Nagios plugin to check for yum package manager activity
# no recent activity in the last 15 minutes
$ /opt/nagios/custom-plugins/check_last_yum -w 15
OK - Karl <kjbweb> performed Update affecting 1 packages on 2018-01-04 16:05
# removal of a package
$ /opt/nagios/custom-plugins/check_last_yum -w 15
WARNING - Karl <kjbweb> performed Erase affecting 1 packages on 2018-01-05 11:36
# install of a package
$ /opt/nagios/custom-plugins/check_last_yum -w 15
WARNING - Karl <kjbweb> performed Install affecting 1 packages on 2018-01-05 11:37
I created this script to use Nagios to keep tabs on an estate which experienced a lot of unmanaged change.
I found once deployed it became invaluable when combined with other service checks; for instance when alerts start rolling in after a package gets upgraded unintentionally...
The plugin will only generate warnings currently as this is part of our informational suite of checks (last user, software versions, etc...).
This plugin requires sudo privliges to call and parse yum's history.
If you're invoking this script using NRPE as the user nrpe
, place a file containing the following under /etc/sudoers.d
nrpe ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/nagios/custom-plugins/check_last_yum
The nrpe config line for this should look something like the following:
command[check_last_yum]=/usr/bin/sudo /opt/nagios/custom-plugins/check_last_yum -w 15
This script will not produce critical alerts (unless you modify it), the alerts are intended for informational purposes only:
# Usage: check_last_yum [-w minutes]
# -w, --warning WARNING Warning threshold in minutes
# -h, --help Display this screen