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Quality Trimming

During this lab, we will acquaint ourselves with the software packages Trimmomatic, khmer and Jellyfish. Your objectives are:

  1. Familiarize yourself with software, how to install and execute it and optionally how to visualize results.
  2. Characterize sequence quality.

The Skewer manual:

The JellyFish manual:

Step 1: Launch and AMI. For this exercise, we will use a c4.2xlarge with a 500Gb EBS volume. Remember to change the permission of your key code chmod 400 ~/Downloads/????.pem (change ????.pem to whatever you named it)

ssh -i ~/Downloads/?????.pem [email protected]

Update Software

sudo apt-get update

Install updates

sudo apt-get -y upgrade

Install other software Note that you can install a large amount of software from the Ubuntu "App Store" using a single command. Some of this software we will not use for this tutorial, but...

sudo apt-get -y install tmux git gcc make g++ python-dev unzip default-jre build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev \
zlib1g-dev python-pip

Install Ruby Ruby is a computer language like Python or Perl.

gpg --import key.asc
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
source /home/ubuntu/.rvm/scripts/rvm

Install Brew Brew is a piece of software the serves as a 'package manager'. It makes installing software easy! You can use it for lots of things, but not everything. Knowing it's limitations will come with time.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

# press return

echo 'export PATH="/home/ubuntu/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.profile
echo 'export MANPATH="/home/ubuntu/.linuxbrew/share/man:$MANPATH"' >>~/.profile
echo 'export INFOPATH="/home/ubuntu/.linuxbrew/share/info:$INFOPATH"' >>~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Install Bioinformatics Packages via Brew These are the packages that we will use to do real work!!! YAY!!!

brew tap homebrew/science
brew install jellyfish
brew install skewer
brew install fastqc

Install khmer

easy_install --user -U setuptools
pip install --user khmer
echo 'export PATH="/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/:$PATH"' >>~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Download data: For this lab, we'll be using files from Jack Gilbert's Merlot wine study ( The details are not important right now, but this is a metagenomic sample from root of the grape vine.

You are downloading from MG-RAST, which is a popular metagenomics analysis package. There are a lot of places to get raw data.

mkdir $HOME/reads
cd $HOME/reads/

curl > root_S13.R1.fq

curl > root_S13.R2.fq

Do 2 different trimming levels -- Phred=2 and Phred=30: One of these is very harsh, the other is probably more appropriate. Which one is which?

Look at the output from this command, which should start with Input Read Pairs:

mkdir $HOME/trimming
cd $HOME/trimming

curl -LO

skewer -l 25 -m pe -o skewerQ2 --mean-quality 2 --end-quality 2 -t 16 \
-x TruSeq3-PE.fa \
$HOME/reads/root_S13.R1.fq $HOME/reads/root_S13.R2.fq


skewer -l 25 -m pe -o skewerQ30 --mean-quality 30 --end-quality 30 -t 16 \
-x TruSeq3-PE.fa \
$HOME/reads/root_S13.R1.fq $HOME/reads/root_S13.R2.fq

Interleave reads skewerQ2-trimmed-pair1.fastq skewerQ2-trimmed-pair2.fastq > Q2.interleave.fq skewerQ30-trimmed-pair1.fastq skewerQ30-trimmed-pair2.fastq > Q30.interleave.fq

Run Jellyfish

mkdir $HOME/jelly
cd $HOME/jelly

jellyfish count -m 25 -s 200M -t 16 -C -o trim30.jf $HOME/trimming/Q30.interleave.fq
jellyfish histo trim30.jf -o trim30.histo


jellyfish count -m 25 -s 200M -t 16 -C -o trim2.jf $HOME/trimming/Q2.interleave.fq
jellyfish histo trim2.jf -o trim2.histo

Look at the 2 histograms

head *histo

Run FastQC on your data

mkdir $HOME/fastqc
cd $HOME/fastqc

fastqc -t 16 $HOME/trimming/Q2.interleave.fq
fastqc -t 16 $HOME/trimming/Q30.interleave.fq
ls -lth

Download FastQC .zip file to your computer

Open up a new terminal window using the buttons command-t, then unzip as per normal.

scp -i ~/Downloads/????.pem ubuntu@??-???-???-?:/home/ubuntu/trimming/*zip ~/Downloads/


Now look at the .histo file, which is a kmer distribution. I want you to plot the distribution using R and RStudio.

OPEN RSTUDIO: Google and install locally. There are OSX and Windows versions.

Open up a new terminal window using the buttons command-t

scp -i ~/Downloads/????.pem ubuntu@ec2-??-???-???-??*histo ~/Downloads/

Import and visualize the 2 histogram datasets:

trim2 <- read.table("~/Downloads/trim2.histo", quote="\"")
trim30 <- read.table("~/Downloads/trim30.histo", quote="\"")

#Plot: Make sure and change the names to match what you import.
#What does this plot show you??

    names=c('Phred2', 'Phred30'),
    main='Number of unique kmers')

# plot differences between non-unique kmers

plot(log(trim2$V2[2:100] - trim30$V2[2:100]), type='l',
 xlim=c(0,100), xaxs="i", yaxs="i", frame.plot=F,
 ylim=c(0,20), col='red', xlab='kmer frequency',
 lwd=4, ylab='log diff count',
 main='Log Diff in 25mer counts of freq 1 to 100 \n Phred2 vs. Phred30')