# FAVE toolkits This is a repository for the FAVE-Align and FAVE-extract toolkits. The first commit here represents the toolkit as it was available on the FAVE website as of October 21, 2013. The extractFormants code in the JoFrhwld/FAAV repository represents an earlier version of the code. ## FAVE website The interactive website for utilizing FAVE can be found at [fave.ling.upenn.edu](http://fave.ling.upenn.edu/) ## Support You can find user support for installing and using the FAVE toolkits at the [FAVE Users' Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/fave-users). ## Contributing to FAVE For the most part, we'll be utilizing the fork-and-pull paradigm (see [Using Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests)). Please send pull requests to the `dev` branch. ## Attribution We ask that if you use the online interface, or the code available in this repository, that you cite: Rosenfelder, Ingrid; Fruehwald, Josef; Evanini, Keelan and Jiahong Yuan. 2011. FAVE (Forced Alignment and Vowel Extraction) Program Suite. http://fave.ling.upenn.edu. The contributions of some of these individuals, especially that of Ingrid Rosenfelder, are not reflected in the commit history.