As a quickstart, we introduce how to train a DRL agent efficiently by using massive parallel simulation in ElegantRL. We take PPO and multi-stock task as example.
# Environment Class, wrapped with VMAP for massive parallel simulation
class StockTradingVmapEnv:
# gym-style functions:
# vectorized functions:
self.vmap_get_total_asset = vmap(func=_get_total_asset, in_dims=(None, 0, 0), out_dims=0)
self.vmap_get_state = vmap(func=_get_state, in_dims=(0, 0, None, None), out_dims=0)
self.vmap_inplace_amount_shares_when_buy = vmap(func=_inplace_amount_shares_when_buy, in_dims=(0, 0, 0, None, None), out_dims=0)
self.vmap_inplace_amount_shares_when_sell = vmap(func=_inplace_amount_shares_when_sell, in_dims=(0, 0, 0, None, None), out_dims=0)
# Agent Class, algorithm control module
class AgentBase
# main functions:
self.init() # Init agent hyperparameters.
self.optimizer_update() # Perform backward propagation for optimizer
self.soft_update() # Soft update target network
class AgentPPO
# main functions:
self.explore_env() # Perform a rollout and save it into the Replaybuffer
self.update_net() # Update the agent: computation the loss function and call the backward propagation.
self.get_advantages() # Compute the advantage value.
# Neural Network Class, pytorch network module
class ActorPPO
# main functions:
self.get_action(state) # input state and output (action, log_probability).
class CriticPPO
# main functions:
self.forward(state) # input state and output the corresponding advantage value.
# Evaluator Class, evaluation and test module
class Evaluator
# main functions:
self.evaluate_and_save() # Perform evaluation and save the model.
# Hyperparameters Class, setting hyperparameters
class Config
agent_class = AgentPPO # DRL algorithm name
env_class = StockTradingVmapEnv # run a finance env with massive parallel simulation.
env_args = {
'env_name': 'StockTradingVmapEnv', # Store the environment class in the hyperparmeters.
'state_dim': # number of shares + price + technique factors + amount dimension
'action_dim': # number of shares
'if_discrete': False # continuous action space
get_gym_env_args(env=StockTradingVmapEnv(), if_print=True) # return env_args
args = Config(agent_class, env_class, env_args) # see ` Arguments()` for hyperparameter explanation
args.break_step = int(2e5) # break training if 'total_step > break_step'
args.net_dims = (64, 32) # the middle layer dimension of MultiLayer Perceptron
args.gamma = 0.97 # discount factor of future rewards
args.repeat_times = 16 # repeatedly update network using ReplayBuffer to keep critic's loss small.
train_agent(args) # Pass the hyperparameters and start the training flow.
def train_agent(args: Config):
args.init_before_training() # Set the path for saving a trained model
env = build_env(args.env_class, args.env_args) # Initialize an environment instance for sampling.
agent = args.agent_class(args.net_dims, args.state_dim, args.action_dim, gpu_id=args.gpu_id, args=args) # Initialize an agent.
# Initialize the evluator with an indepedent environment for evluation.
evaluator = Evaluator(eval_env=build_env(args.env_class, args.env_args),
agent.last_state = env.reset() # Store the last state so that agent continues a rollout without a restart.
while True: # start training
buffer_items = agent.explore_env(env, args.horizon_len) # Perform a rollout with a length of horizon_len.
logging_tuple = agent.update_net(buffer_items) # Update the agent by using data from replay buffer.
evaluator.evaluate_and_save(agent.act, args.horizon_len, logging_tuple) # Evaluate the performance of the agent.
if (evaluator.total_step > args.break_step) or os.path.exists(f"{args.cwd}/stop"): # Stop the training process by make a new directory "stop".
break # stop training when reach `break_step` or `mkdir cwd/stop`