All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PHP web server with spark for
composer start
command. - The command interface descriptions.
- Docker to the project.
- PHP-CS-Fixer
- Composer command
composer checkout
- Composer command
composer env-development
- The bundle pipeline
- Database parameters will be saved to env file instead of database config class.
- Activate CodeIgniter CLI 'spark'
- New console commands to save database connection build tables
- DEMO Live deploy from GitHub action.
- Composer scripts
composer env-production
to build.env
file from.env.production
composer env-development
to build.env
file from.env.development
- Environment definition moved from
- NodCMS-Bundle issue #87
- Installation issue
- Upgrade codeigniter to version v4.2