The whole project is composed by
- ham: The base implementation
- globaltest: This will be run through Used to verify the correctness of the -WHOLE- system
- samples: Sample projects
- docker: base docker images
- scripts: all the scripts to run examples, test, build, release and deploy
Install Chrome browser
Install docker
If on linux enable java to run on low ports
sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip [YOUR bin/JAVA]
This is the main project
The tests are mostly in the API parts, they run a local version of ham
This is used to
- Two ways to prepare
- Run
- Run the scripts/build/build_release and scripts/build/build_release_samples then extract in place the two tgz to obtain ham, calendar etc under release
- Then you can run the selenium tests
If you want to contribute just make your pull request with a description of the problem solved and the explanation of the reasons of the implementation inside the docs/contribute folder.
Just create a Markdown file with your github userid. To give an example i would create a docs/contribute/ file with all the explanations!
Please-please add unit tests when possible! If it's getting too hard we can open an issue and refactor!
Feel free!
When adding a module should change the pom from jacoco adding the following parts (e.g with MYMODULE name and ORG.MYMODULE base package)
<fileset dir="${basedir}/../MYMODULE/target">
<include name="jacoco*.exec" />
<structure name="Integration Tests Coverage Report">
<sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
<dirset dir="${basedir}/../MYMODULE">
<include name="**/src/main/java" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}/../MYMODULE/target/classes">
<include name="ORG/MYMODULE/**/*" />