- Overview
- Bluespec Syntax
- Bluespec Variables, Types, and Operators
- Combinational Circuits
- Sequential Circuits
- Additional Topics
This document is an introductory guide to learning Bluespec. It's intended for 6.004 students, and is structured mostly in the order that the class is taught. It will cover the basic language syntax, data types, and how to write combinational circuits (functions) and sequential circuits (modules).
This isn't a complete (or official!) reference for the Bluespec language, so it's missing a lot of advanced topics and may have mistakes. If you do notice any mistakes or want to contribute content, feel free to open a pull request or issue, or just shoot me an email at [email protected].
I've listed some other resoures to learn Bluespec below:
- Bluespec Manual: A comprehensive guide of the language.
- Bluespec Reference Card: A short document (3 pages) good for looking up syntax.
- Online tutorial: An online walk-through of some of the common features of Bluespec, along with examples.
If you just want to briefly review Bluespec syntax or quickly look up a particular piece of syntax, you may want to consult the Quick Reference.
Capitalization is important in Bluespec, and your program will not compile if you do not follow the capitalization conventions. The required capitalization of the first letter is as follows:
Foo: Type names, Typeclass names, Interface names, Enum labels, Tagged union labels, Package names
foo: bit, int, module names, instance names, all variables, all type variables, rule names
Whitespace can be used freely in Bluespec!
Comments are treated as whitespace, and can either be one-line comments:
// Your comment here
or multiline comments
/* You can
write comments
across however many
lines! */
Semicolons are needed after any expression. They are not needed, however, after begin and end keywords. Here are some examples for your reference:
// Needs semicolon
x = 5;
// Needs semicolon
if (y) x = 5;
// Whitespace doesn't matter, this is still 1 expression = 1 semicolon
if (y)
x = 5;
// Semicolons not needed after keywords begin and end
if (y) begin
x = 5;
// For loops work similarly to if statements
for (Integer i = 0; i < max; i = i + 1) begin
// Function declarations need semicolons, end statements do not.
function ReturnType fnName(Type var1, Type var2);
// Module declarations need semicolons, endmodule does not
module mkMyModule();
// State declarations also need semicolons
Reg#(Bit#(n)) myReg <- mkRegU;
// Same thing with rules
rule doSomething;
// And with methods!
method Type myMethod();
The keywords begin
and end
are how we can lump multiple statements into one statement, mostly used in conditionals, loops, and case statements. For example, to assign two variables in an if statement, we need to write:
// Correct syntax
if (cond) begin
x = 1;
y = 2;
// Incorrect syntax, y is not part of the conditional
// and will always be assigned 2
if (cond)
x = 1;
y = 2;
Bluespec has both built-in data types and user-defined data types. No matter what data type you're using in your code, when it gets synthesized to hardware everything is just stored as bits. However, types allow us to focus on the value of our variables rather than how they'll translate into bits.
When we write programs, we often have to assign hard-coded numeric values to variables. It's good practice to write all Bluespec literals with explicit sizes, but it is possible to write both sized and unsized literals. Unsized literals are most useful when you want set a variable (or some section of a variable) to all 0's or all 1's, or when using Integers (since the Integer type is unsized anyway, more on that below).
Sized literals:
4'd10 // Decimal value 10, stored in 4 bits
4'b1010 // Decimal value 10, stored in 4 bits
8'b00001010 // Decimal value 10, stored in 8 bits
8'b1010 // Decimal value 10, stored in 8 bits
4'ha // Hex value 10, stored in 4 bits
8'h0a // Hex value 10, stored in 8 bits
8'h0A // Capitalization of hex digits doesn't matter
Unsized literals:
10 // Decimal value 10, unsized
0 // Decimal value 0, unsized
1 // Decimal value 1, unsized
'0 // Enough 0's to fill the needed width
'1 // Enough 1's to fill the needed width
We need to be careful when using '0
or '1
or the compiler will be unhappy. Only use these when both the size of the variable is defined, and the size of the space we're filling with 0's or 1's is unambiguous.
Almost all variables in Bluespec represent, in the eventual circuit, some number of bits. The exception to this is the Integer type, which is only used in static elaboration. This means that you cannot have Integer be the type of your inputs or outputs; it's exclusively used by the compiler, for example, as a loop variable.
Here are some of Bluespec's built-in types:
Bit#(n) // n bits
Int#(n) // n bits, interpreted as a signed number
UInt#(n) // n bits, interpreted as an unsigned number
Bool // True or False (1 bit)
Integer // unsized number, only used in static elaboration
Tuples are built-in types that are made up of other types that you specify. For example, Tuple2#(Bit#(1), Bit#(2))
is the type of a 2-tuple that contains a Bit#(1)
and a Bit#(2)
Tuples can be constructed with the special functions tuple2
, tuple3
, and so on:
Tuple2#(Bit#(1), Bit#(2)) pair = tuple2(1, 0);
To access individual elements of tuples, you can use the special functions tpl_1
, tpl_2
, and so on. For example tpl_1(pair)
gets the first element from the tuple we constructed above, which would be 1. You can also use pattern-matching to get all values from a tuple at once:
match {.a, .b} = pair;
There are some built-in types that will be explained in the sequential section.
You can give types new names with the following syntax:
typedef OldType NewType;
For example, you may want to rename Bit#(8)
as Byte
typedef Bit#(8) Byte;
After this, you can write Byte
instead of Bit#(8)
. (You can also keep using the old Bit#(8)
You can also define your own types by defining a new type that is made up of other types. The syntax is:
typedef struct {
OldType1 member1;
OldType2 member2;
} NewType;
You can instantiate this variable and access its fields as follows:
OldType1 m1 = 2'b00;
OldType2 m2 = some_value;
// Declare the variable
NewType myNewVar = NewType{member1: m1, member2: m2};
// Read a field
OldType2 m2_copy = myNewVar.m2;
// Set a field
myNewVar.m1 = 2'b11;
Similar to tuples, you can also get all fields from a struct with pattern matching as follows:
match tagged NewType {m1: .myM1, m2: .myM2} = myNewVar;
// you can use variables myM1 and myM2 here
Enums are how we can define custom types that are defined by the compiler as bits, but we don't explicitly have to understand how they translate into bits. For example, if you want to define a type Color, which can take values Red, Green, Yellow and Blue, we can write
typedef enum Color { Red, Green, Yellow, Blue } deriving (Bits, Eq);
Deriving Bits
means that the values Red
, Green
, Yellow
and Blue
will be automatically assigned an underlying representation in bits. Deriving Eq
means that the equality operator is derived for the type as well, so if you have a Color
variable, you can check if it's Red
or Green
or Yellow
or Blue
using the ==
comparator. You will generally want to include both of these in your enum declarations.
To extract the Integer value of a numeric type, use Integer i = valueOf(n)
, where n
is the numeric type.
To convert an Integer to a Bit#(n)
value, use Bit#(n) x = fromInteger(i)
, where i
is an Integer
You can chain these together to store the value of a numeric type into a Bit#(n)
as follows:
Bit#(m) x = fromInteger(valueOf(n));
(Note: n
and m
could be the same value, they're just different numeric type names to illustrate that they don't have to be the same value.)
Lastly, you can extract the size of a Type (in bits) by using SizeOf
. SizeOf
returns a numeric type, which then you can then further convert into an Integer
or Bit#
depending on your use case. For example:
Bit#(3) x = 0; // Size of x is 3 bits
Integer i = valueOf(SizeOf(x)); // i = 3, converted from numeric type -> Integer
If a type is represented by Bits
, then we can convert between these types and their bit representations. Examples of this are Int
, UInt
, and any user-defined type deriving Bits
To convert from Bit
to any other type, use unpack
Bit#(3) x = 3'b101; // x is the binary value 101
UInt#(3) y = unpack(x); // y = 5, the UInt represented by the bits 101
Int#(3) z = unpack(x); // z = -3, the Int represented by the bits 101
To convert from any type to Bit
, use pack
typedef enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow } deriving (Bits, Eq);
Color red = Red;
Color yellow = Yellow;
Bit#(2) x = pack(red); // x = 2'b00, the binary representation of Red
Bit#(2) y = pack(yellow); // y = 2'b11, the binary representation of Yellow
s are stored as a string of bits, indexed from the least significant bit (LSB) to the most significant bit (MSB). That is, more significant bits correspond to higher indices. Note that this is backwards from what you might expect based on how binary literals are normally written, since the literals go from most significant bits to least significant bits! (It's done this way so that x[i]
in a binary number corresponds nicely to 2i.) For example, if you have a Bit#(4) x = 4'b1010
, then x[0] = 0
(the LSB or rightmost bit), x[1] = 1
, x[2] = 0
, and x[3] = 1
(the MSB or leftmost bit). In general, for a Bit#(n)
, we can index it from 0
to n-1
. When you index a Bit#
, you get a Bit#(1)
To access a parameterized Bit, we can use the numeric type -> Integer
conversion discussed above. For example:
Bit#(n) x_param = 1; // x = 1, has n-1 leading zeros
Bit#(1) x_msb = x_param[valueOf(n)-1]; // x_msb is the top bit of x_param
We can also take slices of Bit#
s with the syntax x[hi:lo]
. This means to get the bits from hi
to lo
inclusive, and the first index hi
should be greater than or equal to the second index lo
. The result will have type Bit#(hi - lo + 1)
(if you do the math, you'll see that hi - lo + 1
is just the number of bits sliced). For example:
Bit#(4) x = 4'b1010;
Bit#(4) y = x; // y = 4'b1010
Bit#(4) z = x[3:0]; // z = 4'b1010
Bit#(3) lower_bits = x[2:0]; // lower_bits = { x[2], x[1], x[0] } = 3'b010;
Bit#(3) upper_bits = x[3:1]; // upper_bits = { x[3], x[2], x[1] } = 3'b101;
Note that with bit indexing, it's generally recommended to use constants as the indices (or Integer
s, since they're elaborated to constants at compile-time). It's generally ok to extract bits with a variable, but requires more hardware.
Some examples:
Integer fixed_i = 2; // Value of fixed_i known at compile time because it's an Integer
Bit#(2) dynamic_i = 3; // Value of dynamic_i not known at compile time because it's a Bit#
Bit#(4) x = 4'b1001;
// Indexing
Bit#(1) a = x[fixed_i]; // OK, fixed_i is a fixed value
Bit#(1) b = x[fixed_i-1]; // OK, fixed_i-1 is a fixed value
Bit#(1) c = x[dynamic_i]; // OK but inefficient, dynamic_i isn't a fixed value
// Slicing
Bit#(2) d = x[i:i-1]; // OK, fixed-size and fixed-value slice
Bit#(2) e = x[dynamic_i:dynamic_i-1]; // OK but inefficient, fixed-size but non-fixed-value slice
Bit#(2) f = x[fixed_i:0]; // ONLY OK if i=1 to guarantee sizes match
Bit#(2) g = x[dynamic_i:0]; // BAD, no guarantee that sizes will match
When indexing with dynamic values, there's also always the danger of the indexing out of range. For example, if you have a Bit#(3)
, you have to index with at least 2 bits to cover values 2'b00
, 2'b01
, and 2'b10
. However, if the index takes the value 2'b11
, then this is out of the range of the bit string.
Additional Note on Bit slicing
While it's legal to use operators in the expressions for indexing (for example, x[i-1:i-2]
), the compiler doesn't type check on slices with operators. In that example, it would be unable to determine the size of the slice. (In fact, even if you wrote x[3-1:0]
, it would be unable to determine the size of the slice.) So be particularly careful that you match your slice width to the assigned variable widths. If there is a size mismatch, the compiler will truncate the left-most bits, or pad on the left with 0's.
We can combine strings of bits into longer strings of bits. To concatenate two (or more) Bit#
s, surround them with curly braces { }
and separate by commas, as in the following notation:
Bit#(2) a = 2'b11;
Bit#(3) b = 3'b001;
// Concatenation
Bit#(5) c = { x, y }; // c = 5'b11001;
// It's ok to use slices
Bit#(4) d = { x, y[2:1] }; // d = 4'b1100;
// It's ok to write bits explicitly
Bit#(5) e = { 1'b0, x, 2'b00 }; // e = 5'b01100;
Sometimes it can be useful to add arbitrary numbers of 0's or 1's to the beginning or end (usually beginning) of Bits to change the size but retain the numeric value. The first way that we can do this is by concatenating our original number with '1
or '0
, which represent "as many 0's or 1's as needed to fill the specified width".
For example:
Bit#(4) x = 4'b1001;
// Extend x to 6 bits
Bit#(6) a = { '0, x }; // a = 6'b001001;
Bit#(7) b = { '0, x }; // b = 7'b0001001;
Bit#(7) c = { '1, x }; // c = 7'b1111001;
Bit#(7) d = { x, '0 }; // d = 7'b1001000;
Bit#(7) e = { x, '1 }; // e = 7'b1001111;
Bit#(7) f = { '0, x, '1 }; // NOT ALLOWED, not clear how many 0's vs 1's to fill
We can also accomplish the functionality through two built-in Bluespec functions, zeroExtend and signExtend.
: equivalent to{ '0, x }
:- equivalent to
{ '0, x }
if the MSB of x is 0 - equivalent to
{ '1, x }
if the MSB of x is 1
- equivalent to
We can truncate bits by explicitly indexing the number of bits that we want. However, we can also use the built-in truncate function. For example:
Bit#(5) x = 5'b10011;
Bit#(4) y = truncate(x); // y = 4'b0011
Bit#(2) z = truncate(x); // z = 2'b11
Bluespec has several more functions for working with bits, but it's unlikely you will need them.
function Bit#(1) parity(Bit#(n) v); // even or odd number of 1's
function Bit#(n) reverseBits(Bit#(n) v);
function UInt#(lgn1) countOnes(Bit#(n) bin) provisos (...); // number of 1's
function UInt#(lgn1) countZerosMSB(Bit#(n) bin) provisos (...); // number of 0's from MSB until first 1
function UInt#(lgn1) countZerosLSB(Bit#(n) bin) provisos (...); // number of 0's from LSB until first 1
function Bit#(n) truncateLSB(Bit#(m) x) provisos (...); // truncate from LSB
There are several built-in operators for built-in Bluespec types.
Bitwise operators operate bit-by-bit on numbers, including Bit#(n)
, Int#(n)
, and UInt#(n)
. If the operator takes two arguments, so a = b OP c
, then this is equivalent to writing a[i] = b[i] OP c[i]
for every i from 0 to n-1. (Notice that a, b, and c must all be the same size.)
: bitwise-AND|
: bitwise-OR^
: bitwise-XOR~
: bitwise-NOT
Bit#(4) a = 4'b0011;
Bit#(4) b = 4'b0101;
Bit#(4) c = a & b; // c = 4'b0001;
Bit#(4) d = a | b; // d = 4'b0111;
Bit#(4) e = a ^ b; // e = 4'b0110;
Bit#(4) f = ~a; // f = 4'b1100;
You cannot use bitwise operators on booleans; booleans have their own logical operators.
The AND, OR, and NOT bitwise operators have logical equivalents. Logical operators perform the same operations as the bitwise operators, but they take two boolean arguments (True
or False
) and produce a boolean result.
: logical AND||
: logical OR!
: logical NOT
Bool a = True;
Bool b = False;
Bool d = a || b; // d = True since a == True
Bool e = a && b; // e = False since b == False
Bool f = !a; // f = False since a != False
There is no separate logical XOR operator, but the not-equals operator !=
has the exact behavior of logical XOR.
The ternary statement mimics the behaviour of a multiplexer, and is shorthand for an if-else statement. The expression (cond) ? val1 : val2
evaluates to val1
if cond==True
, and val2
if cond==False
. The cond must evaluate to the Bool
(not Bit#(1)
) type.
Bit#(1) s = 1'b0;
Bit#(2) a = 2'b11;
Bit#(2) b = 2'b01;
Bit#(2) x = (s==1'b0) ? a : b; // x = a since s==1'b0
Bit#(2) y = (s==1'b1) ? a : b; // y = b since s!=1'b1
You can use arithmetic operators on many types. If the operator does different things depending on whether the number is signed or unsigned, then you probably want to specify the value explicitly as an Int or UInt.
a + b
: Addition
a - b
: Subtraction
a * b
: Multiplication
a / b
: Division
a % b
: Modulus
a << b
: Left shift
a >> b
: Right shift
TODO: Describe the rules for what happens when there are size mismatches, sign mismatches, etc.
a <= b
: Less than or equal to
a < b
: Less than
a >= b
: Greater than or equal to
a > b
: Greater than
a == b
: Equals
a != b
: Not equals
When we have parameterized types, we sometimes want to define variable widths based on some function of the the parameter width. There are built-in functions for doing basic arithemetic operations on numeric types.
Bit#(n) x; Bit#(m) y; // x is n bits wide, y is m bits wide
Bit#(TAdd#(n, m)) a; // a is n + m bits wide
Bit#(TAdd#(n, 1)) b; // b is n + 1 bits wide
Bit#(TSub#(n, 1)) c; // c is n - 1 bits wide
Bit#(TLog#(n)) d; // d is log(n) bits wide (ceiling)
Bit#(TExp#(n)) e; // e is 2^n bits wide
Bit#(TMul#(n, m)) f; // f is n*m bits wide
Bit#(TDiv#(n, m)) g; // g is n/m bits wide
Bit#(n+1) h; // ILLEGAL: Cannot use + operator with numeric type n
Bit#(valueOf(n) + 1) i; // ILLEGAL: Bit parameter needs to be a type, not an Integer
Now we know how to define types and variables and write basic expressions. The next question is, how we can put these expressions together into code that actually does something?
In Bluespec, we can create representations of combinational (stateless and unclocked) circuits by writing functions. The function inputs are the inputs to the combinational circuit, the function outputs are the outputs from the combinational circuit, and the body of the function describes the combinational logic that converts the inputs to outputs. This section describes the basic components needed to write Bluespec functions.
Variables are declared in code as follows:
TypeName variableName;
Variables must be declared in the function definition, or within the function. You cannot declare a global variable in a file, as there is no such thing as a "global variable" in hardware, since the function itself should encapsulate an entire combinational circuit. (This isn't entirely true once we move onto sequential circuits, but more on that later.)
This also means that the scope of a declared variable is only within the function that it is declared in.
Variables must be assigned values to be used. Generally, you will include an initial value in its declaration. If you don't, then you should always make sure that the variable is assigned a value before it's used.
TypeName variableName = initialValue; // Initializes variableName to initialValue
// Alternate way of assigning initalValue
TypeName var1;
if (cond1) var1 = init1;
else var1 = init2;
// BAD
TypeName var2;
if (cond) var2 = init1;
y = f(var2); // var2 doesn't have a value if cond=False
It's good practice to explicitly declare your variable sizes. However, you can also allow the compiler to infer the type instead of writing it explicitly, by using the keyword let
instead of declaring a variable type.
For example
Bit#(5) a = 0;
let b = a; // b will be a Bit#(5)
let c = { 1'b0, a }; // c will be a Bit#(6) since we added a bit to a
let d = 2'b11; // d will be a Bit#(2)
let e = { '0, a }; // size of e can't be determined since '0 is unsized
let f = 1; // size of f can't be determined since 1 is unsized
One thing to note is that in these functions, statements execute like they would in many other programming languages: top to bottom. Re-assigning a variable another value will update its value for and only for future statements.
Bit#(2) x = 2'b10; // x = 2'b10
Bit#(2) y = x; // y = 2'b10
x = 2'b11; // x = 2'b11, y = 2'b10
Bit#(2) z = x; // z = 2'b11
Now that we know how to write variables in our function, let's talk about how the function is actually structured. A function consists of a declaration, variables, body, return value, and potentially some parameterization.
A function is declared as followed:
function ReturnType functionName(ArgType1 argName1, ArgType2 argnName2, ... , ArgTypeN argNameN);
// Body of function here
A function can return exactly 1 value. If you want to return multiple values, then you can pack them into a tuple or a user-defined struct and extract the separate values from the values or fields of the return value.
and endfunction
are Bluespec keywords that define the beginning and end of the function declaration.
You can pass in any number of arguments to a function, including 0. The names you give to the arguments are the variable names for accessing the input values in the body of the function. Again, the scope of these variables is only inside the function.
Below is an example declaration of a 4-bit adder function. The function take two 4-bit numbers (a
and b
) and a carry-in 1-bit value (c
), and returns a 5-bit number that is equal to a+b+c.
function Bit#(5) add4(Bit#(4) a, Bit#(4) b, Bit#(1) c);
// body
It's possible that you want to write multiple functions that do the exact same thing, but for different Bit widths. For example, in the adder example above, you might want to have an add2, add4, add8, and add16 function. Instead of rewriting the function for every Bit width, we can often generalize it by parameterizing the function, and then specifying when we pass in arguments to the function what value we want the parameter to take.
We parameterize the function by replacing certain numeric types with variables. For our adder example, we could generalize it by writing
function Bit#(TAdd#(n,1)) addN(Bit#(n) a, Bit#(n) b, Bit#(1) c);
// body
This says that inputs a
and b
will be Bits of size n, c is a Bit of size 1, and the function will return a Bit of size n+1. (If you don't remember how the TAdd#
function works, refer to the section on numeric type operators.)
You can then actually call your function by just passing in arguments of compatible bit widths. This can be done in several ways, as shown below.
// Here are your variables to add
Bit#(4) a, b;
Bit#(1) c;
... // assume variables are initialized to values somewhere :)
// You can call the general function as long sizeOf(a) = sizeOf(b) = sizeOf(sum) - 1
Bit#(5) sum = addN(a, b, c);
// The compiler can infer the size of the return type from the size of the inputs
let sum = addN(a, b, c);
// Alternatively, you can declare a specifically parameterized function
function Bit#(5) add4(Bit#(4) a, Bit#(4) b, Bit#(1) c);
return addN(a, b, c);
// Can now call the specific add4 function
Bit#(5) sum = add4(a, b, c);
// Again, the compiler can determine the size of the return type
let sum = add4(a, b, c);
// INVALID: The first two arguments need to be the same width
let sum = addN(a, c, c);
// INVALID: the return type needs to be 1 bit wider than the arguments
Bit#(6) sum = addN(a, b, c);
You can add for loops to your program! Syntax is as follows:
// General syntax
for (Type iter_val = initial_val; cond; iter_val = f(iter_val)) begin
// Stuff to do in for loop.
// Loop will continue if cond==True, and will apply f(iter_val) at the end of every loop cycle
// Example for loop. Will initialize i to 0, and then execute as long as i < 10,
// with i incrementing at the end of every loop execution.
for (Integer i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) begin
count = count + i;
// Example for loop in a parameterized function (where n is a numeric type).
for (Integer i = 0; i < valueOf(n); i = i + 1) begin
// Do something
One thing to note is that loops are unrolled at compile-time. This means that what the second for-loop above actually does is the following:
i = 0; // i = 0
count = count + i;
i = i + 1; // i = 1
count = count + i;
i = i + 1; // i = 2
count = count + i;
i = i + 1; // i = 3
count = count + i;
i = i + 1; // i = 4
count = count + i;
Another thing to note is the use of the Integer
type in the for loop. We use Integer
s because they're unsized so we don't have to worry about if we're using enough bits. At the same time, since the loop is unrolled, it's ok to use an Integer because i
won't ever actually change values in the compiled circuit, it just becomes a hard-coded constant for each iteration of the loop.
We generally want to keep the bounds of our for
loop to a constant, because otherwise our circuit has to unroll every possible iteration of the for loop and put a mux on every iteration deciding whether that iteration is the final one or not. In code:
Bit#(5) max = get_max(); // value of max is unknown at compile time
// BAD: Compiler has to unroll 2^5 loops and then dynamically
// decide after which iteration to take the value of res
for (Integer i = 0; i < max; i = i + 1)
res = f(res);
If-else statements are just like any other language.
if (cond1) begin
// Will execute if cond1==True
end else if (cond2) begin
// Will execute if cond1==False and cond2==True
end else begin
// Will execute if cond1==False and cond2==False
// We can also one-line these statements if only one action needs to happen.
if (cond1) doSomething;
else if (cond2) doSomethingElse;
// Default else statement is optional.
The case
statement is a shorthand way of writing long if
blocks. The syntax is as follows:
Type switch = some_val;
// This case conditionally executes statements based on which value switch matches.
// The default value executes if no other value is matches, and is not always needed.
case (switch)
val1: do1(); // do1() executes if (switch==val1)
val2: begin // do2() and do3() execute if (switch==val2)
default: do4(); // do4() executes if (switch!=val1) && (switch!=val2)
// This case conditionally sets to a value based on which value switch matches.
let x = case (switch)
val1: xval1; // x = xval1 if (switch==val1)
val2: xval2; // x = xval2 if (switch==val2)
val3: (xval1 + xval2); // Need to wrap multi-term expressions in parentheses
default: xval3; // x = xval3 if (switch!=val1) && (switch!=val2)
endcase; // Note the semicolon here
statements specify the return value of your function. You can only have return statements at the very end of your function (there can't be any statements after them, not even other return statements), although they can be at the end of branches in an if-else conditional. In addition, you must have a return statement at the end of every path of execution, so there cannot be a possible path where your function will not return a value.
// Best to put your return value at the end.
function ReturnType fnName(args...);
ReturnType res;
if (cond1) res = val1;
else res = val2;
return res;
// Also ok to return from every branch of an if-else
function ReturnType fnName(args...);
if (cond1) return val1;
else return val2;
// BAD: the return statements in the if/else come before the return statement at the very end
// (This is easy to fix by just adding `else` before `return val3;`)
function ReturnType fnName(args...);
if (cond1) return val1;
else if (cond2) return val2;
return val3;
// BAD: if cond1==False and cond2==False, no return statement
function ReturnType fnName(args...);
if (cond1) return val1;
else if (cond2) return val2;
You can call a function from within another function, or from within a module's rule or method (to be explained in the next function). Every time you write a function call, it generates a new instance of that combinational circuit; there's no sharing of an instance of a function across separate calls. This means if you have the following code, generating an instance of myOtherFunc
will have in it two instances of myFunc
function ReturnType1 myFunc(ArgType arg1);
// Some stuff
function ReturnType myOtherFunc();
if (cond1) myFunc(val1);
else myFunc(val2);
Up to this point, we've only talked about writing code to generate circuits that have no concept of time or state. We'll now take a look at how we can use Bluespec to describe sequential circuits, which are cycle-driven (by an implicit clock—we're going to skip in this guide talking about designs that use multiple clocks) and can store state across cycles.
Interfaces define the inputs and outputs to class of sequential circuits. An interface consists of 1 or more method declarations, where each method defines a subset of the inputs and outputs to the circuit, and has a specific function. The exact implementation of the function is not defined in the interface, it will be defined later by a module (talked about in the next section) that implements the interface.
// Basic interface declaration
interface InterfaceName;
method MethodType method1name(ArgType1 arg1, ArgType2 arg2 ... );
method MethodType method2name(ArgType3 arg1, ArgType4 arg2 ... );
method MethodType methodNname(); // methods don't have to have inputs
You can also parameterize interfaces as shown below. This can be a parameterization similar to function we've seen where we want to use the interface for varying Bit widths, but can also be used for things like FIFOs where you want to have an interface that describes all FIFOs regardless of the data type stored in it.
// Parameterized interface declaration
interface ParamInterfaceName#(type typeName); // type is a keyword, typeName is your name for the type
method MethodType regularMethodName;
method MethodType#(typeName) paramMethodName; // Pass the type parameter into methods as needed
There are three different types of methods. The type of method defines some implicit inputs/outputs to the sequential circuit, specifically whether there is an enable signal and whether there is a return value (output).
All methods have an implicit ready signal. This signal tells the outside world when the sequential circuit is in a valid state for the method to be called. Some circuits may have their ready signals always set to True, but that's unrelated to the interface, so more on that later.
Action methods alter the internal state of the circuit, which means that there is an enable signal. When the method is called, the enable signal will go high, which tells the circuit to change its state based on its current state and the method inputs. An Action method is declared as follows:
method Action actionMethodName(ArgType1 arg1, ArgType2 arg2...); // Can have 0 or more args
You can call such methods as:
module.actionMethodName(arg1, arg2, ...);
Value methods do not alter the internal state of the circuit, so there's no enable signal because nothing in the circuit needs to change when the method is called. Instead, value methods just output some value generated in the circuit. Value methods are declared as follows:
method ReturnType valueMethodName(ArgType1 arg1, ArgType2 arg2...); // Can have 0 or more args
You can call such methods and just use the return value in an expression or assign it to a variable:
ReturnType r = module.valueMethodName(arg1, arg2, ...);
ActionValue methods both alter the internal state of the circuit and return a value from the circuit. This means there is both an enable signal, and an output (return) value. ActionValue methods are declared as follows:
method ActionValue#(ReturnType) avMethodName(ArgType1 arg1, ArgType2 arg2...); // Can have 0 or more args
You can call such methods with the same syntax, but to use the return value, you must use the single arrow operator <-
ReturnType r <- module.avMethodName(arg1, arg2, ...);
If you write =
instead of <-
, r
will still have the special type ActionValue#(ReturnType)
, which you can't perform computations on like ReturnType
An interface with no methods is built into Bluespec, and is called Empty
. This is useful for creating top-level modules and testbenches.
Modules are implementation of interfaces, and so they are how we actually define how the sequential circuit works. Modules have three components:
- Internal state (registers)
- Methods (inputs and outputs)
- Rules (internal logic)
Again, we're going to only talk about sequential circuits that use one clock domain, so the clock is implicit and we can think of modules on a timestep basis. What this means is that on every clock cycle (or timestep), the internal state and inputs are read, and then some actions are conditionally executed, and the some new values are conditionally written back to the internal state. Then, on the next timestep, the same thing repeats, using the new state and new inputs.
A module declaration and implementation follows the following structure. Note that the name of a module is always prefixed by mk, which stands for "make".
// Basic module declaration
module mkModuleName(InterfaceName);
// Internal state here
// Rules here
// Methods here
If our module or interface includes parameterizations, here are alternate module declarations:
// Interface is parameterized, module is not. For example, if the module implements
// a specific parameterization of the interface.
module mkModuleName(InterfaceName#(InterfaceParamType));
// Interface and module are both parameterized. Often ModuleParamType and InterfaceParamType
// will be the same. For example, a parameterized FIFO module that can be instantiated
// to store any data type.
module mkModuleName#(ModuleParamType) (Interface#(InterfaceParamType));
// Module is parameterized, interface is not. For example, a non-parameterizable interface,
// but the module that implements it includes a FIFO with parameterizable depth.
module mkModuleName#(ModuleParamType) (Interface);
Any module instantiated within a module is considered internal state, since every sequential module has internal state. The most basic unit of internal state in Bluespec is the register (a built-in Bluespec module), which only consists of two methods, read and write, and stores whatever values are written to it. However, the module can have any collection of registers, vectors of registers, or other modules as internal state.
Internal state should be instantiated at the beginning of a module. We need to declare the internal state just like we would any variable in a function, but to initialize the value, we use a new operator, the left arrow <-
, to actually create an instantiation of the module.
Reg#(Bit#(1)) myReg <- mkRegU(); // Creates a register storing 1 bit, undefined initial value
Reg#(Bool) myRegFlag <- mkReg(False); // Creates a register storing a Bool, initialized to False
Reg#(Bit#(4)) myRegValue <- mkReg(4'b1001); // Creates a register storing 4 bits, initialzed to 4'b1001
ModuleName myModule <- mkModuleName(); // Creates an instance of the module ModuleName
The initial values stored in registers are the reset values for the registers, and are only relevant when you first instantiate the circuit. As soon as you write to the register, the initial value becomes irrelevant. For registers that store data, we often can just not specify an initial value (as this results in less hardware). Sometimes, however, we need to define an initial state so that our circuit starts up correctly. For example, if we have an FSM that uses a busy
flag, and the start
method can't be called while busy=True
, then we need to make sure that busy
is initialized to False
The most basic module in Bluespec is the register: Reg#(Type)
. A register can hold any type in the Bits class (including user-defined types deriving Bits, etc.) and we can instantiate any number of registers in our module.
A register has only two methods: _read
and _write
. Since it's such a commonly used module, however, there's a shorthand for these two methods. If we have a 2-bit register x
let y = x;
is equivalent tolet y = x._read();
x <= 2'b00;
is equivalent tox._write(2'b00);
Note that writing to a register uses the double arrow<=
, which is distinct from the single arrow<-
used for instantiating modules (above) or callingActionValue#
methods (below).
When you read from a register, it returns the value of the data stored in the register. When you write data to a register, the new data value does not appear until the next cycle. So if a 1-bit register x
is currently 0
, and in some rule/method (explained later) we have:
x <= 1; // write 1 to x
y = x; // read x into y
this is the same as
y = x._read();
and the end value of y
will be 0, not 1, because writes to x
don't happen until the end of the cycle, while reads happen at the beginning of the cycle. Note that y
has to be a variable (corresponding to an intermediate wire), not a register, because we're using =
assignment, which isn't valid for registers. If y
was a register and we wanted to read the value of x
into y
, we would need to do:
x <= 1; // write 1 to x
y <= x; // read x into y
Note: In this second example, the old value of x
will not appear in y
until the end of the cycle, since this operation is a write to the register y
! So if we were to read from y
on the next line, it would still return the old value of y
s are a small variant that behave just like normal registers, except that they don't enforce reads to be scheduled before writes. This does not mean that reads will see the value written by writes! All reads will still see old values. Import them with import ConfigReg :: *;
and create them with mkConfigReg
or mkConfigRegU
Sometimes we want to declare an array of registers of the same size. For example, if we have a buffer of length n, we need an array of n registers to store our data. Bluespec has another built-in type, Vector
, that we can use for this purpose, that has the following declaration:
Vector#(n, ElementType);
where n
is the number of elements in the array, and ElementType
is the type of elements in the array.
If we want to actually instantiate a Vector of Registers, we would do so as follows:
// Instantiate a 5-element Vector of n-bit registers with uninitialized values
Vector#(5, Reg#(Bit#(n))) myVec1 <- replicateM(mkRegU());
// Instantiate an n-element Vector of 5-bit registers initialized to all 0's
Vector#(n, Reg#(Bit#(5))) myVec2 <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
Note: To use Vectors, you have to import the Vector package by adding the following line to the top of your file:
import Vector :: * ;
There are other, more complex modules that can be used to store internal state. A FIFO (first-in-first-out) queue stores some amount of data. A producer can enqueue (enq
) data, putting it into the queue, and a consumer can dequeue (deq
) data, taking it out of the queue; this can happen in the same cycle or in different cycles. The consumer always dequeues data in the same order that the producer produces it, hence first-in-first-out. FIFOs are useful for flexibly storing data between pipeline stages.
interface FIFO#(type a);
method Action enq (a x);
method Action deq;
method a first; // data that was enqueued the earliest
method Action clear;
You must import FIFO :: *;
to use FIFOs.
FIFO#(datatype) fifo <- mkFIFO;
To enqueue data you will usually write:
To dequeue data you will usually write:
let data = fifo.first;
But you don't need to call both methods. You can choose to call just fifo.first
to examine the data at the front of the queue, or just fifo.deq;
to dequeue something and get rid of it.
There are also "FIFOFs", which are just like FIFOs except that they also have methods to explicitly determine if they are (not) full or empty: notFull
and notEmpty
methods, which return Bool
. You should import FIFOF :: *;
to use them.
FIFOF#(datatype) fifof <- mkFIFOF;
If you want to specify exactly how large your FIFO or FIFOF should be, You can call mkSizedFIFO
or mkSizedFIFOF
with a positive integer argument.
FIFOF#(datatype) fifof <- mkSizedFIFOF(3);
Finally, there are a variety of more specialized FIFOs/FIFOFs if you import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
. The most likely ones to be used:
- A pipeline FIFO (
, which is size 1) is a FIFO where you can enqueue into a full FIFO if you also dequeue from it in the same cycle. It forces dequeueing to happen before enqueueing in each cycle. - A bypass FIFO (
, which is size 1) is a FIFO where you can dequeue from an empty FIFO if you also enqueue into it in the same cycle. It forces enqueueing to happen before dequeueing in each cycle.
If you are curious about these FIFOs' implementation or need to customize them, you can look at the Bluespec source in $BLUESPECDIR/BSVSource/Misc
directory. (Here $BLUESPECDIR
is an environment variable. You can type cd $BLUESPEDIR/BSVSource/Misc
in a terminal to go to that directory.)
A basic but less 6.004-relevant module are "wires", which are modules with a value that can be written in a cycle and then have the value read out later in that cycle (so reads are constrained to be scheduled later than writes). The most primitive is the RWire
(created with mkRWire
) module supports a wset
action and a wget
method, where wget
returns a Maybe#
value that is valid only if it was written earlier in the cycle. The Wire
interface module supports _read
and _write
, so it can be operated on with the same syntax as a register, and has more variants:
produces aWire
in which reads are implicitly guarded on whether a write occurred earlier. (mkUnsafeWire
allows the write and read to be in the same rule, butmkWire
does not.)mkBypassWire
produces aWire
with no implicit guard; the compiler warns if the wire is not written in every cycle.mkDWire(defaultValue)
produces aWire
with no implicit guard. Reading from this wire is always valid and will read the default value if no writes occurred.
Ephemeral history registers, or EHRs, are basically registers that can be read/written several times in a cycle such that writes can be observed by later reads. In recent Bluespec versions, they can be found under the name CReg
, for "concurrent register". The syntax to create one looks like:
Reg#(datatype) regs[3] <- mkCReg(3, defaultval);
You can now read and write to regs[0]
, regs[1]
, and regs[2]
. Of course, the number 3 can be changed and the rules are similar to the above, but only small integers (up to 5?) are supported.
The rules are:
- Reads to
must happen before writes to the sameregs[i]
. The individual registers behave like normal registers in this regard. - All the writes must happen in order: if
i < j
, then writes toregs[i]
must happen before writes toregs[j]
. The last of these writes that occurs becomes the value of theCReg
at the start of the next cycle. - Writes must come before, and are seen by, later reads: if
i < j
, then writes toregs[i]
must happen before reads fromregs[j]
, and the last of all values written toregs[i]
fori < j
will be read byregs[j]
(or, if no such write occurred, then the register's value at the start of the cycle will be read.) - Note, however, that if you don't write
, say, then there's no conflict betweenreg[i]
6.004 students may also be provided with an implementation called Ehr
. Consult lecture slides/notes on usage.
Methods and rules are how we define the combinatorial logic that decides when/how to change the internal state of the sequential circuit. Methods are how the outside world gives the circuit inputs and reads outputs. Rules, on the other hand, are invisible to the outside world and describe the rest of the combinational logic in the circuit.
Methods and rules consist of method calls to their internal modules, function calls, and assignments of temporary variables (wires). Both rules and methods are atomic, which means that either all or none of their actions are executed, where "actions" are calls to internal modules or writes to internal state.
Methods are defined as follows:
method ReturnType methodName(ArgType1 arg1, ...) if (guard);
A method can only be executed if guard=True
. This is an explicit guard, and usually depends on the internal state of the module. If the method is executed, then statement1 through statementN will all be executed. Otherwise, none of them will be executed.
If these statements include calls to internal modules, then they can also generate implicit guards. Take the following example. The start
method in mkTwoModules only has one guard, !busy
. However, since mod1.start
and mod2.start
also have guards, and can only execute when their guards are true, mkTwoModules.start
can only execute if mod1.busy=False
and mod2.busy=False
. Since mkTwoModules doesn't have any visibility into the internal implementation of mkMyModule, we can't write them explicitly in mkTwoModules; they're instead implicit and get generated later by the compiler.
// Module that does something
module mkMyModule(IfcType);
// Some internal state
Reg#(Bool) busy <- mkReg(False);
method Action start() if (!busy);
// Module that instantiates two MyModules
module mkTwoModules(IfcType);
MyModule mod1 <- mkMyModule;
MyModule mod2 <- mkMyModule;
Reg#(Bool) busy <- mkReg(False);
method Action start() if (!busy);
Rules are similar to methods in that they are a collection of method calls, function calls, and use of temporary variables. However, they do not take inputs or generate outputs, and they do not interact with the outside world. Instead, they define how the sequential circuit is continuously updating its internal state. While methods only execute when they are called, rules execute all the time when they can.
A rule is implemented as follows:
rule ruleName if (guard); // The word `if` is optional for rules
Just like methods, a rule has implicit guards. If any statement is a method call with guards, then any guards on that method call are an implicit guard on this rule. If any implicit or explicit guard is false, then no statements will execute, otherwise all statements will execute.
Since everything in a rule or method happens on the same cycle, we have to make sure that we don't try to double write to a register. Examples of double writes are:
// BAD: Double write
method Action doubleWrite;
x <= 1;
x <= 0;
// BAD: Conditional double write
method Action condDoubleWrite;
x <= 1;
if (y) x <= 0;
// OK: Two exclusive writes
method Action condExclusiveWrite;
if (y) x <= 1;
else x <= 0;
We also can't call conflicting methods in the same cycle. This includes double calling to the same method, or calling two methods that both write to the same register. For example:
module mkSubmodule;
// Internal state
Reg#(Bit#(1)) x <- mkRegU;
method Action writeValueA;
x <= valA;
method Action writeValueB;
x <= valB;
module mkMyModule;
// Internal state
Submodule submod <- mkSubmodule;
// BAD: If this method executes, it would cause a double write
// to the register submod.x
method Action doSomething;
Scheduling concerns how the Bluespec compiler determines which rules will fire in each cycle. Generally, in every cycle, Bluespec will try to fire every rule whose guard is True, in some order. If it can't do that, which could happen if two rules both interact with the same registers or conflicting methods of the same module, Bluespec will issue a warning. No matter what, each rule will execute at most once each cycle.
Some constraints from basic modules:
- For a normal register, all reads (including e.g. in the guards of rules) must be scheduled before all writes in each cycle.
- For a normal FIFO queue, only one rule can
and only one rule candeq
each cycle, but the two could happen in either order.first
must happen beforedeq
. In a pipeline FIFO,deq
must come beforeenq
. In a bypass FIFO,enq
must come beforedeq
If the -show-schedule
flag is passed to Bluespec, which it should be in 6.004 makefiles, you can see the generated schedule of rules in the .sched
file. There are also some scheduling attributes that you can write before rules to affect their scheduling. They are rather advanced but can be useful to make sure that methods are fired under the conditions you expect them to, and scheduled in the order you expect them to. Consult the Bluespec reference guide for more information.
(* fire_when_enabled *) // the immediately following rule *must* fire if its guard is enabled. If the compiler can't make this happen, it errors.
(* no_implicit_conditions *) // The immediately following rule must not have any implicit guards, caused by calling a method with a guard. That is, it must be able to fire if its guard is enabled.
(* descending_urgency = "rule1, rule2, rule3" *) // rule1 is more urgent than rule2, which is more urgent than rule3, etc.; which means that if the guard of multiple of these rules is enabled and they conflict, the earlier (more urgent) rules will fire
(* execution_order = "rule1, rule2, rule3" *) // in each cycle, rule1 should be scheduled before rule2, which should be scheduled before rule3. If this can't happen, the compiler will consider them to conflict, even if they could have executed in the other order without this attribute.
(* mutually_exclusive = "rule1, rule2, rule3" *) // Tells the compiler that these rules' guards are mutually exclusive, even if Bluespec can't determine it. Bluespec will insert code so that there will be an error if this fails during runtime simulation.
(* conflict_free = "rule1, rule2, rule3" *) // Tells the compiler that these rules are conflict-free, i.e. they will never call conflicting methods when running, even if Bluespec can't determine it. Bluespec will insert code so that there will be an error if this fails during runtime simulation.
(* preempts = "rule1, rule2" *) // Tells the compiler that if rule1 fires, rule2 must not fire; equivalent to forcing the two rules to conflict and then annotating with descending_urgency.
Given a type Type
, you can create a type called Maybe#(Type)
. Values of the type Maybe#(Type)
could either be Valid
and contain a value of type Type
, or be Invalid
(and not contain anything --- there's exactly one possible Invalid
value). The syntax for a valid Maybe
value is tagged Valid value
and the syntax for the invalid Maybe
value is tagged Invalid
. For example, here are all possible values of the type Maybe#(Bit#(2))
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) invalid = tagged Invalid;
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) valid00 = tagged Valid 2'b00;
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) valid01 = tagged Valid 2'b01;
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) valid10 = tagged Valid 2'b10;
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) valid11 = tagged Valid 2'b11;
To use a Maybe
value, you might want to use the built-in functions fromMaybe
and isValid
- If
is a value of some typeType
is a value of typeMaybe#(Type)
, thenfromMaybe(defaultVal, maybeVal)
returns the value insidemaybeVal
is Valid, anddefaultVal
is invalid. isValid(maybeVal)
is Valid andFalse
is Invalid.
However, the most generally useful way of handling a Maybe
value is to use a case matching statement or expression.
Maybe#(Bit#(2)) foo = // ...
case (foo) matches
tagged Valid .x:
// foo is Valid and x is the value of type Bit#(2) inside foo
tagged Invalid:
// foo is Invalid
Most of Bluespec's error messages have line and column numbers, so it can often help you track down the error sooner if you enable line numbers on your text editor.
Check if you have Internet access inside the VM and that you're not on MIT GUEST, since Bluespec needs Internet access to check out a license and run.
That means that Bluespec wanted some expression to be a particular ("expected") type, but the expression was a different ("inferred") type, so Bluespec couldn't compile the expression. Try to figure out why they are different and what you can do to both sides to make them the same. Common possible type errors:
The two types are
for different numbersn
, or one of the types isBit#(n)
and the other isInteger
: Remember that most of Bluespec's bitwise and arithmetic operators only operate between two operands of the same number of bits, or between twoInteger
s. If you have twoBit
types of different lengths, you may want toextend
, or slice one or both of them so they match. If you have anInteger
(in particular, the result of callingvalueOf
on a numeric type variable), you can callfromInteger
on it to turn it into an arbitraryBit#(n)
. -
One of the types is
and the other is someBit#(n)
: Remember thatBool
s andBit#(1)
s are different types, and that Bluespec's boolean and bitwise operators are different.- For
s, you use&&
. - For
, you use&
You can convert a
Bit#(1) b
to aBool
withb == 1
and you can convert aBool b
to aBit#(1)
withb ? 1 : 0
. - For
This usually arises because you are using type variables in some way that only works if they are equal to some fixed type or to each other. For example, if you try to assign a value of type Bit#(m)
to a variable of type Bit#(2)
where m
is an actual type variable, Bluespec will complain that it doesn't know if m
equals 2
. You may be able to resolve this by extending or truncating.
One particular reason you might encounter this error is if you're trying to write a recursive function with a base case depending on a type variable. For example, in order to reverse the bits in a sequence, you might try to write a recursive function like this:
function Bit#(w) myReverseBits(Bit#(w) bits);
if (valueOf(w) == 1)
return bits[0];
else begin
Bit#(TSub#(w, 1)) rest = bits[valueOf(w)-1:1];
return {bits[0], myReverseBits(rest)};
Unfortunately Bluespec doesn't work this way: when compiling it will not treat the condition valueOf(w) == 1
specially, and it will still require both branches of the if/else to match the claimed return value. That is, even if w > 1
and you know the top branch of the if/else will not be taken, Bluespec will still require that the return value from the top branch (which is Bit#(1)
) match the return type (which is Bit#(w)
) of the function, and it will complain that it can't show that w
equals 1
. You should probably just try to write functions like this iteratively. (For this particular use case, Bluespec has a built-in reverseBits
function that returns a reversed copy of the bits of a Bit#(n)
This error means you are using type variables in some more complicated way that Bluespec doesn't have enough information to see will work, most commonly numeric type variables. A "proviso" is some kind of constraint on the type variables that has to be satisfied in order for your code to make sense. For example, if you try to assign a value of type Bit#(TAdd#(m, 1))
to a variable of type Bit#(n)
where m
and n
are actual different type variables, this is only possible if m + 1
equals n
, and Bluespec will complain that it wants a proviso that translates to m + 1 == n
Some example errors:
The following provisos are needed: Add#(w, 1, w)
": The provisoAdd#(w, 1, w)
mwans that Bluespec wantsw + 1 = w
to be true. Obviously, this is mathematically impossible, but unfortunately Bluespec is not smart enough to figure this out. It typically means you are trying to assign a value of typeBit#(TAdd#(w, 1))
to a variable of typeBit#(w)
or vice versa. The way around is usually the same as when you have a type error betweenBit#(m)
for actual numbersm
; you should try to extend or truncate. -
The following provisos are needed: Add#(a__, 1, w)
": If there's a variable that ends in two underscores, it's usually a made-up name internal to Bluespec. In this case this proviso just means that Bluespec thinksw
has to be greater than or equal to 1. In this case you may actually want to add this proviso to your function; see the section below on provisos (TODO).
The $display
statement (formally a "system task") is useful for debugging. It prints any number of strings or other things. (Of course this only happens during simulation of the circuit, not in a real circuit that would be synthesized.)
$display("Hello!", "Goodbye!");
You can also display numbers and other things:
$display("n is ", n);
can also be used like printf
if you've ever encountered it in C. If you have a number n
, you could print it using a %
format specifier like this:
$display("n is %d in decimal", n);
$display("n is %b in binary", n);
$display("n is %o in octal", n);
$display("n is %x in hexadecimal", n);
You can use multiple format specifiers for multiple numbers, like if you have another number:
$display("n is %d and m is %d", n, m);
Note that $display
prints a newline after the string you give it. If you don't want that, you can use $write
instead, with the same syntax.
If you have a more complicated structure, though, you probably won't be happy with just displaying it directly. Instead, you should make the structure derive FShow
and call fshow
on it to get a nice format:
typedef struct {
Bit#(32) a;
Bit#(32) b;
} Foo deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
// later
Foo foo = Foo { a: 1, b: 2 };
$display("foo is ", fshow(foo));
This will print something like Foo { a: 'h00000001, b: 'h00000002 }
instead of just a garbage hex string.
returns a Fmt
object. You can also convert strings directly to Fmt
objects by calling $format
, and concatenate Fmt
objects, like so:
$display($format("foo is ") + fshow(foo));
The question mark ?
can be used as an expression. It means that you don't care about what the value is, and allows Bluespec to synthesize a more optimized circuit. For example, if you have a struct where sometimes one of the values doesn't matter, you can set it to ?
when it doesn't and a concrete value when it does.
Note that the ?
value doesn't necessarily obey common-sense invariants, so you should really only use it when you're sure it won't affect anything you care about. For example, if you write if (?)
then either of the two branches of the if
statement could occur, or both or neither.