Compare this efficient Async_ESP_FSWebServer example with the so complicated twin ESP_FSWebServer_DRD to appreciate the powerful AsynWebServer this AsyncESP8266_W5100_Manager Library is relying on.
Connect to Config Portal @ the localIP address, e.g.
You'll see this Main
Select Information
to enter the Info page where the board info will be shown (long page)
Select Configuration
to enter this page where you can select an AP and specify its WiFi Credentials
Enter your credentials, then click Save
This shows you how to use this example in Ubuntu (but you can use similar commands in other OSes)
- For example, you already downloaded data files from Async_ESP_FSWebServer data to a local folder, for example:
Use one of these methods (preferable first)
- Go to http://async-esp8266fs.local/edit.htm, then "Choose file" -> "Upload"
- or Upload the contents of the data folder with MkSPIFFS Tool ("ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload" in Tools menu in Arduino IDE)
- or upload the contents of a folder by running the following commands:
Ubuntu$ cd ~/Arduino/libraries/AsyncESP8266_W5100_Manager-main/examples/Async_ESP_FSWebServer/data
Ubuntu$ for file in \`\ls -A1\`; do curl -F "file=@$PWD/$file" http://async-esp8266fs.local/edit; done
- Edit / Delete / Download any file in the the folder by going to http://async-esp8266fs.local/edit.htm