This repo serves as a util package for common functionalities such as logging of the Keptn Project.
Please post any issues with this package to the keptn/keptn repository and label them with area:go-utils
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Below we have listed some basic examples. You can find more information about the usage within the docs/ folder.
If you need to access several utility functions:
import {
This module provides you with a convenient Keptn
helper struct that allows you to access several resources that are relevant within the context of a
Keptn event. The helper struct can be initialized by passing a CloudEvent to the NewKeptn
function. Example:
func HandleEvent(event cloudevents.Event) error {
keptnHandler, err := keptn.NewKeptn(&event, keptn.KeptnOpts{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the shipyard file of the project
shipyard, _ := keptnHandler.GetShipyard()
// get a resource within the current context (i.e., project, stage, service) of the event
resourceContent, _ := keptnHandler.GetKeptnResource("resource.yaml")
// send a cloud event
_ = keptnHandler.SendCloudEvent(event)
// ...
By default, the SendCloudEvent
function of the Keptn
struct will send events to the distributor sidecar that is running within the same pod of the Keptn service (see the Keptn doc for more details).
This behavior can be overridden by passing an implementation of the EventSender
interface via the KeptnOpts
object that is passed to the NewKeptn
function, e.g.:
// custom EventSender
type MyCustomEventSender struct {
func (es *MyCustomEventSender) SendEvent(event cloudevents.Event) error {
// custom implementation
return nil
keptnHandler, err := keptn.NewKeptn(&event, keptn.KeptnOpts{
EventSender: &MyCustomEventSender{}
if err != nil {
return nil, err
For unit testing purposes, we offer a mock implementation of the EventSender
interface in the keptn/v0_2_0/fake
package. This mock implementation can be used to check if your service sends the expected events. E.g.:
func MyTest(t *testing.T) {
fakeSender := &keptnfake.EventSender{}
// optionally, you can add custom behavior for certain event types (e.g. returning an error for a certain event type):
fakeSender.AddReactor("sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished", func(event cloudevents.Event) error {
return errors.New("i throw an error if i should send a 'sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished' event")
keptnHandler, err := keptn.NewKeptn(&event, keptn.KeptnOpts{
EventSender: fakeSender
myService := &MyKeptnService{
KeptnHandler: keptnHandler
// check if your service sends out events of the type "sh.keptn.event.deployment.started" and "sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished"
if err := fakeSender.AssertSentEventTypes([]string{"sh.keptn.event.deployment.started", "sh.keptn.event.deployment.finished"}); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
// to inspect the sent events in more detail, you can access them via fakeSender.SentEvents
for _, event := range fakeSender.SentEvents {
// do some validation here
if err != nil {
return nil, err
If you need to access data within CloudEvents:
import {
func parseCloudEvent(event cloudevents.Event) (keptnevents.TestFinishedEventData, error) {
eventData := &keptn.TestsFinishedEventData{}
err := event.DataAs(eventData)
return eventData, err
If you need to access Models for YAML files:
import {
// Create an event Handler
eventHandler := apiutils.NewAuthenticatedEventHandler("", token, "x-token", nil, "http")
// Create a filter
filter := &apiutils.EventFilter{KeptnContext: "03b2b951-9835-4e87-b0b0-0ad0bc288214"}
// Query for event(s)
events, err := eventHandler.GetEvents(filter)
// Create a watcher
watcher := api.NewEventWatcher(eventhandler),
api.WithEventFilter(api.EventFilter{ // use custom filter
Project: "sockshop",
KeptnContext: "..."}),
api.WithInterval(time.NewTicker(5*time.Second)), // fetch every 5 seconds
api.WithStartTime(time.Now()), // start fetching events newer than this timestamp
api.WithTimeout(time.Second * 15), // stop fetching events after 15 secs
// start watcher and consume events
allEvents, _ := watcher.Watch(context.Background())
for events := range allEvents {
for _, e := range events {
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that creates a Pull Request to to update go.mod
files with an updated version of this package (based on the commit hash).