This project contains Karellen Kombu broker extensions.
In June 2016 Celery team has removed support for a variety of auxilliary brokers from Kombu project citing the lack of funding. While in-memory broker still exists for testing, this removal made it harder to develop standalone pure-Python applications utilizing Celery and Kombu.
This project recovered the brokers for Django and SQLAlchemy.
Client | Type | Direct | Topic | Fanout | Priority | TTL |
django | Virtual | Yes | Yes * | No | No | No |
sqlalchemy | Virtual | Yes | Yes * | No | No | No |
* Declarations only kept in memory, so exchanges/queues must be declared by all clients that needs them.
Standard Kombu documentation applies and is using Sphinx. The latest documentation can be found here.
from kombu import Connection
from karellen.kombu import register_transports
conn = Connection('sqlalchemy+sqlite:///:memory:')
Firstly, you need to install Kombu.
You can install Kombu either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.
To install using pip:
$ pip install kombu
To install using easy_install:
$ easy_install kombu
If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by doing the following:
$ python build
# python install # as root
Secondly, you need to install Karellen Kombu extension.
$ pip install karellen-kombu-ext
$ pip install --pre karellen-kombu-ext # if you're looking for the latest dev version
$ pip install django # if using Django
$ pip install sqlalchemy # if using SQL Alchemy
You can ask for help on Gitter or by filing an issue.
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to our Issue Tracker
Development of Karellen Kombu Extensions happens at Github
You are highly encouraged to participate in the development. If you don't like Github (for some reason) you're welcome to send regular patches.
This software is licensed under the New BSD License in part that is inherited from Kombu and Apache 2.0 as developed by Karellen. See the LICENSE.bsd3 and LICENSE.apache files respectively in the top distribution directory for the full license text.