myproject:onboarding-service -n istio-system

Testing on Minikube

Once you have deployed the three services, you can run the following command to expose the onboarding-service via Node Port (the default option is already configured for you):

minikube service --url onboarding-service

You should see the URL in the terminal. Use it to make the calls to the onboarding-service