Gaussian.median (function)
def median(self, unit=None, as_quantity=False, wrap_at=None)
Expose the median of the distribution.
See scipy docs
This method is just a wrapper around the scipy.stats method on Gaussian.dist_constructor_object with unit-conversions, support for quantity objects, and wrapping done on the returned result.
See also:
(astropy.unit, optional, default=None): unit of the values inx
to expose. If None or not provided, will assume they're in Gaussian.unit.as_quantity
(bool, optional, default=False): whether to return an astropy quantity object instead of just the value. Astropy must be installed.wrap_at
(float, None, or False, optional, default=None): value to use for wrapping. See Gaussian.wrap. If not provided or None, will use the value from Gaussian.wrap_at. Note: wrapping is computed before changing units, sowrap_at
must be provided according to Gaussian.unit notunit
- (float) median of the distribution in units