Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods; abstract
MUST be declared before the visibility; static
MUST be declared
after the visibility.
The structural elements to fix (PHP >= 7.1 required for const
Allowed values: a subset of ['const', 'method', 'property']
Default value: ['property', 'method', 'const']
Default configuration.
--- Original
+++ New
class Sample
- var $a;
- static protected $var_foo2;
+ public $a;
+ protected static $var_foo2;
- function A()
+ public function A()
With configuration: ['elements' => ['const']]
--- Original
+++ New
class Sample
- const SAMPLE = 1;
+ public const SAMPLE = 1;
The rule is part of the following rule sets:
@PSR2 with config:
['elements' => ['method', 'property']]
- Fixer class: PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixer
- Test class: PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ClassNotation\VisibilityRequiredFixerTest
The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.