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These notes describe setting up Geoconnect on a Heroku server using the Django settings in "geoconnect.settings.heroku"

The steps assume that:

  1. You already have a Heroku account and that
  2. The Geoconnect repository has been cloned to a local machine.
    • to clone the repository: git clone

Dashboard set-up

  1. Install the Heroku CLI from
  • Homebrew note from user:
    • "With homebrew, the installation worked without a problem. BUT, to actually use heroku, I had to modify my PATH, like this: PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; export PATH"
  1. Log into the Heroku website
  2. Create a new Heroku application
    • e.g. geoconnect-test
  3. Connect the Heroku application to your local repository
    • Open a local Terminal
    • cd into the top of the geoconnect repository
    • run heroku git:remote -a (Heroku app name)
      • Example: heroku git:remote -a geoconnect-test

Install "Add-Ons"

Go to the dashboard for the Heroku application that you just created. For example:

Install the following Add-Ons. Several of the Add-Ons will create config variables used by "geoconnect.settings.heroku".

Install "Bucketeer"

  • The "Hobbyist" version is fine for testing
  • Config variables added to access S3 file storage:

Install "Heroku Postgres"

  • The "Hobby Dev" or "Hobby Basic" version is fine for testing
  • Config variable added with database connection information:

Install "Heroku Scheduler"

  • The free version is fine
  • The scheduler is used for removing stale data and other "cron" type tasks
  • No config variables are added

Install "SendGrid"

  • The free "Starter" version is fine

  • SendGrid is used for sending email messages to administrators

  • Config variables added:


    The config values above are generated automatically. To see them, go to "Settings -> Reveal Config Vars" on your Heroku application dashboard (for example:

  • Setup for SendGrid API Key

    1. Log into using the config variables above
    2. On the SendGrid site: Bottom left: Click "Settings -> API Keys"
    3. Top right: Click "Create API Key -> Generate API Key"
    • Name the key: "geoconnect_send"
    • Set full access for: "Mail Send -> Mail Send "
    1. Click "Save"
    2. Add the new key value to Heroku settings under SENDGRID_API_KEY.
    • Use the web interface to add the key/value
    • Or use the Terminal to run:
      • heroku config:set SENDGRID_API_KEY=(key from sendgrid website)

Configure additional settings

Using the Heroku web interface or command line, set the following variables.

  1. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE - key: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE - value: geoconnect.settings.heroku - command line: heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geoconnect.settings.heroku
  2. SECRET_KEY - key: SECRET_KEY - value: large random string

from future import print_function import random secret_key = ''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50)]) print (secret_key) ```

- command line: ```heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=(secret key value)```
  1. DJANGO_DEBUG - Turn Django debug off. Note: You may want to turn it on for troubleshooting. - key: DJANGO_DEBUG - value: 0 - command line: heroku config:set DJANGO_DEBUG=0
  2. DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC - key: DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC - value: 1 - command line: heroku config:set DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC=1
  3. WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_USERNAME - Username for a standard WorldMap account that belongs to the datavese group - key: WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_USERNAME - value: (worldmap username) - command line: heroku config:set WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_USERNAME=(worldmap username)
  4. WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD - key: WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD - value: (worldmap password) - command line: heroku config:set WORLDMAP_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=(worldmap password)
    • Currently, there is a single WorldMap installation
    • Note: Do not use a trailing / - command line: heroku config:set WORLDMAP_SERVER_URL=
  6. DATAVERSE_SERVER_URL - key: DATAVERSE_SERVER_URL - value: (url to dataverse app)
    • example:
    • Note: Do not use a trailing /
    • Note: Default Dataverse url in case of error. Unless there is a severe error, any registered dataverse may call a Geoconnect installation. - command line: heroku config:set DATAVERSE_SERVER_URL=(url to dataverse app)
    • example: heroku config:set DATAVERSE_SERVER_URL=
  7. HEROKU_SITEURL - key: HEROKU_SITEURL - value: (url to heroku app)
    • example: - command line: heroku config:set HEROKU_SITEURL=(url to heroku app)
    • example: heroku config:set HEROKU_SITEURL=
  8. HEROKU_SERVER_NAME - key: HEROKU_SERVER_NAME - value: (heroku app server name)
    • example: - command line: heroku config:set HEROKU_SITEURL=(heroku app server name)
    • example: heroku config:set

Deploy and Initialize the App

First time

For these steps use your local Terminal within the geoconnect directory--e.g. cd into the cloned repository.

  1. Push the branch - Run: git push heroku master - To push a specific branch:

    • git push heroku [your branch name]:master
    • Example: git push heroku 3024-heroku:master

    Important: the first time you do this, git will ask you for the username. Use your Heroku username ([email protected]). It will then ask you for the password. Do NOT use password that you use to log onto Heroku website here! Instead, use your Heroku API key: Go to 'Account settings' (top right corner), then click "Reveal" next to the "API Key".

  2. Create/sync the database: - heroku run 'python migrate --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku' - heroku run 'python migrate --run-syncdb --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

  3. Add initial data: - heroku run 'python loaddata --app registered_dataverse incoming_filetypes_initial_data.json --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku' - heroku run 'python loaddata gc_apps/classification/fixtures/initial_data_2017_0421.json --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

Create a superuser and login to the Admin page

  1. From your Terminal, create a superuser: - heroku run 'python createsuperuser --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'
  2. Open the admin web page: - heroku open /geo-connect-admin
  3. Log in using your superuser credentials

Register your Dataverse

Once your are logged into the admin page from the previous step, register the Dataverse or Dataverses you would like to use for mapping.

  1. From the Admin page: scroll down, click on "Registered Dataverses"
  2. Top right: click "Add Registered Dataverse"
  3. Add a name and a url. Note the example below for https and the port added to the end (:443): - Example:
  4. Save the registered Dataverse
  • Alternative. Load a fixtures file:
heroku run 'python loaddata --app registered_dataverse registered_dvs-2017-0309.json --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

Update the Geoconnect URL on your Dataverse Database

  1. Go to the Postgres command line for your Dataverse
  2. Update the worldmapauth_tokentype table as follows: - update worldmapauth_tokentype set mapitlink = '(url to heroku app)/shapefile/map-it', hostname='(heroku app server name)' where name = 'GEOCONNECT'; - Example using
    • update worldmapauth_tokentype set mapitlink = '', hostname='' where name = 'GEOCONNECT';

Add scheduler task: Stale data removal

The django command "remove_stale_data" deletes old objects and their associated files from geoconnect.

Initially, this should run every 24 hours via the Heroku Scheduler.

  • To set it up:

    1. Go to the Heroku Resources web page for your app
    2. Click on the "Heroku Scheduler"
    3. Click "Add New Job"
    4. Add the following command to the input box:
    • python remove_stale_data --really-delete --email-notice --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku
    1. This command will run a script to remove stale data. The extra parameters work as follows:
    • --really-delete - actually delete stale objects and files. Omitting this parameter will run the full script to check for files to delete--but not actually delete them.
    • --email-notice - email the results of the stale data check to the ADMINS in the Django settings file. This works regardless of whether really-delete is used
  • To test it from the command line:

    • Testing from the command line:
    • without delete:
      • heroku run 'python remove_stale_data --email-notice --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'
    • with delete:
      • heroku run 'python remove_stale_data --really-delete --email-notice --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

Subsequent updates

Once the app has been set up, including the configuration variables and the database, subsequent updates to the Github repository may be deployed as follows:

Push the branch

  • Run: git push heroku master
  • To push a specific branch:
    • git push heroku [your branch name]:master
    • Example: git push heroku 3024-heroku:master

Migrate database changes (if needed)

  • heroku run 'python migrate --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

  • If the tables don't have migrations:

    • heroku run 'python migrate --run-syncdb --settings=geoconnect.settings.heroku'

Adding SSL to Heroku

Instructions for adding SSL to Heroku

Repointing the DNS For SSL:

  • Use Heroku command: heroku certs
    • Use the "Endpoint" shown in the output.
  • Example output from heroku certs
Name             Endpoint                       Common Name(s)                         Expires               Trusted  Type
───────────────  ─────────────────────────────  ─────────────────────────────────────  ────────────────────  ───────  ────────
tokushima-96974  2020-03-14 23:59 UTC  True     Endpoint
  • From the example above, the endpoint for setting the CNAME would be:

Repointing the DNS when NOT using SSL:

  • Use Heroku command: heroku domains
    • Use the "DNS Target" shown in the output.
  • Example output from heroku domains
=== geoconnect-prod Heroku Domain

=== geoconnect-prod Custom Domains
Domain Name                            DNS Target
─────────────────────────────────────  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
  • From the example above, the endpoint for setting the CNAME would be: