import { extractBitcoinRawTxVectors, Hex, BitcoinTxHash, BitcoinNetwork, ElectrumClient, DepositFunding, DepositScript, BitcoinAddressConverter, WalletTx, BitcoinHashUtils, EthereumAddress, TBTC, } from "@keep-network/tbtc-v2.ts" import { BigNumber, constants, Contract } from "ethers" import chai, { expect } from "chai" import chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised" import { setupSystemTestsContext, createTbtcContractsHandle, } from "./utils/context" import { fakeRelayDifficulty, waitTransactionConfirmed } from "./utils/bitcoin" import type { RedemptionRequest, BitcoinUtxo, DepositReceipt, } from "@keep-network/tbtc-v2.ts" import type { SystemTestsContext } from "./utils/context" chai.use(chaiAsPromised) /** * This system test scenario performs a single deposit and redemption. * * The scenario consists of the following steps: * 1. The depositor broadcasts the deposit transaction on BTC chain and reveals * it to the bridge. * 2. The wallet broadcasts the sweep transaction of the given deposit on BTC * chain and submits the sweep proof to the bridge. * 3. The depositor (redeemer) requests the redemption of its entire bank * balance. * 4. The wallet broadcasts the redemption transaction handling the given * request and submits the redemption proof to the bridge. * * Following prerequisites must be fulfilled to make a successful pass: * - The depositor's BTC balance must allow to perform the deposit * - tBTC v2 contracts must be deployed on used Ethereum network * - A fresh live wallet (with no main UTXO yet) must be registered in * the bridge */ describe("System Test - Deposit and redemption", () => { let systemTestsContext: SystemTestsContext let bridgeAddress: string let bank: Contract let relay: Contract let depositorSdk: TBTC let maintainerSdk: TBTC let walletTx: WalletTx const depositAmount = BigNumber.from(2000000) const depositSweepTxFee = BigNumber.from(10000) const depositTxFee = BigNumber.from(1500) // Number of retries for Electrum requests. const ELECTRUM_RETRIES = 5 // Initial backoff step in milliseconds that will be increased exponentially for // subsequent Electrum retry attempts. const ELECTRUM_RETRY_BACKOFF_STEP_MS = 10000 // 10sec let depositReceipt: DepositReceipt let depositUtxo: BitcoinUtxo let sweepUtxo: BitcoinUtxo let depositorBitcoinAddress: string before(async () => { systemTestsContext = await setupSystemTestsContext() const { electrumUrl, maintainer, depositor, deployedContracts } = systemTestsContext const relayDeploymentInfo = deployedContracts.LightRelay relay = new Contract( relayDeploymentInfo.address, relayDeploymentInfo.abi, maintainer ) const bankDeploymentInfo = deployedContracts.Bank bank = new Contract( bankDeploymentInfo.address, bankDeploymentInfo.abi, maintainer ) const electrumClient = ElectrumClient.fromUrl( electrumUrl, undefined, ELECTRUM_RETRIES, ELECTRUM_RETRY_BACKOFF_STEP_MS ) bridgeAddress = deployedContracts.Bridge.address const depositorTbtcContracts = await createTbtcContractsHandle( deployedContracts, depositor ) depositorSdk = await TBTC.initializeCustom( depositorTbtcContracts, electrumClient ) const maintainerTbtcContracts = await createTbtcContractsHandle( deployedContracts, maintainer ) maintainerSdk = await TBTC.initializeCustom( maintainerTbtcContracts, electrumClient ) walletTx = new WalletTx(maintainerTbtcContracts, electrumClient) depositorBitcoinAddress = BitcoinAddressConverter.publicKeyToAddress( systemTestsContext.depositorBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed, BitcoinNetwork.Testnet ) depositorSdk.deposits.setDefaultDepositor( EthereumAddress.from(await depositor.getAddress()) ) }) context("when deposit is made and revealed", () => { before("make and reveal deposit", async () => { const deposit = await depositorSdk.deposits.initiateDeposit( // Use the depositor's address as the recovery address. depositorBitcoinAddress ) depositReceipt = deposit.getReceipt() const depositScript = DepositScript.fromReceipt(depositReceipt) const depositFunding = DepositFunding.fromScript(depositScript) console.log(` Deposit receipt generated: - depositor: ${depositReceipt.depositor.identifierHex} - walletPublicKeyHash: ${depositReceipt.walletPublicKeyHash} - refundPublicKeyHash: ${depositReceipt.refundPublicKeyHash} - blindingFactor: ${depositReceipt.blindingFactor} - refundLocktime: ${depositReceipt.refundLocktime} `) const depositorUtxos = await depositorSdk.bitcoinClient.findAllUnspentTransactionOutputs( depositorBitcoinAddress ) ;({ depositUtxo } = await depositFunding.submitTransaction( depositAmount, depositorUtxos, depositTxFee, systemTestsContext.depositorBitcoinKeyPair.wif, depositorSdk.bitcoinClient )) console.log(` Deposit made on BTC chain: - Transaction hash: ${depositUtxo.transactionHash} - Output index: ${depositUtxo.outputIndex} `) // Since the reveal deposit logic does not perform SPV proof, we // can reveal the deposit transaction immediately without waiting // for confirmations. const rawDepositTransaction = await depositorSdk.bitcoinClient.getRawTransaction( depositUtxo.transactionHash ) const depositRawTxVectors = extractBitcoinRawTxVectors( rawDepositTransaction ) // Reveal without providing the vault address. await depositorSdk.tbtcContracts.bridge.revealDeposit( depositRawTxVectors, depositUtxo.outputIndex, depositReceipt ) console.log(` Deposit revealed on Ethereum chain `) }) it("should broadcast the deposit transaction on the Bitcoin network", async () => { expect( ( await maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient.getRawTransaction( depositUtxo.transactionHash ) ).transactionHex.length ) }) it("should reveal the deposit to the bridge", async () => { const { revealedAt } = await maintainerSdk.tbtcContracts.bridge.deposits( depositUtxo.transactionHash, depositUtxo.outputIndex ) expect(revealedAt) }) context("when deposit is swept and sweep proof submitted", () => { before("sweep the deposit and submit sweep proof", async () => { ;({ newMainUtxo: sweepUtxo } = await walletTx.depositSweep.submitTransaction( depositSweepTxFee, systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.wif, [depositUtxo], [depositReceipt] )) console.log(` Deposit swept on Bitcoin chain: - Transaction hash: ${sweepUtxo.transactionHash} `) // Unlike in the deposit transaction case, we must wait for the sweep // transaction to have an enough number of confirmations. This is // because the bridge performs the SPV proof of that transaction. await waitTransactionConfirmed( maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient, sweepUtxo.transactionHash ) await fakeRelayDifficulty( relay, maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient, sweepUtxo.transactionHash ) // TODO: Consider fetching the current wallet main UTXO and passing it // here. This will allow running this test scenario multiple // times for the same wallet. await maintainerSdk.maintenance.spv.submitDepositSweepProof( sweepUtxo.transactionHash, // This is the first sweep of the given wallet so there is no main UTXO. { // The function expects an unprefixed hash. transactionHash: BitcoinTxHash.from(constants.HashZero), outputIndex: 0, value: BigNumber.from(0), } ) console.log(` Deposit sweep proved on the bridge `) }) it("should broadcast the sweep transaction on the Bitcoin network", async () => { expect( ( await maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient.getRawTransaction( sweepUtxo.transactionHash ) ).transactionHex.length ) }) it("should sweep the deposit on the bridge", async () => { const { sweptAt } = await maintainerSdk.tbtcContracts.bridge.deposits( depositUtxo.transactionHash, depositUtxo.outputIndex ) expect(sweptAt) }) it("should increase depositor's balance in the bank", async () => { const { treasuryFee } = await maintainerSdk.tbtcContracts.bridge.deposits( depositUtxo.transactionHash, depositUtxo.outputIndex ) const expectedBalance = depositAmount .sub(treasuryFee) .sub(depositSweepTxFee) const actualBalance = await bank.balanceOf( systemTestsContext.depositor.address ) expect(actualBalance) }) context("when redemption is requested", () => { let requestedAmount: BigNumber let redeemerOutputScript: Hex let redemptionRequest: RedemptionRequest before("request the redemption", async () => { // Redeem the full depositor's balance. requestedAmount = await bank.balanceOf( systemTestsContext.depositor.address ) // Allow the bridge to take the redeemed bank balance. await bank .connect(systemTestsContext.depositor) .approveBalance(bridgeAddress, requestedAmount) // Request redemption to depositor's address. redeemerOutputScript = Hex.from( `0014${BitcoinHashUtils.computeHash160( systemTestsContext.depositorBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed )}` ) await depositorSdk.tbtcContracts.bridge.requestRedemption( systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed, sweepUtxo, redeemerOutputScript, requestedAmount ) console.log( `Requested redemption of ${requestedAmount} satoshis to script ${redeemerOutputScript} on the bridge` ) redemptionRequest = await maintainerSdk.redemptions.getRedemptionRequests( depositorBitcoinAddress, systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed, "pending" ) }) it("should transfer depositor's bank balance to the Bridge", async () => { expect( await bank.balanceOf(systemTestsContext.depositor.address) ) expect(await bank.balanceOf(bridgeAddress)) requestedAmount ) }) it("should register the redemption request on the bridge", async () => { expect(redemptionRequest.requestedAt) expect(redemptionRequest.requestedAmount) expect(redemptionRequest.redeemerOutputScript) redeemerOutputScript ) }) context( "when redemption is made and redemption proof submitted", () => { let redemptionTxHash: BitcoinTxHash before( "make the redemption and submit redemption proof", async () => { ;({ transactionHash: redemptionTxHash } = await walletTx.redemption.submitTransaction( systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.wif, sweepUtxo, [redemptionRequest.redeemerOutputScript] )) console.log( "Redemption made on Bitcoin chain:\n" + `- Transaction hash: ${redemptionTxHash}` ) await waitTransactionConfirmed( maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient, redemptionTxHash ) await fakeRelayDifficulty( relay, maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient, redemptionTxHash ) await maintainerSdk.maintenance.spv.submitRedemptionProof( redemptionTxHash, sweepUtxo, systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed ) console.log("Redemption proved on the bridge") } ) it("should broadcast the redemption transaction on the Bitcoin network", async () => { expect( ( await maintainerSdk.bitcoinClient.getRawTransaction( redemptionTxHash ) ).transactionHex.length ) }) it("should close the redemption request on the bridge", async () => { await expect( maintainerSdk.redemptions.getRedemptionRequests( depositorBitcoinAddress, systemTestsContext.walletBitcoinKeyPair.publicKey.compressed, "pending" ) )"Redemption request does not exist") }) it("should decrease Bridge's balance in the bank", async () => { const actualBalance = await bank.balanceOf(bridgeAddress) expect(actualBalance) }) } ) }) }) }) })