Welcome to the OpenFaaS community page where you can find:
Blog posts and write-ups
There are several key GitHub repositories for the project which are available under the openfaas organisation. Incubator and experimental projects are under the openfaas-incubator organisation.
It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and want to share it with the rest of the community. Pull Request or submit a Github Issue.
Note: You will need to sign-off the commit too using
git commit -s
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to the commit message when using the UI.
Blog/video/repo name and description | Author | Site | Date |
Building OpenFaaS Serverless function to detect weather using OpenWeatherMap and Python | Faizan Bashir | faizanbashir.me | 02-Apr-2023 |
Fine-tuning the cold-start in OpenFaaS | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 28-Mar-2023 |
How do changes to the Docker Hub affect OpenFaaS? | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 20-Mar-2023 |
Cluster auto-scaling with DigitalOcean Kubernetes and OpenFaaS | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 16-Mar-2023 |
Import leads from Google Forms into your CRM with functions | Alex Ellis | openfaas.com | 02-Mar-2023 |
Using OpenFaaS on AKS | Various | learn.microsoft.com | 27-Feb-2023 |
How to integrate OpenFaaS functions with managed AWS services | Han Verstraete | openfaas.com | 19-Jan-2023 |
Mainly virtual due to pandemic.
Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
How and Why We Rebuilt Auto-scaling in OpenFaaS with Prometheus - Alex Ellis, KubeCon Valencia | Alex Ellis | Valencia, Spain | 19-May-2022 |
Your pocket-sized cloud with OpenFaaS and GitHub Actions | Alex Ellis & Martin Woodword | YouTube | 25-Mar-2022 |
Mainly virtual due to pandemic.
Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
GopherCon UK 2021: Alex Ellis - Zero to OpenFaas in 60 months | Alex Ellis | London, UK | 22 Nov 2021 |
Event driven Postgres with OpenFaaS | Alex Ellis and Lucas Roesler | YouTube | 02-Feb-2021 |
Exploring Serverless use-cases with David McKay (Rawkode) and Alex Ellis | YouTube | David McKay (Rawkode) and Alex Ellis | 27-Jan-2021 |
Postponed events for 2020
Event name and description | Speaker | Location | Date |
Service Mesh and Serverless Chatbots with Linkerd K8s and OpenFaaS | Sergio Méndez | Kubecon EU | 02-Apr-2020 |
Strangling Our Venue Management Monolith at DX with Kubernetes and OpenFaaS | Alex Ellis & Christian Sakshaug | Kubecon EU | 02-Apr-2020 |
Sending Billions of Payments Using Hybrid Cloud and Open-source Technologies | Edward Wilde & Bruno Miguel Custódio | Kubecon EU | 02-Apr-2020 |
Finding Managed Services in a Serverless World with Crossplane and OpenFaaS | Daniel Mangum | Serverless Practitioners Summit - KubeCon EU | 30-Mar-2020 |
Meet faasd. Look ma’ no Kubernetes! | Alex Ellis | Serverless Practitioners Summit @ KubeCon Amsterdam | 30-Mar-2020 |
The State of Open Source Serverless | Jonatas Baldin | Cloud Native Rejekts EU '20 | 28-Mar-2020 |
The Need for a Cloud Native Tunnel | Alex Ellis | Cloud Native Rejekts, Amsterdam | 23-Mar-2020 |
WebAssembly + OpenFaaS, the Universal Runtime for Serverless Functions | Ramiro Berrelleza | Kubecon EU | 30-March-2020 |
You can also find cool projects or submit your own to the faas-and-furious organisation. Contact Alex for details on how.
Project name and description | Author | Site | Date |
vCenter Event Broker Appliance | Gasch/Lam | VMware Flings | 11-November-2019 |
OpenFaaS PowerShell Polaris template | Craig Gumbley | github.com | 23-September-2019 |
BikeshareFunction for GBFS Bikeshare Systems | Andreas Mosti | github.com | 25-May-2019 |
OpenFaaS Go 1.11 templates | Matias Pan | github.com | 15-May-2019 |
OpenFaaS GoCV template | Matias Pan | github.com | 16-Mar-2019 |
OpenFaas CSharp MongoDB Template | Marcus Smallman | github.com | 28-Nov-2018 |
OpenFaas Java 8 + Vert.x Template | Philippe Charrière | gitlab.com | 11-Nov-2018 |
Faasflow - faas workflow as a function | Swarvanu Sengupta | github.com | 11-Nov-2018 |
OpenFaaS Crystal Template | Thomas Peikert | github.com | 26-Oct-2018 |
OpenFaaS Terraform Provider | Edward Wilde | github.com | 12-Oct-2018 |
OpenFaaS Swift Template | Keiran Smith | github.com | 22-May-2018 |
OpenFaaS Code Eval | Michael Herman | github.com | 30-Mar-2018 |
OpenFaaS RESTful API w/ Node and Postgres | Michael Herman | github.com | 26-Jan-2018 |
OpenFaaS with Ruby/MySQL/Ceph Sample | Magnus Persson | lallassu/openfaas-demo | 23-Jan-2018 |
sqlrest: API Proxy to connect to a SQL database from a function | Burton Rheutan | github.com | 21-Nov-2017 |
Kafka-connector for OpenFaaS | King Chung Huang | ucalgary/ftrigger | 13-Oct-2017 |
Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus Queues Trigger for OpenFaaS on Kubernetes | Daniele Antonio Maggio | github.com/danigian/Azure-Queues-Trigger-OpenFaaS | 24-Sep-2017 |
faas-pipeline - OpenFaaS function composition | Ivan Erceg | github.com | 23-Sep-2017 |
Github - Reverse geocoding | Luc Juggery | github.com | 14-Sep-2017 |
QR Code | John McCabe | github.com | 18-Aug-2017 |
Img2ANSI - GIF/PNG/JPG to ANSI art converter | John McCabe | github.com | 10-Aug-2017 |
FaaS-netes - Kubernetes backend for FaaS | Alex Ellis | github.com | 25-Jul-2017 |
Twitter, Elastic Search and Alexa stack of functions | Alex Ellis | github.com | 24-Apr-2017 |
Github - URL Shortener | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-node-url-shortener | 19-Apr-2017 |
Github - fibonacci numbers up to N | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-python-fib/ | 19-Apr-2017 |
Github - ascii art generator | Finnian Anderson | developius/faas-node-ascii | 17-Apr-2017 |
Dockercon FaaS demos including Alexa/Github | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 |
Docker Birthday voting app ported to FaaS | Alex Ellis | github.com | 14-Apr-2017 |
Github-Airtable Bug Tracker integration | Austin Frey | github.com/aafrey/faas-demo | 10-Apr-2017 |
Official providers developed and supported by the OpenFaaS project
Project name and description | Author | Site | Status |
faas-netes- Kubernetes provider | OpenFaaS | github.com | Supported |
faasd- containerd single-host provider | OpenFaaS | github.com | Supported |
Community providers actively being developed and/or supported by a third-party
Project name and description | Author | Site | Status |
faas-nomad - Nomad provider | Andrew Cornies & Nic Jackson (Hashicorp) | github.com | Incubation |
faas-memory - In-memory provider | Ed Wilde / Alex Ellis | github.com | Inception |
faas-federation - federation provider to route between one or more providers | Ed Wilde / Alex Ellis | github.com | Inception |
faas-fargate - AWS Fargate provider | Edward Wilde | github.com | Incubation |
faas-lambda - AWS Lambda provider | Ed Wilde / Alex Ellis | [email protected] | Incubation |
Community providers no-longer being maintained
Project name and description | Author | Site | Status |
faas-swarm - Docker Swarm provider | OpenFaaS | github.com | Deprecated |
faas-rancher - Rancher/Cattle provider | Ken Fukuyama | github.com | Inception |
faas-dcos - DCOS provider | Alberto Quario | github.com | Inception |
faas-hyper - Hyper.sh provider | Hyper | github.com | Inception |
faas-guardian - Guardian provider | Nigel Wright | github.com | Inception |
faas-ecs | Xicheng Chang (Huawei) | github.com | Inception |
faas-opendns | OpenDNS / Cisco / EC2 | medium.com | Inception |
- Incubation - actively being developed, but not stable
- Inception - more work needed. May work in happy path scenario, but unlikely to be suitable for production