Provides several evaluation metrics to assess the performance of the trained models. For regression, binary classification and multilabel classification different scoring metrics are presented to observe performance in many aspects.
This module is to considering performance results with many scoring metrics. Used metrics are
- Regression:
- mean squared error
- root mean sqeared error
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Threshold based classification Metrics
- Classification:
- precision
- recall
- f1
- f0.5
- accuracy
- Matthews correlation coefficient
- model: Fitting to predict labels
- X: type = {list, numpy array}, feature matrix to introduce to model
- y: type = {list, numpy array}, corresponding label matrix
- preds: type = bool, If True return predictions and scores else only return scores
- isDeep: {bool}, default = False, If True, model is evaluated with torch.no_grad()
- learning_method: {"classif","reg"}, default = "classif", Learning task to get corresponding metrics
from profab.model_evaluate import evaluate_score
return_value = evaluate_score(model,
A use case:
score_test,f_test = evaluate_score(model,
X = X_test,
y = y_test,
preds = True)
To see scores in .csv files in an order, this function is proposed.
-- scores: type = {dict}, includes scores of sets (train, test) -- learning_method: {"classif","reg"}, default = "classif", to set values in order -- path: default = 'score_path.csv', destination where table will be saved. Format must be .csv
A use case:
from profab.model_evaluate import form_table
scores = {'test':score_test}
form_table(scores = scores)