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This is MSBuild SDK for F*.

Use templates

dotnet new --install FStarLang.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.1.0::0.1.0 --nuget-source

Then you can create project using

dotnet new fstarconsole -o helloworld

Manually convert F# project

Create new Nuget.config using dotnet new nugetconfig

Paste in that file following configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--To inherit the global NuGet package sources remove the <clear/> line below -->
    <clear />
    <add key="fstar-experimental" value="" />
    <add key="nuget" value="" />

Create new F# project and replace it with following content.

<Project Sdk="FStarLang.Sdk/0.0.2">

    <Compile Include="Program.fst" />

Also rename Program.fs to Program.fst and now you can run your code using dotnet run. That's it folks!


For creation of new version of SDK

  • bump version in the src\sdk\FStarLang.Sdk.csproj
  • run
dotnet build -c Release src/sdk/FStarLang.Sdk.csproj /p:ReleaseBuild=true
  • publish Nuget file located at src\sdk\bin\Release
dotnet nuget push --source fstarlang --api-key $ApiKey artifacts/package/release/FStarLang.Sdk.0.2.0.nupkg
  • Go back to root of the project
  • bump version in the src/runtime/FStarLang.Runtime.csproj
  • Change FStarCompilerVersion to latest F* compiler release in the src/runtime/FStarLang.Runtime.csproj
  • run
dotnet build -r win-x64 -c Release src/runtime/FStarLang.Runtime.csproj /p:ReleaseBuild=true
dotnet build -r linux-x64 -c Release src/runtime/FStarLang.Runtime.csproj /p:ReleaseBuild=true
  • publish Nuget file located at src\sdk\bin\Release
dotnet restore src/sdk/FStarLang.Sdk.csproj --interactive
dotnet nuget push --source fstarlang --api-key $ApiKey artifacts/package/release/
dotnet nuget push --source fstarlang --api-key $ApiKey artifacts/package/release/FStarLang.Compiler.runtime.linux-x64.0.0.7.nupkg
  • Go back to root of the project
  • bump version in the src/templates/FStarLang.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.1.0.csproj
  • run
dotnet pack -c Release src/templates/FStarLang.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.1.0.csproj /p:ReleaseBuild=true
  • publish Nuget file located at src\sdk\bin\Release
dotnet nuget push --source fstarlang --api-key $ApiKey artifacts/package/release/FStarLang.DotNet.Common.ProjectTemplates.