Setup and managed via chezmoi
You can pull the changes from your repo and apply them in a single command:
chezmoi update
chezmoi's install script can run chezmoi init for you by passing extra arguments to the newly installed chezmoi binary. If your dotfiles repo is then installing chezmoi, running chezmoi init, and running chezmoi apply can be done in a single line of shell:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply khanhgee
If your dotfiles repo has a different name to dotfiles, or if you host your dotfiles on a different service, then see the reference manual for chezmoi init.
For setting up transitory environments (e.g. short-lived Linux containers) you can install chezmoi, install your dotfiles, and then remove all traces of chezmoi, including the source directory and chezmoi's configuration directory, with a single command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --one-shot khanhgee