In this demo you will
- Start locally HAM server
- Start the sample application
- Connect to it through proxy
- Record the interactions of the sample application
- Setup a null-infrastructure test with automatic consistency verification. Testing automatically with
- Simulated Front-end with Back-end
- Verify the message structures and auto test
- Edit a request/response to force a fail
For more infos check here
Download the two tar.gz, ham and ham-samples from github releases and extract them in the same directory
Go on the "calendar" directory and run "runcalendar.bat/sh"
This will start
- ham (localhost:80)
- be (localhost:8100) proxied by http://localhost/int/be.sample.test
- gateway (localhost:8090) proxied by http://localhost/int/gateway.sample.test
- fe (localhost:8080)
It's composed of three parts
- FE, that calls gateway for all its needs
- GATEWAY, that acts a "middleman" between FE and BE
- BE, with the database that is called only by the GATEWAY
Should set the proxy to And port 1080 for socks5 or 1081 for http/https
Click me for more explanations
- Install Proxy Switch Omega
- Go to options
- Add http and https proxy server with
- Select "proxy" from the extension menu and back to "direct" when you want to disconnect
You can now check ham application going on http://www.local.test
- Going on ham proxyes you can verify that all proxies are ok if they don't work just "Refresh Status"
- Navigation on the application you can try some interaction
- Then you can create a recording on the recording page
- Once you create the recording you can start recording!
- Go then on the application and do some interaction
- Add an Employee "John Doe"
- Go on Appointements
- Add an Appointment with "Doctor" as description
- Change the state of the appointament till it shows "Confirmed"
- Delete the appointment
- Back on employee, delete the employee too
- And stop the recording!
- Now you will se all the calls on the just created recording
- "Download" the recording as "Sample.json"
Stop the application and restart!
Delete the script and re-upload Sample.json
Stop the "fe" application
Stop the "be" application
Select all the calls to path /int/gateway.sample.test with the filter and set them as "Stimulator". These will be run automatically.
- Run the test with "Play Stimulator"
- Check the results on the results tab!
- Select all the "Stimulator" calls (use "true" as filter on the "Stimulator" column) (and save!)
- Use the global Edit JS and set for all call the verification script in the "post" part
var diffEngine = new org.kendar.xml.DiffInferrer(); diffEngine.diff(expectedresponse.getResponseText(),response.getResponseText()); if(expectedresponse.getStatusCode()!=response.getStatusCode()){ throw "Expected status code "+expectedresponse.getStatusCode()+" but received "+response.getStatusCode(); }
- click "Play Stimulator" And be happy
- Check the results!
- Download and save the script as NullAutoTestGateway.json
- Find the response to a front-end call. A good example can be the first get call to the "/int/gateway.sample.test/api/v1/employees" after the POST inserting the new employee
- Click on the Edit button on the list and open the Request/Response editor
- Replace then the response data with something like this. Adding the field "unexpected"
- Run the test again with "Play Stimulator"
- Check the FAILED results! Notice that the field "unexpected" is the one we added!