- Exisiting VNET Support
- Choice of master size
- Multiple agent pools
- Choice of managed disks vs storage account and their respective sizes for Masters and Agents
The below use cases will be documented on ACOM when the RP V2 is Generally Available in a month or so. Please try them out and provide feedback on the issues section of this repo.
Preview features only available in the following regions: UK West UK South West Central US West US 2 Canada East Canada Central West India South India Central India
az login
az group create -n <resource-group-name> -l ukwest
Default – 1 agent pool and 3 nodes
az acs create -n <container-service-name> -g <resource-group-name> -t Kubernetes
2 agent pools each with default number of nodes (3)
az acs create -n <container-service-name> -g <resource-group-name> -t kubernetes -a "[{'name':'agentpool1'},{'name':'agentpool2'}]"
Multiple agent pools with custom node size
az acs create -n <container-service-name> -g <resource-group-name> -t kubernetes -a "[{'name':'agentpool1'},{'name':'agentpool2','vmSize':'Standard_D2','count':5}]"
agentpool1 with default node size Standard D2V2 and default no of nodes 3 agentpool2 with VM size Standard_A0 and node count 5
Create a custom VNET
az network vnet create -g vnetrg -n vnet007
Use the VNET id (see above) to create a cluster
az acs create -n vnetcs -g vnetrg -t kubernetes --agent-vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/vnetrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet007"
Use the VNET id and specifiy a custom port
az acs create -n portvnetcs -g vnetrg -t kubernetes --agent-vnet-subnet-id "/subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/vnetrg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet007" --agent-ports 4005
When using custom VNETS, the kubernetes route tables and a subnet in the Custom VNET specified are not associated. Please follow documentation here to associate them
By default, the ACS RP v2 creates managed disks for masters and storage accounts for agents, both of which can be changed to use managed disks or storage accounts.
Use managed disks for masters and agents
az acs create -n storagecs -g storagerg -t kubernetes --master-storage-profile ManagedDisks --agent-storage-profile ManagedDisks
Default master os disk size and agent os disk size are 30GB each Master etcd disk size is 128GB
Use managed disks for masters and agents and specifiy each size
az acs create -n storagecs -g storagerg -t kubernetes --master-storage-profile ManagedDisks --master-osdisk-size 30 --agent-storage-profile ManagedDisks --agent-osdisk-size 120
Deleting an ACS cluster deletes the resources it created in a separate resource group it created but leaves the user created resource group untouched*
az acs delete -n <container-service-name> -g <resource-group-name>