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Upgrade guide

From 6.4.1 to 6.5

Flexible content

There's a new setting no_gutters added to content rows. If enabled the no-gutters class is added to the row. Make sure your row classes in the frontend are set by using the ContentRowDecorator#classes method. If so, no need to do anything.

Video's now can also have a caption. By default this caption has no editor, but you can enable this with the following setting Udongo.config.flexible_content.video_caption_editor = true

If you haven't already, please port the uses of the image type to picture. We will discontinue this in version 7.

From 6.3 to 6.4

Flexible content

When you have created your own flexible content types, you need to update the edit.html.erb file. There you have to change this

render 'backend/form_actions', cancel_url: cancel_url

to this

render 'backend/form_actions', cancel_url: '#lity-close'

You've probably also added translations to nl_backend.yml for edit_[type]. These may be removed, because they're no longer used. They can be found in the 'nl.b.msg.flexible_content' namespace.

It's now also possible to add margin/padding top/bottom and a background color to content rows. If your project has a whitespace widget, it can be removed by using these settings.


A new module 'image collections' has been added. You need to add this to your top_navigation.html.erb if you've overwritten the udongo one.

From 6.2.1 to 6.3

Tags module

A new module was added that allows you see which tags are currently in the system. You can also add/edit/delete tags and see if they're being used.

A bug was fixed for the relation between an object and its tagged items. This is now dependent: destroy. If your project uses tags, check to see if the tagged_items table doesn't contain links to objects that no longer exist.

Assets module

You can now see which models an asset is linked to. Because of a missing dependent: destroy, some imageable_types still remain. Check the Image model and spot non existing linked models.

From 6.2.0 to 6.2.1


You can now use the tel and email type for form fields.

From 6.1.0 to 6.2.0


You can now easily create collections to be used with SimpleForm by using options_for_collection and placing your translations in [locale]_general.yml If you've created this function yourself, use the Udongo one instead.

Form widget

A new form widget has been added. Don't forget to add form to the list of widgets in case you override them in your project config.

From 6.0.0 to 6.1.0


A new setting sitemap has been added to Page. If you've manually constructed your sitemap, it might be a good idea to incorporate this setting.


A new method #short_name was added to the Person concern. Davy Hellemans becomes Davy H. when you use it.

Flexible content

You can now determine whether or not the picture caption uses an editor. This setting Udongo.config.flexible_content.picture_caption_editor is false by default. When using this, don't forgot to update your _picture.html.erb in the frontend of your application.

From 5.9.0 to 6.0.0

Flexible content

There no longer are allowed/disallowed breakpoints. The setting Udongo.config.flexible_content.allowed_breakpoints has been removed.

Since you can now define the width and the alignment options for each row, you will need to adjust the frontend rendering to actually use these features.

Youtube / vimeo content widget

A new widget was added to easily insert a youtube/vimeo video by providing the full URL to the video. If you want to enable this widget you need to make sure it's enabled in the list of flexible content types.

Bootstrap alpha v4 to v6

We're now using the latest bootstrap alpha v6. Because of some changes you will need to check your _top_navigation.html.erb file.

From 5.8.0 to 5.9.0


The link helper methods have been refined so they can work with a string or an object. This means you can use link_to_show/edit/delete in these two ways.

link_to_show [:backend, object]
link_to_show some_custom_path(object)

Another method that has been added is link_to_edit_translations(object, default_locale). This can only be used with an object and uses the default app locale.

link_to_edit_translation [:backend, object]
link_to_edit_translation [:backend, object], :fr

From 5.7.0 to 5.8.0

Flexible content

The ContentImage model has been deprecated. Use ContentPicture instead. In version 6.0 we will remove the deprecated widget.

From 5.6.0 to 5.7.0


A new module has been added to make it easier to fetch navigations. You can now use do something like navigation(:footer).items

From 5.5.0 to 5.6.0


The general translations no longer exists. If you use something like this I18n.t '' in your views, replace that with your own translations.

From 5.4.0 to 5.5.0

No actions required.

From 5.3.0 to 5.4.0


The Udongo.config.articles.images setting now defaults to true instead of false.

From 5.2.0 to 5.3.0


A new Article model has been added. If you already have that in your project, you need to delete it and use the Udongo one.

From 5.1.0 to 5.2.0

This release adds the Asset and Image model. If you have one of those in your project, you need to delete them and use the ones Udongo provides.

A new config object Udongo.config.assets has been added. Here you can set which image/file extensions are allowed. The following images are allowed by default: gif, jpeg, jpg and png. The following files are allowed by default: doc, docx, pdf, txt, xls and xlsx.

From 5.0.1 to 5.1.0


A user now has an 'active' (boolean) field. If you already have that, you need to remove it and let it be added by the Udongo migrations after which you migrate your data.

From 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

No backwards incompatible changes.

From 4.0.0 to 5.0.0

User model

We added a User model. If your application used to have one, make sure to use the Udongo one and migrate your data accordingly.

From 3.0.0 to 4.0.0

No backwards incompatible changes.

From 2.0.4 to 3.0.0


Everything related to the form models has been deleted. So if you use any of these classes, you're in for a rough ride.

  • Form
  • FormDecorator
  • FormField
  • FormFieldValidation
  • FormSubmission
  • FormSubmissionData
  • FormSubmissionDecorator


You can now choose which breakpoints you want to show in the interface when editing flexible content. See the docs.

BackendController renamed to Backend::BaseController

You need to change each occurence of BackendController with Backend::Basecontroller

Spec support/factories

You can now again require spec/support and spec/factories in your specs. This way you can easily test shared examples eg for translatable.

I18n configuration

Change every instance of Udongo.config.i18n.locales with and Udongo.config.i18n.default_locale with

Backend default_locale helper renamed

In the backend you used to have a helper default_locale. You need to rename each occurence to default_app_locale

Removed the setting prefix_with_locale

Make sure to remove this setting from your Udongo config. Udongo.config.routes.prefix_with_locale = true

Webserver restart

The button to manually restart the webserver has been removed. If you want to keep this behaviour, below is the old code.

class Backend::WebserverController < Backend::BaseController
  def restart
    `touch tmp/restart.txt`
    redirect_to backend_path, notice: t('b.msg.webserver.restarted')


This form object was added and can be used to simplify your existing translation forms (except for those that use SEO). To stay up-to-date, you should check your translation form objects and if they can benefit from this new class.

From 2.0.1 to 2.0.4

No actions required.

From 2.0.0 to 2.0.1

  • Reform gem is no longer used. Make sure to add this gem to your gemfile if you wish to continue using this.

From 1.0.4 to 2.0.0


Configuration options have been placed in subclasses that are autoloaded. Consult the documentation about which settings there are.


A new nl/en_general.yml file was added which will hold all translations that may be used both in the frontend and backend.