# Quansheng UV-K5 driver (c) 2023 Jacek Lipkowski # Adapted For UV-K5 EGZUMER custom software By EGZUMER, JOC2 # # based on template.py Copyright 2012 Dan Smith # # # This is a preliminary version of a driver for the UV-K5 # It is based on my reverse engineering effort described here: # https://github.com/sq5bpf/uvk5-reverse-engineering # # Warning: this driver is experimental, it may brick your radio, # eat your lunch and mess up your configuration. # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import struct import logging import wx from chirp import chirp_common, directory, bitwise, memmap, errors, util from chirp.settings import RadioSetting, RadioSettingGroup, \ RadioSettingValueBoolean, RadioSettingValueList, \ RadioSettingValueInteger, RadioSettingValueString, \ RadioSettings, InvalidValueError LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Show the obfuscated version of commands. Not needed normally, but # might be useful for someone who is debugging a similar radio DEBUG_SHOW_OBFUSCATED_COMMANDS = False # Show the memory being written/received. Not needed normally, because # this is the same information as in the packet hexdumps, but # might be useful for someone debugging some obscure memory issue DEBUG_SHOW_MEMORY_ACTIONS = False # TODO: remove the driver version when it's in mainline chirp DRIVER_VERSION = "Quansheng UV-K5/K6/5R driver (c) egzumer" VALEUR_COMPILER = "ENABLE" MEM_FORMAT = """ //#seekto 0x0000; struct { ul32 freq; ul32 offset; // 0x08 u8 rxcode; u8 txcode; // 0x0A u8 txcodeflag:4, rxcodeflag:4; // 0x0B u8 modulation:4, offsetDir:4; // 0x0C u8 __UNUSED1:3, busyChLockout:1, txpower:2, bandwidth:1, freq_reverse:1; // 0x0D u8 __UNUSED2:4, dtmf_pttid:3, dtmf_decode:1; // 0x0E u8 step; u8 scrambler; } channel[214]; //#seekto 0xd60; struct { u8 is_scanlist1:1, is_scanlist2:1, compander:2, is_free:1, band:3; } ch_attr[200]; #seekto 0xe40; ul16 fmfreq[20]; #seekto 0xe70; u8 call_channel; u8 squelch; u8 max_talk_time; u8 noaa_autoscan; u8 key_lock; u8 vox_switch; u8 vox_level; u8 mic_gain; u8 backlight_min:4, backlight_max:4; u8 channel_display_mode; u8 crossband; u8 battery_save; u8 dual_watch; u8 backlight_time; u8 ste; u8 freq_mode_allowed; #seekto 0xe80; u8 ScreenChannel_A; u8 MrChannel_A; u8 FreqChannel_A; u8 ScreenChannel_B; u8 MrChannel_B; u8 FreqChannel_B; u8 NoaaChannel_A; u8 NoaaChannel_B; #seekto 0xe90; u8 keyM_longpress_action:7, button_beep:1; u8 key1_shortpress_action; u8 key1_longpress_action; u8 key2_shortpress_action; u8 key2_longpress_action; u8 scan_resume_mode; u8 auto_keypad_lock; u8 power_on_dispmode; ul32 password; #seekto 0xea0; u8 voice; u8 s0_level; u8 s9_level; #seekto 0xea8; u8 alarm_mode; u8 roger_beep; u8 rp_ste; u8 TX_VFO; u8 Battery_type; #seekto 0xeb0; char logo_line1[16]; char logo_line2[16]; //#seekto 0xed0; struct { u8 side_tone; char separate_code; char group_call_code; u8 decode_response; u8 auto_reset_time; u8 preload_time; u8 first_code_persist_time; u8 hash_persist_time; u8 code_persist_time; u8 code_interval_time; u8 permit_remote_kill; #seekto 0xee0; char local_code[3]; #seek 5; char kill_code[5]; #seek 3; char revive_code[5]; #seek 3; char up_code[16]; char down_code[16]; } dtmf; //#seekto 0xf18; u8 slDef; u8 sl1PriorEnab; u8 sl1PriorCh1; u8 sl1PriorCh2; u8 sl2PriorEnab; u8 sl2PriorCh1; u8 sl2PriorCh2; #seekto 0xf40; u8 int_flock; u8 int_350tx; u8 int_KILLED; u8 int_200tx; u8 int_500tx; u8 int_350en; u8 int_scren; u8 backlight_on_TX_RX:2, AM_fix:1, mic_bar:1, battery_text:2, live_DTMF_decoder:1, unknown:1; #seekto 0xf50; struct { char name[16]; } channelname[200]; #seekto 0x1c00; struct { char name[8]; char number[3]; #seek 5; } dtmfcontact[16]; struct { struct { #seekto 0x1E00; u8 openRssiThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E10; u8 closeRssiThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E20; u8 openNoiseThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E30; u8 closeNoiseThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E40; u8 closeGlitchThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E50; u8 openGlitchThr[10]; } sqlBand4_7; struct { #seekto 0x1E60; u8 openRssiThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E70; u8 closeRssiThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E80; u8 openNoiseThr[10]; #seekto 0x1E90; u8 closeNoiseThr[10]; #seekto 0x1EA0; u8 closeGlitchThr[10]; #seekto 0x1EB0; u8 openGlitchThr[10]; } sqlBand1_3; #seekto 0x1EC0; struct { ul16 level1; ul16 level2; ul16 level4; ul16 level6; } rssiLevelsBands3_7; struct { ul16 level1; ul16 level2; ul16 level4; ul16 level6; } rssiLevelsBands1_2; struct { struct { u8 lower; u8 center; u8 upper; } low; struct { u8 lower; u8 center; u8 upper; } mid; struct { u8 lower; u8 center; u8 upper; } hi; #seek 7; } txp[7]; #seekto 0x1F40; ul16 batLvl[6]; #seekto 0x1F50; ul16 vox1Thr[10]; #seekto 0x1F68; ul16 vox0Thr[10]; #seekto 0x1F80; u8 micLevel[5]; #seekto 0x1F88; il16 xtalFreqLow; #seekto 0x1F8E; u8 volumeGain; u8 dacGain; } cal; #seekto 0x1FF0; struct { u8 ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING:1, ENABLE_PWRON_PASSWORD:1, ENABLE_TX1750:1, ENABLE_ALARM:1, ENABLE_VOX:1, ENABLE_VOICE:1, ENABLE_NOAA:1, ENABLE_FMRADIO:1; u8 __UNUSED:3, ENABLE_AM_FIX:1, ENABLE_BLMIN_TMP_OFF:1, ENABLE_RAW_DEMODULATORS:1, ENABLE_WIDE_RX:1, ENABLE_FLASHLIGHT:1; } BUILD_OPTIONS; """ # flags1 FLAGS1_OFFSET_NONE = 0b00 FLAGS1_OFFSET_MINUS = 0b10 FLAGS1_OFFSET_PLUS = 0b01 POWER_HIGH = 0b10 POWER_MEDIUM = 0b01 POWER_LOW = 0b00 # dtmf_flags PTTID_LIST = ["OFF", "UP CODE", "DOWN CODE", "UP+DOWN CODE", "APOLLO QUINDAR"] # power UVK5_POWER_LEVELS = [chirp_common.PowerLevel("Low", watts=1.50), chirp_common.PowerLevel("Med", watts=3.00), chirp_common.PowerLevel("High", watts=5.00), ] # scrambler SCRAMBLER_LIST = ["OFF", "2600Hz", "2700Hz", "2800Hz", "2900Hz", "3000Hz", "3100Hz", "3200Hz", "3300Hz", "3400Hz", "3500Hz"] # compander COMPANDER_LIST = ["OFF", "TX", "RX", "TX/RX"] # rx mode RXMODE_LIST = ["MAIN ONLY", "DUAL RX RESPOND", "CROSS BAND", "MAIN TX DUAL RX"] # channel display mode CHANNELDISP_LIST = ["Frequency", "Channel Number", "Name", "Name + Frequency"] # TalkTime TALK_TIME_LIST = ["30 sec", "1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "4 min", "5 min", "6 min", "7 min", "8 min", "9 min", "15 min"] # battery save BATSAVE_LIST = ["OFF", "1:1", "1:2", "1:3", "1:4"] # battery type BATTYPE_LIST = ["1600 mAh", "2200 mAh"] # bat txt BAT_TXT_LIST = ["NONE", "VOLTAGE", "PERCENT"] # Backlight auto mode BACKLIGHT_LIST = ["OFF", "5s", "10s", "20s", "1min", "2min", "4min", "Always On"] # Backlight LVL BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"] # Backlight _TX_RX_LIST BACKLIGHT_TX_RX_LIST = ["OFF", "TX", "RX", "TX/RX"] # steps TODO: change order STEPS = [2.5, 5, 6.25, 10, 12.5, 25, 8.33, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.25, 9, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500] # ctcss/dcs codes TMODES = ["", "Tone", "DTCS", "DTCS"] TONE_NONE = 0 TONE_CTCSS = 1 TONE_DCS = 2 TONE_RDCS = 3 CTCSS_TONES = [ 67.0, 69.3, 71.9, 74.4, 77.0, 79.7, 82.5, 85.4, 88.5, 91.5, 94.8, 97.4, 100.0, 103.5, 107.2, 110.9, 114.8, 118.8, 123.0, 127.3, 131.8, 136.5, 141.3, 146.2, 151.4, 156.7, 159.8, 162.2, 165.5, 167.9, 171.3, 173.8, 177.3, 179.9, 183.5, 186.2, 189.9, 192.8, 196.6, 199.5, 203.5, 206.5, 210.7, 218.1, 225.7, 229.1, 233.6, 241.8, 250.3, 254.1 ] # lifted from ft4.py DTCS_CODES = [ # TODO: add negative codes 23, 25, 26, 31, 32, 36, 43, 47, 51, 53, 54, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74, 114, 115, 116, 122, 125, 131, 132, 134, 143, 145, 152, 155, 156, 162, 165, 172, 174, 205, 212, 223, 225, 226, 243, 244, 245, 246, 251, 252, 255, 261, 263, 265, 266, 271, 274, 306, 311, 315, 325, 331, 332, 343, 346, 351, 356, 364, 365, 371, 411, 412, 413, 423, 431, 432, 445, 446, 452, 454, 455, 462, 464, 465, 466, 503, 506, 516, 523, 526, 532, 546, 565, 606, 612, 624, 627, 631, 632, 654, 662, 664, 703, 712, 723, 731, 732, 734, 743, 754 ] # flock list extended FLOCK_LIST = ["DEFAULT+ (137-174, 400-470 + Tx200, Tx350, Tx500)", "FCC HAM (144-148, 420-450)", "CE HAM (144-146, 430-440)", "GB HAM (144-148, 430-440)", "137-174, 400-430", "137-174, 400-438", "Disable All", "Unlock All"] SCANRESUME_LIST = ["Listen 5 seconds and resume (TIMEOUT)", "Listen until signal dissapears (CARRIER)", "Stop scanning after receiving a signal (STOP)"] WELCOME_LIST = ["FULL", "MESSAGE", "VOLTAGE", "NONE"] VOICE_LIST = ["OFF", "Chinese", "English"] # ACTIVE CHANNEL TX_VFO_LIST = ["A", "B"] ALARMMODE_LIST = ["SITE", "TONE"] REMENDOFTALK_LIST = ["OFF", "ROGER", "MDC"] RTE_LIST = ["OFF", "100ms", "200ms", "300ms", "400ms", "500ms", "600ms", "700ms", "800ms", "900ms", "1000ms"] VOX_LIST = ["OFF", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"] MEM_SIZE = 0x2000 # size of all memory PROG_SIZE = 0x1d00 # size of the memory that we will write MEM_BLOCK = 0x80 # largest block of memory that we can reliably write CAL_START = 0x1E00 # calibration memory start address # fm radio supported frequencies FMMIN = 76.0 FMMAX = 108.0 # bands supported by the UV-K5 BANDS_STANDARD = { 0: [ 50.0, 76.0], 1: [108.0, 136.9999], 2: [137.0, 173.9999], 3: [174.0, 349.9999], 4: [350.0, 399.9999], 5: [400.0, 469.9999], 6: [470.0, 600.0] } BANDS_WIDE = { 0: [ 18.0, 108.0], 1: [108.0, 136.9999], 2: [137.0, 173.9999], 3: [174.0, 349.9999], 4: [350.0, 399.9999], 5: [400.0, 469.9999], 6: [470.0, 1300.0] } SCANLIST_LIST = ["None", "List1", "List2", "Both"] SCANLIST_SELECT_LIST = ["LIST1", "LIST2", "ALL"] DTMF_CHARS = "0123456789ABCD*# " DTMF_CHARS_ID = "0123456789ABCDabcd" DTMF_CHARS_KILL = "0123456789ABCDabcd" DTMF_CHARS_UPDOWN = "0123456789ABCDabcd#* " DTMF_CODE_CHARS = "ABCD*# " DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE_LIST = ["DO NOTHING", "RING", "REPLY", "BOTH"] KEYACTIONS_LIST = ["NONE", "FLASHLIGHT", "POWER", "MONITOR", "SCAN", "VOX", "ALARM", "FM RADIO", "1750Hz TONE", "LOCK KEYPAD", "Switch main VFO (SWITCH VFO)", "Switch frequency/memory mode (VFO/MR)", "Switch demodulation (SWITCH DEMODUL)" ] MIC_GAIN_LIST = ["+1.1dB","+4.0dB","+8.0dB","+12.0dB","+15.1dB"] def xorarr(data: bytes): """the communication is obfuscated using this fine mechanism""" tbl = [22, 108, 20, 230, 46, 145, 13, 64, 33, 53, 213, 64, 19, 3, 233, 128] ret = b"" idx = 0 for byte in data: ret += bytes([byte ^ tbl[idx]]) idx = (idx+1) % len(tbl) return ret def calculate_crc16_xmodem(data: bytes): """ if this crc was used for communication to AND from the radio, then it would be a measure to increase reliability. but it's only used towards the radio, so it's for further obfuscation """ poly = 0x1021 crc = 0x0 for byte in data: crc = crc ^ (byte << 8) for _ in range(8): crc = crc << 1 if crc & 0x10000: crc = (crc ^ poly) & 0xFFFF return crc & 0xFFFF def _send_command(serport, data: bytes): """Send a command to UV-K5 radio""" LOG.debug("Sending command (unobfuscated) len=0x%4.4x:\n%s", len(data), util.hexprint(data)) crc = calculate_crc16_xmodem(data) data2 = data + struct.pack("HBB", 0xabcd, len(data), 0) + \ xorarr(data2) + \ struct.pack(">H", 0xdcba) if DEBUG_SHOW_OBFUSCATED_COMMANDS: LOG.debug("Sending command (obfuscated):\n%s", util.hexprint(command)) try: result = serport.write(command) except Exception as e: raise errors.RadioError("Error writing data to radio") from e return result def _receive_reply(serport): header = serport.read(4) if len(header) != 4: LOG.warning("Header short read: [%s] len=%i", util.hexprint(header), len(header)) raise errors.RadioError("Header short read") if header[0] != 0xAB or header[1] != 0xCD or header[3] != 0x00: LOG.warning("Bad response header: %s len=%i", util.hexprint(header), len(header)) raise errors.RadioError("Bad response header") cmd = serport.read(int(header[2])) if len(cmd) != int(header[2]): LOG.warning("Body short read: [%s] len=%i", util.hexprint(cmd), len(cmd)) raise errors.RadioError("Command body short read") footer = serport.read(4) if len(footer) != 4: LOG.warning("Footer short read: [%s] len=%i", util.hexprint(footer), len(footer)) raise errors.RadioError("Footer short read") if footer[2] != 0xDC or footer[3] != 0xBA: LOG.debug("Reply before bad response footer (obfuscated)" "len=0x%4.4x:\n%s", len(cmd), util.hexprint(cmd)) LOG.warning("Bad response footer: %s len=%i", util.hexprint(footer), len(footer)) raise errors.RadioError("Bad response footer") if DEBUG_SHOW_OBFUSCATED_COMMANDS: LOG.debug("Received reply (obfuscated) len=0x%4.4x:\n%s", len(cmd), util.hexprint(cmd)) cmd2 = xorarr(cmd) LOG.debug("Received reply (unobfuscated) len=0x%4.4x:\n%s", len(cmd2), util.hexprint(cmd2)) return cmd2 def _getstring(data: bytes, begin, maxlen): tmplen = min(maxlen+1, len(data)) ss = [data[i] for i in range(begin, tmplen)] key = 0 for key, val in enumerate(ss): if val < ord(' ') or val > ord('~'): return ''.join(chr(x) for x in ss[0:key]) return '' def _sayhello(serport): hellopacket = b"\x14\x05\x04\x00\x6a\x39\x57\x64" tries = 5 while True: LOG.debug("Sending hello packet") _send_command(serport, hellopacket) rep = _receive_reply(serport) if rep: break tries -= 1 if tries == 0: LOG.warning("Failed to initialise radio") raise errors.RadioError("Failed to initialize radio") if rep.startswith(b'\x18\x05'): raise errors.RadioError("Radio is in programming mode, " "restart radio into normal mode") firmware = _getstring(rep, 4, 24) LOG.info("Found firmware: %s", firmware) return firmware def _readmem(serport, offset, length): LOG.debug("Sending readmem offset=0x%4.4x len=0x%4.4x", offset, length) readmem = b"\x1b\x05\x08\x00" + \ struct.pack("> 8) & 0xff): return True LOG.warning("Bad data from writemem") raise errors.RadioError("Bad response to writemem") def _resetradio(serport): resetpacket = b"\xdd\x05\x00\x00" _send_command(serport, resetpacket) def do_download(radio): """download eeprom from radio""" serport = radio.pipe serport.timeout = 0.5 status = chirp_common.Status() status.cur = 0 status.max = MEM_SIZE status.msg = "Downloading from radio" radio.status_fn(status) eeprom = b"" f = _sayhello(serport) if f: radio.FIRMWARE_VERSION = f else: raise errors.RadioError("Failed to initialize radio") addr = 0 while addr < MEM_SIZE: data = _readmem(serport, addr, MEM_BLOCK) status.cur = addr radio.status_fn(status) if data and len(data) == MEM_BLOCK: eeprom += data addr += MEM_BLOCK else: raise errors.RadioError("Memory download incomplete") return memmap.MemoryMapBytes(eeprom) def do_upload(radio): """upload configuration to radio eeprom""" serport = radio.pipe serport.timeout = 0.5 status = chirp_common.Status() status.cur = 0 status.msg = "Uploading to radio" if radio.upload_calibration: status.max = MEM_SIZE-CAL_START start_addr = CAL_START stop_addr = MEM_SIZE else: status.max = PROG_SIZE start_addr = 0 stop_addr = PROG_SIZE radio.status_fn(status) f = _sayhello(serport) if f: radio.FIRMWARE_VERSION = f else: return False addr = start_addr while addr < stop_addr: dat = radio.get_mmap()[addr:addr+MEM_BLOCK] _writemem(serport, dat, addr) status.cur = addr - start_addr radio.status_fn(status) if dat: addr += MEM_BLOCK else: raise errors.RadioError("Memory upload incomplete") status.msg = "Uploaded OK" _resetradio(serport) return True def min_max_def(value, min_val, max_val, default): """returns value if in bounds or default otherwise""" if min_val is not None and value < min_val: return default if max_val is not None and value > max_val: return default return value def list_def(value, lst, default): """return value if is in the list, default otherwise""" if isinstance(default, str): default = lst.index(default) if value < 0 or value >= len(lst): return default return value @directory.register class UVK5Radio(chirp_common.CloneModeRadio): """Quansheng UV-K5""" VENDOR = "Quansheng" MODEL = "UV-K5 (egzumer)" BAUD_RATE = 38400 NEEDS_COMPAT_SERIAL = False FIRMWARE_VERSION = "" upload_calibration = False def _find_band(self, hz): mhz = hz/1000000.0 bands = BANDS_WIDE if self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_WIDE_RX \ else BANDS_STANDARD for bnd, rng in bands.items(): if rng[0] <= mhz <= rng[1]: return bnd return False def _get_vfo_channel_names(self): """generates VFO_CHANNEL_NAMES""" is_wide = self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_WIDE_RX bands = BANDS_STANDARD if not is_wide else BANDS_WIDE names = [] for bnd, rng in bands.items(): name = f"F{bnd + 1}({round(rng[0])}M-{round(rng[1])}M)" names.append(name + "A") names.append(name + "B") return names def _get_specials(self): """generates SPECIALS""" specials = {} for idx, name in enumerate(self._get_vfo_channel_names()): specials[name] = 200 + idx return specials @classmethod def get_prompts(cls): rp = chirp_common.RadioPrompts() rp.experimental = \ _('This is an experimental driver for the Quansheng UV-K5. ' 'It may harm your radio, or worse. Use at your own risk.\n\n' 'Before attempting to do any changes please download' 'the memory image from the radio with chirp ' 'and keep it. This can be later used to recover the ' 'original settings. \n\n' 'some details are not yet implemented') rp.pre_download = _( "1. Turn radio on.\n" "2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector.\n" "3. Make sure connector is firmly connected.\n" "4. Click OK to download image from device.\n\n" "It may not work if you turn on the radio " "with the cable already attached\n") rp.pre_upload = _( "1. Turn radio on.\n" "2. Connect cable to mic/spkr connector.\n" "3. Make sure connector is firmly connected.\n" "4. Click OK to upload the image to device.\n\n" "It may not work if you turn on the radio " "with the cable already attached") return rp # Return information about this radio's features, including # how many memories it has, what bands it supports, etc def get_features(self): rf = chirp_common.RadioFeatures() rf.has_bank = False rf.valid_dtcs_codes = DTCS_CODES rf.has_rx_dtcs = True rf.has_ctone = True rf.has_settings = True rf.has_comment = False rf.valid_name_length = 10 rf.valid_power_levels = UVK5_POWER_LEVELS rf.valid_special_chans = self._get_vfo_channel_names() rf.valid_duplexes = ["", "-", "+", "off"] steps = STEPS.copy() steps.sort() rf.valid_tuning_steps = steps rf.valid_tmodes = ["", "Tone", "TSQL", "DTCS", "Cross"] rf.valid_cross_modes = ["Tone->Tone", "Tone->DTCS", "DTCS->Tone", "->Tone", "->DTCS", "DTCS->", "DTCS->DTCS"] rf.valid_characters = chirp_common.CHARSET_ASCII rf.valid_modes = ["FM", "NFM", "AM", "NAM", "USB"] rf.valid_skips = [""] # This radio supports memories 1-200, 201-214 are the VFO memories rf.memory_bounds = (1, 200) # This is what the BK4819 chip supports # Will leave it in a comment, might be useful someday # rf.valid_bands = [(18000000, 620000000), # (840000000, 1300000000) # ] rf.valid_bands = [] bands = BANDS_WIDE if self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_WIDE_RX \ else BANDS_STANDARD for _, rng in bands.items(): rf.valid_bands.append( (int(rng[0]*1000000), int(rng[1]*1000000))) return rf # Do a download of the radio from the serial port def sync_in(self): self._mmap = do_download(self) self.process_mmap() # Do an upload of the radio to the serial port def sync_out(self): do_upload(self) # Convert the raw byte array into a memory object structure def process_mmap(self): self._memobj = bitwise.parse(MEM_FORMAT, self._mmap) # Return a raw representation of the memory object, which # is very helpful for development def get_raw_memory(self, number): return repr(self._memobj.channel[number-1]) def validate_memory(self, mem): msgs = super().validate_memory(mem) if mem.duplex == 'off': return msgs # find tx frequency if mem.duplex == '-': txfreq = mem.freq - mem.offset elif mem.duplex == '+': txfreq = mem.freq + mem.offset else: txfreq = mem.freq # find band band = self._find_band(txfreq) if band is False: msg = f"Transmit frequency {txfreq/1000000.0:.4f}MHz " \ "is not supported by this radio" msgs.append(chirp_common.ValidationWarning(msg)) band = self._find_band(mem.freq) if band is False: msg = f"The frequency {mem.freq/1000000.0:%.4f}MHz " \ "is not supported by this radio" msgs.append(chirp_common.ValidationWarning(msg)) return msgs def _set_tone(self, mem, _mem): ((txmode, txtone, txpol), (rxmode, rxtone, rxpol)) = chirp_common.split_tone_encode(mem) if txmode == "Tone": txtoval = CTCSS_TONES.index(txtone) txmoval = 0b01 elif txmode == "DTCS": txmoval = txpol == "R" and 0b11 or 0b10 txtoval = DTCS_CODES.index(txtone) else: txmoval = 0 txtoval = 0 if rxmode == "Tone": rxtoval = CTCSS_TONES.index(rxtone) rxmoval = 0b01 elif rxmode == "DTCS": rxmoval = rxpol == "R" and 0b11 or 0b10 rxtoval = DTCS_CODES.index(rxtone) else: rxmoval = 0 rxtoval = 0 _mem.rxcodeflag = rxmoval _mem.txcodeflag = txmoval _mem.rxcode = rxtoval _mem.txcode = txtoval def _get_tone(self, mem, _mem): rxtype = _mem.rxcodeflag txtype = _mem.txcodeflag rx_tmode = TMODES[rxtype] tx_tmode = TMODES[txtype] rx_tone = tx_tone = None if tx_tmode == "Tone": if _mem.txcode < len(CTCSS_TONES): tx_tone = CTCSS_TONES[_mem.txcode] else: tx_tone = 0 tx_tmode = "" elif tx_tmode == "DTCS": if _mem.txcode < len(DTCS_CODES): tx_tone = DTCS_CODES[_mem.txcode] else: tx_tone = 0 tx_tmode = "" if rx_tmode == "Tone": if _mem.rxcode < len(CTCSS_TONES): rx_tone = CTCSS_TONES[_mem.rxcode] else: rx_tone = 0 rx_tmode = "" elif rx_tmode == "DTCS": if _mem.rxcode < len(DTCS_CODES): rx_tone = DTCS_CODES[_mem.rxcode] else: rx_tone = 0 rx_tmode = "" tx_pol = txtype == 0x03 and "R" or "N" rx_pol = rxtype == 0x03 and "R" or "N" chirp_common.split_tone_decode(mem, (tx_tmode, tx_tone, tx_pol), (rx_tmode, rx_tone, rx_pol)) # Extract a high-level memory object from the low-level memory map # This is called to populate a memory in the UI def get_memory(self, number): mem = chirp_common.Memory() if isinstance(number, str): ch_num = self._get_specials()[number] mem.extd_number = number else: ch_num = number - 1 mem.number = ch_num + 1 _mem = self._memobj.channel[ch_num] is_empty = False # We'll consider any blank (i.e. 0MHz frequency) to be empty if (_mem.freq == 0xffffffff) or (_mem.freq == 0): is_empty = True # We'll also look at the channel attributes if a memory has them tmpscn = SCANLIST_LIST[0] tmp_comp = 0 if ch_num < 200: _mem3 = self._memobj.ch_attr[ch_num] # free memory bit if _mem3.is_free: is_empty = True # scanlists temp_val = _mem3.is_scanlist1 + _mem3.is_scanlist2 * 2 tmpscn = SCANLIST_LIST[temp_val] tmp_comp = list_def(_mem3.compander, COMPANDER_LIST, 0) if is_empty: mem.empty = True # set some sane defaults: mem.power = UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[2] mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra") val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(False) rs = RadioSetting("busyChLockout", "BusyCL", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(False) rs = RadioSetting("frev", "FreqRev", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(PTTID_LIST) rs = RadioSetting("pttid", "PTTID", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(False) rs = RadioSetting("dtmfdecode", "DTMF decode", val) if self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCRAMBLER_LIST) rs = RadioSetting("scrambler", "Scrambler", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(COMPANDER_LIST) rs = RadioSetting("compander", "Compander", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCANLIST_LIST) rs = RadioSetting("scanlists", "Scanlists", val) mem.extra.append(rs) # actually the step and duplex are overwritten by chirp based on # bandplan. they are here to document sane defaults for IARU r1 # mem.tuning_step = 25.0 # mem.duplex = "off" return mem if ch_num > 199: mem.name = self._get_vfo_channel_names()[ch_num-200] mem.immutable = ["name", "scanlists"] else: _mem2 = self._memobj.channelname[ch_num] for char in _mem2.name: if str(char) == "\xFF" or str(char) == "\x00": break mem.name += str(char) mem.name = mem.name.rstrip() # Convert your low-level frequency to Hertz mem.freq = int(_mem.freq)*10 mem.offset = int(_mem.offset)*10 if mem.offset == 0: mem.duplex = '' else: if _mem.offsetDir == FLAGS1_OFFSET_MINUS: if _mem.freq == _mem.offset: # fake tx disable by setting tx to 0 MHz mem.duplex = 'off' mem.offset = 0 else: mem.duplex = '-' elif _mem.offsetDir == FLAGS1_OFFSET_PLUS: mem.duplex = '+' else: mem.duplex = '' # tone data self._get_tone(mem, _mem) # mode temp_modes = self.get_features().valid_modes temp_modul = _mem.modulation*2 + _mem.bandwidth if temp_modul < len(temp_modes): mem.mode = temp_modes[temp_modul] elif temp_modul == 5: # USB with narrow setting mem.mode = temp_modes[4] elif temp_modul >= len(temp_modes): mem.mode = "UNSUPPORTED BY CHIRP" # tuning step tstep = _mem.step if tstep < len(STEPS): mem.tuning_step = STEPS[tstep] else: mem.tuning_step = 2.5 # power if _mem.txpower == POWER_HIGH: mem.power = UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[2] elif _mem.txpower == POWER_MEDIUM: mem.power = UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[1] else: mem.power = UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[0] # We'll consider any blank (i.e. 0MHz frequency) to be empty if (_mem.freq == 0xffffffff) or (_mem.freq == 0): mem.empty = True else: mem.empty = False mem.extra = RadioSettingGroup("Extra", "extra") # BusyCL val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.busyChLockout) rs = RadioSetting("busyChLockout", "Busy Ch Lockout (BusyCL)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) # Frequency reverse val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.freq_reverse) rs = RadioSetting("frev", "Reverse Frequencies (R)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) # PTTID pttid = list_def(_mem.dtmf_pttid, PTTID_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(PTTID_LIST, None, pttid) rs = RadioSetting("pttid", "PTT ID (PTT ID)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) # DTMF DECODE val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf_decode) rs = RadioSetting("dtmfdecode", "DTMF decode (D Decd)", val) if self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: mem.extra.append(rs) # Scrambler enc = list_def(_mem.scrambler, SCRAMBLER_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCRAMBLER_LIST, None, enc) rs = RadioSetting("scrambler", "Scrambler (Scramb)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) # Compander val = RadioSettingValueList(COMPANDER_LIST, None, tmp_comp) rs = RadioSetting("compander", "Compander (Compnd)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCANLIST_LIST, tmpscn) rs = RadioSetting("scanlists", "Scanlists (SList)", val) mem.extra.append(rs) return mem def set_settings(self, settings): _mem = self._memobj for element in settings: if not isinstance(element, RadioSetting): self.set_settings(element) continue elname = element.get_name() # basic settings # VFO_A e80 ScreenChannel_A if elname == "VFO_A_chn": _mem.ScreenChannel_A = int(element.value) if _mem.ScreenChannel_A < 200: _mem.MrChannel_A = _mem.ScreenChannel_A elif _mem.ScreenChannel_A < 207: _mem.FreqChannel_A = _mem.ScreenChannel_A else: _mem.NoaaChannel_A = _mem.ScreenChannel_A # VFO_B e83 elif elname == "VFO_B_chn": _mem.ScreenChannel_B = int(element.value) if _mem.ScreenChannel_B < 200: _mem.MrChannel_B = _mem.ScreenChannel_B elif _mem.ScreenChannel_B < 207: _mem.FreqChannel_B = _mem.ScreenChannel_B else: _mem.NoaaChannel_B = _mem.ScreenChannel_B # TX_VFO channel selected A,B elif elname == "TX_VFO": _mem.TX_VFO = TX_VFO_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # call channel elif elname == "call_channel": _mem.call_channel = int(element.value)-1 # squelch elif elname == "squelch": _mem.squelch = int(element.value) # TOT elif elname == "tot": _mem.max_talk_time = TALK_TIME_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # NOAA autoscan elif elname == "noaa_autoscan": _mem.noaa_autoscan = int(element.value) # VOX elif elname == "vox": voxvalue = VOX_LIST.index(str(element.value)) _mem.vox_switch = voxvalue > 0 _mem.vox_level = (voxvalue - 1) if _mem.vox_switch else 0 # mic gain elif elname == "mic_gain": _mem.mic_gain = int(element.value) # Channel display mode elif elname == "channel_display_mode": _mem.channel_display_mode = CHANNELDISP_LIST.index( str(element.value)) # RX Mode elif elname == "rx_mode": tmptxmode = RXMODE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) tmpmainvfo = _mem.TX_VFO + 1 _mem.crossband = tmpmainvfo * bool(tmptxmode & 0b10) _mem.dual_watch = tmpmainvfo * bool(tmptxmode & 0b01) # Battery Save elif elname == "battery_save": _mem.battery_save = BATSAVE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Backlight auto mode elif elname == "backlight_time": _mem.backlight_time = BACKLIGHT_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Backlight min elif elname == "backlight_min": _mem.backlight_min = \ BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Backlight max elif elname == "backlight_max": _mem.backlight_max = \ BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Backlight TX_RX elif elname == "backlight_on_TX_RX": _mem.backlight_on_TX_RX = \ BACKLIGHT_TX_RX_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # AM_fix elif elname == "AM_fix": _mem.AM_fix = int(element.value) # mic_bar elif elname == "mem.mic_bar": _mem.mic_bar = int(element.value) # Batterie txt elif elname == "_mem.battery_text": _mem.battery_text = \ BAT_TXT_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Tail tone elimination elif elname == "ste": _mem.ste = int(element.value) # VFO Open elif elname == "freq_mode_allowed": _mem.freq_mode_allowed = int(element.value) # Beep control elif elname == "button_beep": _mem.button_beep = int(element.value) # Scan resume mode elif elname == "scan_resume_mode": _mem.scan_resume_mode = SCANRESUME_LIST.index( str(element.value)) # Keypad lock elif elname == "key_lock": _mem.key_lock = int(element.value) # Auto keypad lock elif elname == "auto_keypad_lock": _mem.auto_keypad_lock = int(element.value) # Power on display mode elif elname == "welcome_mode": _mem.power_on_dispmode = WELCOME_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Keypad Tone elif elname == "voice": _mem.voice = VOICE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) elif elname == "s0_level": _mem.s0_level = -int(element.value) elif elname == "s9_level": _mem.s9_level = -int(element.value) elif elname == "password": if element.value.get_value() is None or element.value == "": _mem.password = 0xFFFFFFFF else: _mem.password = int(element.value) # Alarm mode elif elname == "alarm_mode": _mem.alarm_mode = ALARMMODE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Reminding of end of talk elif elname == "roger_beep": _mem.roger_beep = REMENDOFTALK_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # Repeater tail tone elimination elif elname == "rp_ste": _mem.rp_ste = RTE_LIST.index( str(element.value)) # Logo string 1 elif elname == "logo1": bts = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00")+"\x00"*12 _mem.logo_line1 = bts[0:12]+"\x00\xff\xff\xff" # Logo string 2 elif elname == "logo2": bts = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00")+"\x00"*12 _mem.logo_line2 = bts[0:12]+"\x00\xff\xff\xff" # unlock settings # FLOCK elif elname == "int_flock": _mem.int_flock = FLOCK_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # 350TX elif elname == "int_350tx": _mem.int_350tx = int(element.value) # KILLED elif elname == "int_KILLED": _mem.int_KILLED = int(element.value) # 200TX elif elname == "int_200tx": _mem.int_200tx = int(element.value) # 500TX elif elname == "int_500tx": _mem.int_500tx = int(element.value) # 350EN elif elname == "int_350en": _mem.int_350en = int(element.value) # SCREN elif elname == "int_scren": _mem.int_scren = int(element.value) # battery type elif elname == "Battery_type": _mem.Battery_type = BATTYPE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) # fm radio for i in range(1, 21): freqname = "FM_" + str(i) if elname == freqname: val = str(element.value).strip() try: val2 = int(float(val)*10) except Exception: val2 = 0xffff if val2 < FMMIN*10 or val2 > FMMAX*10: val2 = 0xffff # raise errors.InvalidValueError( # "FM radio frequency should be a value " # "in the range %.1f - %.1f" % (FMMIN , FMMAX)) _mem.fmfreq[i-1] = val2 # dtmf settings if elname == "dtmf_side_tone": _mem.dtmf.side_tone = \ int(element.value) elif elname == "dtmf_separate_code": _mem.dtmf.separate_code = str(element.value) elif elname == "dtmf_group_call_code": _mem.dtmf.group_call_code = element.value elif elname == "dtmf_decode_response": _mem.dtmf.decode_response = \ DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE_LIST.index(str(element.value)) elif elname == "dtmf_auto_reset_time": _mem.dtmf.auto_reset_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_preload_time": _mem.dtmf.preload_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_first_code_persist_time": _mem.dtmf.first_code_persist_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_hash_persist_time": _mem.dtmf.hash_persist_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_code_persist_time": _mem.dtmf.code_persist_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_code_interval_time": _mem.dtmf.code_interval_time = \ int(int(element.value)/10) elif elname == "dtmf_permit_remote_kill": _mem.dtmf.permit_remote_kill = \ int(element.value) elif elname == "dtmf_dtmf_local_code": k = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*3 _mem.dtmf.local_code = k[0:3] elif elname == "dtmf_dtmf_up_code": k = str(element.value).strip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*16 _mem.dtmf.up_code = k[0:16] elif elname == "dtmf_dtmf_down_code": k = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*16 _mem.dtmf.down_code = k[0:16] elif elname == "dtmf_kill_code": k = str(element.value).strip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*5 _mem.dtmf.kill_code = k[0:5] elif elname == "dtmf_revive_code": k = str(element.value).strip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*5 _mem.dtmf.revive_code = k[0:5] elif elname == "live_DTMF_decoder": _mem.live_DTMF_decoder = int(element.value) # dtmf contacts for i in range(1, 17): varname = "DTMF_" + str(i) if elname == varname: k = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\x00"*8 _mem.dtmfcontact[i-1].name = k[0:8] varnumname = "DTMFNUM_" + str(i) if elname == varnumname: k = str(element.value).rstrip("\x20\xff\x00") + "\xff"*3 _mem.dtmfcontact[i-1].number = k[0:3] # scanlist stuff if elname == "slDef": _mem.slDef = SCANLIST_SELECT_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif elname == "sl1PriorEnab": _mem.sl1PriorEnab = \ int(element.value) elif elname == "sl2PriorEnab": _mem.sl2PriorEnab = \ int(element.value) elif elname == "sl1PriorCh1" or \ elname == "sl1PriorCh2" or \ elname == "sl2PriorCh1" or \ elname == "sl2PriorCh2": val = int(element.value) if val > 200 or val < 1: val = 0xff else: val -= 1 if elname == "sl1PriorCh1": _mem.sl1PriorCh1 = val if elname == "sl1PriorCh2": _mem.sl1PriorCh2 = val if elname == "sl2PriorCh1": _mem.sl2PriorCh1 = val if elname == "sl2PriorCh2": _mem.sl2PriorCh2 = val if elname == "key1_shortpress_action": _mem.key1_shortpress_action = KEYACTIONS_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif elname == "key1_longpress_action": _mem.key1_longpress_action = KEYACTIONS_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif elname == "key2_shortpress_action": _mem.key2_shortpress_action = KEYACTIONS_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif elname == "key2_longpress_action": _mem.key2_longpress_action = KEYACTIONS_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif elname == "keyM_longpress_action": _mem.keyM_longpress_action = KEYACTIONS_LIST.index( str(element.value)) elif element.changed() and elname.startswith("_mem.cal."): exec(elname + " = element.value.get_value()") def get_settings(self): _mem = self._memobj basic = RadioSettingGroup("basic", "Basic Settings") advanced = RadioSettingGroup("advanced", "Advanced Settings") keya = RadioSettingGroup("keya", "Programmable Keys") dtmf = RadioSettingGroup("dtmf", "DTMF Settings") dtmfc = RadioSettingGroup("dtmfc", "DTMF Contacts") scanl = RadioSettingGroup("scn", "Scan Lists") unlock = RadioSettingGroup("unlock", "Unlock Settings") fmradio = RadioSettingGroup("fmradio", "FM Radio") calibration = RadioSettingGroup("calibration", "Calibration") roinfo = RadioSettingGroup("roinfo", "Driver Information") top = RadioSettings() top.append(basic) top.append(advanced) top.append(keya) top.append(dtmf) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: top.append(dtmfc) top.append(scanl) top.append(unlock) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_FMRADIO: top.append(fmradio) top.append(roinfo) top.append(calibration) # helper function def append_label(radio_setting, label, descr = ""): if not hasattr(append_label, 'idx'): append_label.idx = 0 val = RadioSettingValueString(len(descr), len(descr), descr) val.set_mutable(False) rs = RadioSetting("label" + str(append_label.idx), label, val) append_label.idx += 1 radio_setting.append(rs) # Programmable keys def get_action(action_num): """"get actual key action""" has_alarm = self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_ALARM has1750 = self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_TX1750 has_flashlight = self._memobj.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_FLASHLIGHT lst = KEYACTIONS_LIST.copy() if not has_alarm: lst.remove("ALARM") if not has1750: lst.remove("1750Hz TONE") if not has_flashlight: lst.remove("FLASHLIGHT") action_num = int(action_num) if action_num >= len(KEYACTIONS_LIST) or \ KEYACTIONS_LIST[action_num] not in lst: action_num = 0 return lst, KEYACTIONS_LIST[action_num] val = RadioSettingValueList(*get_action(_mem.key1_shortpress_action)) rs = RadioSetting("key1_shortpress_action", "Side key 1 short press (F1Shrt)", val) keya.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(*get_action(_mem.key1_longpress_action)) rs = RadioSetting("key1_longpress_action", "Side key 1 long press (F1Long)", val) keya.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(*get_action(_mem.key2_shortpress_action)) rs = RadioSetting("key2_shortpress_action", "Side key 2 short press (F2Shrt)", val) keya.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(*get_action(_mem.key2_longpress_action)) rs = RadioSetting("key2_longpress_action", "Side key 2 long press (F2Long)", val) keya.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueList(*get_action(_mem.keyM_longpress_action)) rs = RadioSetting("keyM_longpress_action", "Menu key long press (M Long)", val) keya.append(rs) ################## DTMF settings tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.separate_code) if tmpval not in DTMF_CODE_CHARS: tmpval = '*' val = RadioSettingValueString(1, 1, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CODE_CHARS) sep_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_separate_code", "Separate Code", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.group_call_code) if tmpval not in DTMF_CODE_CHARS: tmpval = '#' val = RadioSettingValueString(1, 1, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CODE_CHARS) group_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_group_call_code", "Group Call Code", val) tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.first_code_persist_time * 10, 30, 1000, 300) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(30, 1000, tmpval, 10) first_code_per_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_first_code_persist_time", "First code persist time (ms)", val) tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.hash_persist_time * 10, 30, 1000, 300) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(30, 1000, tmpval, 10) spec_per_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_hash_persist_time", "#/* persist time (ms)", val) tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.code_persist_time * 10, 30, 1000, 300) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(30, 1000, tmpval, 10) code_per_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_code_persist_time", "Code persist time (ms)", val) tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.code_interval_time * 10, 30, 1000, 300) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(30, 1000, tmpval, 10) code_int_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_code_interval_time", "Code interval time (ms)", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.local_code).upper().strip( "\x00\xff\x20") for i in tmpval: if i in DTMF_CHARS_ID: continue tmpval = "103" break val = RadioSettingValueString(3, 3, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS_ID) ani_id_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_dtmf_local_code", "Local code (3 chars 0-9 ABCD) (ANI ID)", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.up_code).upper().strip( "\x00\xff\x20") for i in tmpval: if i in DTMF_CHARS_UPDOWN or i == "": continue else: tmpval = "123" break val = RadioSettingValueString(1, 16, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS_UPDOWN) up_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_dtmf_up_code", "Up code (1-16 chars 0-9 ABCD*#) (UPCode)", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.down_code).upper().strip( "\x00\xff\x20") for i in tmpval: if i in DTMF_CHARS_UPDOWN: continue else: tmpval = "456" break val = RadioSettingValueString(1, 16, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS_UPDOWN) dw_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_dtmf_down_code", "Down code (1-16 chars 0-9 ABCD*#) (DWCode)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.side_tone) dtmf_side_tone_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_side_tone", "DTMF Sidetone on speaker when sent (D ST)", val) tmpval = list_def(_mem.dtmf.decode_response, DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(DTMF_DECODE_RESPONSE_LIST, None,tmpval) dtmf_resp_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_decode_response", "Decode Response (D Resp)", val) tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.auto_reset_time, 5, 60, 5) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(5, 60, tmpval) d_hold_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_auto_reset_time", "Auto reset time (s) (D Hold)", val) # D Prel tmpval = min_max_def(_mem.dtmf.preload_time * 10, 30, 990, 300) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(30, 990, tmpval, 10) d_prel_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_preload_time", "Pre-load time (ms) (D Prel)", val) # D LIVE val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.live_DTMF_decoder) d_live_setting = RadioSetting("live_DTMF_decoder", "Displays DTMF codes" " received in the middle of the screen (D Live)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.dtmf.permit_remote_kill) perm_kill_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_permit_remote_kill", "Permit remote kill", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.kill_code).upper().strip( "\x00\xff\x20") for i in tmpval: if i in DTMF_CHARS_KILL: continue else: tmpval = "77777" break if not len(tmpval) == 5: tmpval = "77777" val = RadioSettingValueString(5, 5, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS_KILL) kill_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_kill_code", "Kill code (5 chars 0-9 ABCD)", val) tmpval = str(_mem.dtmf.revive_code).upper().strip( "\x00\xff\x20") for i in tmpval: if i in DTMF_CHARS_KILL: continue else: tmpval = "88888" break if not len(tmpval) == 5: tmpval = "88888" val = RadioSettingValueString(5, 5, tmpval) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS_KILL) rev_code_setting = RadioSetting("dtmf_revive_code", "Revive code (5 chars 0-9 ABCD)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_KILLED) killed_setting = RadioSetting("int_KILLED", "DTMF kill lock", val) ################## DTMF Contacts append_label(dtmfc, "DTMF Contacts (D List)", "All DTMF Contacts are 3 codes " "(valid: 0-9 * # ABCD), " "or an empty string") for i in range(1, 17): varname = "DTMF_"+str(i) varnumname = "DTMFNUM_"+str(i) vardescr = "DTMF Contact "+str(i)+" name" varinumdescr = "DTMF Contact "+str(i)+" number" cntn = str(_mem.dtmfcontact[i-1].name).strip("\x20\x00\xff") cntnum = str(_mem.dtmfcontact[i-1].number).strip("\x20\x00\xff") val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 8, cntn) rs = RadioSetting(varname, vardescr, val) dtmfc.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 3, cntnum) val.set_charset(DTMF_CHARS) rs = RadioSetting(varnumname, varinumdescr, val) dtmfc.append(rs) ################## Scan Lists tmpscanl = list_def(_mem.slDef, SCANLIST_SELECT_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCANLIST_SELECT_LIST, None, tmpscanl) rs = RadioSetting("slDef", "Default scanlist (SList)", val) scanl.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.sl1PriorEnab) rs = RadioSetting("sl1PriorEnab", "Scanlist 1 priority channel scan", val) scanl.append(rs) tmpch = min_max_def(_mem.sl1PriorCh1 + 1, 0, 200, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 200, tmpch) rs = RadioSetting("sl1PriorCh1", "Scanlist 1 priority channel 1 (0 - OFF)", val) scanl.append(rs) tmpch = min_max_def(_mem.sl1PriorCh2 + 1, 0, 200, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 200, tmpch) rs = RadioSetting("sl1PriorCh2", "Scanlist 1 priority channel 2 (0 - OFF)", val) scanl.append(rs) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.sl2PriorEnab) rs = RadioSetting("sl2PriorEnab", "Scanlist 2 priority channel scan", val) scanl.append(rs) tmpch = min_max_def(_mem.sl2PriorCh1 + 1, 0, 200, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 200, tmpch) rs = RadioSetting("sl2PriorCh1", "Scanlist 2 priority channel 1 (0 - OFF)", val) scanl.append(rs) tmpch = min_max_def(_mem.sl2PriorCh2 + 1, 0, 200, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 200, tmpch) rs = RadioSetting("sl2PriorCh2", "Scanlist 2 priority channel 2 (0 - OFF)", val) scanl.append(rs) ################## Basic settings ch_list = [] for ch in range(1, 201): ch_list.append("Channel M" + str(ch)) for bnd in range(1, 8): ch_list.append("Band F" + str(bnd)) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_NOAA: for bnd in range(1, 11): ch_list.append("NOAA N" + str(bnd)) tmpfreq0 = list_def(_mem.ScreenChannel_A, ch_list, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(ch_list, None, tmpfreq0) freq0_setting = RadioSetting("VFO_A_chn", "VFO A current channel/band", val) tmpfreq1 = list_def(_mem.ScreenChannel_B, ch_list, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(ch_list, None, tmpfreq1) freq1_setting = RadioSetting("VFO_B_chn", "VFO B current channel/band", val) tmptxvfo = list_def(_mem.TX_VFO, TX_VFO_LIST, "A") val = RadioSettingValueList(TX_VFO_LIST, None, tmptxvfo) tx_vfo_setting = RadioSetting("TX_VFO", "Main VFO", val) tmpsq = min_max_def(_mem.squelch, 0, 9, 1) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 9, tmpsq) squelch_setting = RadioSetting("squelch", "Squelch (Sql)", val) tmpc = min_max_def(_mem.call_channel + 1, 1, 200, 1) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(1, 200, tmpc) call_channel_setting = RadioSetting("call_channel", "One key call channel", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.key_lock) keypad_cock_setting = RadioSetting("key_lock", "Keypad locked", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.auto_keypad_lock) auto_keypad_lock_setting = RadioSetting("auto_keypad_lock", "Auto keypad lock (KeyLck)", val) tmptot = list_def(_mem.max_talk_time, TALK_TIME_LIST, "1 min") val = RadioSettingValueList(TALK_TIME_LIST, None, tmptot) tx_t_out_setting = RadioSetting("tot", "Max talk, TX Time Out (TxTOut)", val) tmpbatsave = list_def(_mem.battery_save, BATSAVE_LIST, "1:4") val = RadioSettingValueList(BATSAVE_LIST, None, tmpbatsave) bat_save_setting = RadioSetting("battery_save", "Battery save (BatSav)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.noaa_autoscan) noaa_auto_scan_setting = RadioSetting("noaa_autoscan", "NOAA Autoscan (NOAA-S)", val) tmpmicgain = list_def(_mem.mic_gain, MIC_GAIN_LIST, "+8.0dB") val = RadioSettingValueList(MIC_GAIN_LIST, None, tmpmicgain) mic_gain_setting = RadioSetting("mic_gain", "Mic Gain (Mic)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.mic_bar) mic_bar_setting = RadioSetting("mic_bar", "Microphone Bar display (MicBar)", val) tmpchdispmode = list_def(_mem.channel_display_mode, CHANNELDISP_LIST, "Frequency") val = RadioSettingValueList(CHANNELDISP_LIST, None, tmpchdispmode) ch_disp_setting = RadioSetting("channel_display_mode", "Channel display mode (ChDisp)", val) tmpdispmode = list_def(_mem.power_on_dispmode, WELCOME_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(WELCOME_LIST, None, tmpdispmode) p_on_msg_setting = RadioSetting("welcome_mode", "Power ON display message (POnMsg)", val) logo1 = str(_mem.logo_line1).strip("\x20\x00\xff") + "\x00" logo1 = _getstring(logo1.encode('ascii', errors='ignore'), 0, 12) val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 12, logo1) logo1_setting = RadioSetting("logo1", "Message line 1 ( MAX 12 characters )", val) logo2 = str(_mem.logo_line2).strip("\x20\x00\xff") + "\x00" logo2 = _getstring(logo2.encode('ascii', errors='ignore'), 0, 12) val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 12, logo2) logo2_setting = RadioSetting("logo2", "Message line 2 ( MAX 12 characters )", val) tmpbattxt = list_def(_mem.battery_text, BAT_TXT_LIST, 2) val = RadioSettingValueList(BAT_TXT_LIST, None, tmpbattxt) bat_txt_setting = RadioSetting("battery_text", "Battery Level Display (BatTXT)", val) tmpback = list_def(_mem.backlight_time, BACKLIGHT_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(BACKLIGHT_LIST, None, tmpback) back_lt_setting = RadioSetting("backlight_time", "Backlight time (BackLt)", val) tmpback = list_def(_mem.backlight_min, BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST, None, tmpback) bl_min_setting = RadioSetting("backlight_min", "Backlight level min (BLMin)", val) tmpback = list_def(_mem.backlight_max, BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST, 10) val = RadioSettingValueList(BACKLIGHT_LVL_LIST, None, tmpback) bl_max_setting = RadioSetting("backlight_max", "Backlight level max (BLMax)", val) tmpback = list_def(_mem.backlight_on_TX_RX, BACKLIGHT_TX_RX_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(BACKLIGHT_TX_RX_LIST, None, tmpback) blt_trx_setting = RadioSetting("backlight_on_TX_RX", "Backlight on TX/RX (BltTRX)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.button_beep) beep_setting = RadioSetting("button_beep", "Key press beep sound (Beep)", val) tmpalarmmode = list_def(_mem.roger_beep, REMENDOFTALK_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(REMENDOFTALK_LIST, None, tmpalarmmode) roger_setting = RadioSetting("roger_beep", "End of transmission beep (Roger)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.ste) ste_setting = RadioSetting("ste", "Squelch tail elimination (STE)", val) tmprte = list_def(_mem.rp_ste, RTE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(RTE_LIST, None, tmprte) rp_ste_setting = RadioSetting("rp_ste", "Repeater squelch tail elimination (RP STE)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.AM_fix) am_fix_setting = RadioSetting("AM_fix", "AM reception fix (AM Fix)", val) tmpvox = min_max_def((_mem.vox_level + 1) * _mem.vox_switch, 0, 10, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(VOX_LIST, None, tmpvox) vox_setting = RadioSetting("vox", "Voice-operated switch (VOX)", val) tmprxmode = list_def((bool(_mem.crossband) << 1) + bool(_mem.dual_watch), RXMODE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(RXMODE_LIST, None, tmprxmode) rx_mode_setting = RadioSetting("rx_mode", "RX Mode (RxMode)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.freq_mode_allowed) freq_mode_allowed_setting = RadioSetting("freq_mode_allowed", "Frequency mode allowed", val) tmpscanres = list_def(_mem.scan_resume_mode, SCANRESUME_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(SCANRESUME_LIST, None, tmpscanres) scn_rev_setting = RadioSetting("scan_resume_mode", "Scan resume mode (ScnRev)", val) tmpvoice = list_def(_mem.voice, VOICE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(VOICE_LIST, None, tmpvoice) voice_setting = RadioSetting("voice", "Voice", val) tmpalarmmode = list_def(_mem.alarm_mode, ALARMMODE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(ALARMMODE_LIST, None, tmpalarmmode) alarm_setting = RadioSetting("alarm_mode", "Alarm mode", val) ################## Extra settings # S-meter tmp_s0 = -int(_mem.s0_level) tmp_s9 = -int(_mem.s9_level) if tmp_s0 not in range(-200, -91) or tmp_s9 not in range(-160, -51) \ or tmp_s9 < tmp_s0+9: tmp_s0 = -130 tmp_s9 = -76 val = RadioSettingValueInteger(-200, -90, tmp_s0) s0_level_setting = RadioSetting("s0_level", "S-meter S0 level [dBm]", val) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(-160, -50, tmp_s9) s9_level_setting = RadioSetting("s9_level", "S-meter S9 level [dBm]", val) # Battery Type tmpbtype = list_def(_mem.Battery_type, BATTYPE_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(BATTYPE_LIST, BATTYPE_LIST[tmpbtype]) bat_type_setting = RadioSetting("Battery_type", "Battery Type (BatTyp)", val) # Power on password def validate_password(value): value = value.strip(" ") if value.isdigit(): return value.zfill(6) if value != "": raise InvalidValueError("Power on password " "can only have digits") return "" pswd_str = str(int(_mem.password)).zfill(6) \ if _mem.password < 1000000 else "" val = RadioSettingValueString(0, 6, pswd_str) val.set_validate_callback(validate_password) pswd_setting = RadioSetting("password", "Power on password", val) ################## FM radio append_label(fmradio, "Channel", "Frequency [MHz]") for i in range(1, 21): fmfreq = _mem.fmfreq[i-1]/10.0 freq_name = str(fmfreq) if fmfreq < FMMIN or fmfreq > FMMAX: freq_name = "" rs = RadioSetting("FM_" + str(i), "Ch " + str(i), RadioSettingValueString(0, 5, freq_name)) fmradio.append(rs) ################## Unlock settings # F-LOCK def validate_int_flock( value): mem_val = self._memobj.int_flock if mem_val!=7 and value==FLOCK_LIST[7]: msg = "\"" + value + "\" can only be enabled from radio menu" raise InvalidValueError(msg) return value tmpflock = list_def(_mem.int_flock, FLOCK_LIST, 0) val = RadioSettingValueList(FLOCK_LIST, None, tmpflock) val.set_validate_callback(validate_int_flock) f_lock_setting = RadioSetting("int_flock", "TX Frequency Lock (F Lock)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_200tx) tx200_setting = RadioSetting("int_200tx", "Unlock 174-350MHz TX (Tx 200)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_350tx) tx350_setting = RadioSetting("int_350tx", "Unlock 350-400MHz TX (Tx 350)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_500tx) tx500_setting = RadioSetting("int_500tx", "Unlock 500-600MHz TX (Tx 500)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_350en) en350_setting = RadioSetting("int_350en", "Unlock 350-400MHz RX (350 En)", val) val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(_mem.int_scren) en_scrambler_setting = RadioSetting("int_scren", "Scrambler enabled (ScraEn)", val) ################## Driver Info if self.FIRMWARE_VERSION == "": firmware = "To get the firmware version please download" \ "the image from the radio first" else: firmware = self.FIRMWARE_VERSION append_label(roinfo, "Firmware Version", firmware) append_label(roinfo, "Driver version", DRIVER_VERSION) ################## Calibration val = RadioSettingValueBoolean(False) def validate_upload_calibration(value): if value and not self.upload_calibration: ret = wx.MessageBox("This option may brake your radio!!!\n" "You are doing this at your own risk.\n" "Make sure you have a working calibration backup.\n" "Don't use it unless you know what you're doing.", "Warning", wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.CANCEL_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_WARNING) value = ret==wx.OK self.upload_calibration = value return value val.set_validate_callback(validate_upload_calibration) radio_setting = RadioSetting("upload_calibration", "Upload calibration", val) calibration.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("squelch_calibration", "Squelch") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) bands = {"sqlBand1_3": "Frequency Band 1-3", "sqlBand4_7": "Frequency Band 4-7"} for bnd, bndn in bands.items(): append_label(radio_setting_group, "=" * 6 + " " + bndn + " " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) for sql in range(0, 10): prefix = "_mem.cal." + bnd + "." postfix = "[" + str(sql) + "]" append_label(radio_setting_group, "Squelch " + str(sql)) name = prefix + "openRssiThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 255, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "RSSI threshold open", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = prefix + "closeRssiThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 255, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "RSSI threshold close", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = prefix + "openNoiseThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 127, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 127, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Noise threshold open", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = prefix + "closeNoiseThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 127, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 127, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Noise threshold close", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = prefix + "openGlitchThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 255, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Glitch threshold open", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = prefix + "closeGlitchThr" + postfix tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 255, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Glitch threshold close", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("rssi_level_calibration", "RSSI levels") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) bands = {"rssiLevelsBands1_2": "1-2 ", "rssiLevelsBands3_7": "3-7 "} for bnd, bndn in bands.items(): append_label(radio_setting_group, "=" * 6 + " RSSI levels for QS original small bar graph, bands " + bndn + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) for lvl in [1, 2, 4, 6]: name = "_mem.cal." + bnd + ".level" + str(lvl) tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 65535, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 65535, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Level " + str(lvl), val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("tx_power_calibration", "TX power") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) for bnd in range(0,7): append_label(radio_setting_group, "=" * 6 + " TX power band " + str(bnd+1) + " " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) powers = {"low": "Low", "mid": "Medium", "hi": "High"} for pwr, pwrn in powers.items(): append_label(radio_setting_group, pwrn) bounds = ["lower", "center", "upper"] for bound in bounds: name = "_mem.cal.txp[" + str(bnd) + "]." + pwr + "." + bound tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 255, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 255, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, bound.capitalize(), val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("battery_calibration", "Battery") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) for lvl in range(0,6): name = "_mem.cal.batLvl[" + str(lvl) + "]" temp_val = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 4999, 4999) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 4999, temp_val) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Level " + str(lvl) + (" (voltage calibration)" if lvl==3 else ""), val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("vox_calibration", "VOX") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) for lvl in range(0,10): append_label(radio_setting_group, "Level " + str(lvl + 1)) name = "_mem.cal.vox1Thr[" + str(lvl) + "]" val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 65535, eval(name)) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "On", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = "_mem.cal.vox0Thr[" + str(lvl) + "]" val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 65535, eval(name)) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Off", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("mic_calibration", "Microphone sensitivity") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) for lvl in range(0,5): name = "_mem.cal.micLevel[" + str(lvl) + "]" tempval = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 31, 31) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 31, tempval) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Level " + str(lvl), val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) radio_setting_group = RadioSettingGroup("other_calibration", "Other") calibration.append(radio_setting_group) name = "_mem.cal.xtalFreqLow" temp_val = min_max_def(eval(name), -1000, 1000, 0) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(-1000, 1000, temp_val) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Xtal frequecy low", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = "_mem.cal.volumeGain" temp_val = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 63, 58) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 63, temp_val) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "Volume gain", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) name = "_mem.cal.dacGain" temp_val = min_max_def(eval(name), 0, 15, 8) val = RadioSettingValueInteger(0, 15, temp_val) radio_setting = RadioSetting(name, "DAC gain", val) radio_setting_group.append(radio_setting) ################## LAYOUT basic.append(squelch_setting) basic.append(rx_mode_setting) basic.append(call_channel_setting) basic.append(auto_keypad_lock_setting) basic.append(tx_t_out_setting) basic.append(bat_save_setting) basic.append(scn_rev_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_NOAA: basic.append(noaa_auto_scan_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_AM_FIX: basic.append(am_fix_setting) append_label(basic, "=" * 6 + " Display settings " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) basic.append(bat_txt_setting) basic.append(mic_bar_setting) basic.append(ch_disp_setting) basic.append(p_on_msg_setting) basic.append(logo1_setting) basic.append(logo2_setting) append_label(basic, "=" * 6 + " Backlight settings " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) basic.append(back_lt_setting) basic.append(bl_min_setting) basic.append(bl_max_setting) basic.append(blt_trx_setting) append_label(basic, "=" * 6 + " Audio related settings " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_VOX: basic.append(vox_setting) basic.append(mic_gain_setting) basic.append(beep_setting) basic.append(roger_setting) basic.append(ste_setting) basic.append(rp_ste_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_VOICE: basic.append(voice_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_ALARM: basic.append(alarm_setting) append_label(basic, "=" * 6 + " Radio state " + "=" * 300, "=" * 300) basic.append(freq0_setting) basic.append(freq1_setting) basic.append(tx_vfo_setting) basic.append(keypad_cock_setting) advanced.append(freq_mode_allowed_setting) advanced.append(bat_type_setting) advanced.append(s0_level_setting) advanced.append(s9_level_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_PWRON_PASSWORD: advanced.append(pswd_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: dtmf.append(sep_code_setting) dtmf.append(group_code_setting) dtmf.append(first_code_per_setting) dtmf.append(spec_per_setting) dtmf.append(code_per_setting) dtmf.append(code_int_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: dtmf.append(ani_id_setting) dtmf.append(up_code_setting) dtmf.append(dw_code_setting) dtmf.append(d_prel_setting) dtmf.append(dtmf_side_tone_setting) if _mem.BUILD_OPTIONS.ENABLE_DTMF_CALLING: dtmf.append(dtmf_resp_setting) dtmf.append(d_hold_setting) dtmf.append(d_live_setting) dtmf.append(perm_kill_setting) dtmf.append(kill_code_setting) dtmf.append(rev_code_setting) dtmf.append(killed_setting) unlock.append(f_lock_setting) unlock.append(tx200_setting) unlock.append(tx350_setting) unlock.append(tx500_setting) unlock.append(en350_setting) unlock.append(en_scrambler_setting) return top def set_memory(self, memory): """ Store details about a high-level memory to the memory map This is called when a user edits a memory in the UI """ number = memory.number-1 # Get a low-level memory object mapped to the image _mem = self._memobj.channel[number] _mem4 = self._memobj # empty memory if memory.empty: _mem.set_raw("\xFF" * 16) if number < 200: _mem2 = self._memobj.channelname[number] _mem2.set_raw("\xFF" * 16) _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist1 = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist2 = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].compander = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_free = 1 _mem4.ch_attr[number].band = 0x7 return memory if number < 200: _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist1 = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist2 = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].compander = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_free = 1 _mem4.ch_attr[number].band = 0x7 # find band band = self._find_band(memory.freq) # mode tmp_mode = self.get_features().valid_modes.index(memory.mode) _mem.modulation = tmp_mode / 2 _mem.bandwidth = tmp_mode % 2 if memory.mode == "USB": _mem.bandwidth = 1 # narrow # frequency/offset _mem.freq = memory.freq/10 _mem.offset = memory.offset/10 if memory.duplex == "": _mem.offset = 0 _mem.offsetDir = 0 elif memory.duplex == '-': _mem.offsetDir = FLAGS1_OFFSET_MINUS elif memory.duplex == '+': _mem.offsetDir = FLAGS1_OFFSET_PLUS elif memory.duplex == 'off': # we fake tx disable by setting the tx freq to 0 MHz _mem.offsetDir = FLAGS1_OFFSET_MINUS _mem.offset = _mem.freq # set band if number < 200: _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_free = 0 _mem4.ch_attr[number].band = band # channels >200 are the 14 VFO chanells and don't have names if number < 200: _mem2 = self._memobj.channelname[number] tag = memory.name.ljust(10) + "\x00"*6 _mem2.name = tag # Store the alpha tag # tone data self._set_tone(memory, _mem) # step _mem.step = STEPS.index(memory.tuning_step) # tx power if str(memory.power) == str(UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[2]): _mem.txpower = POWER_HIGH elif str(memory.power) == str(UVK5_POWER_LEVELS[1]): _mem.txpower = POWER_MEDIUM else: _mem.txpower = POWER_LOW ######### EXTRA SETTINGS def get_setting(name, def_val): if name in memory.extra: return int(memory.extra[name].value) return def_val _mem.busyChLockout = get_setting("busyChLockout", False) _mem.dtmf_pttid = get_setting("pttid", 0) _mem.freq_reverse = get_setting("frev", False) _mem.dtmf_decode = get_setting("dtmfdecode", False) _mem.scrambler = get_setting("scrambler", 0) _mem4.ch_attr[number].compander = get_setting("compander", 0) if number < 200: tmp_val = get_setting("scanlists", 0) _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist1 = bool(tmp_val & 1) _mem4.ch_attr[number].is_scanlist2 = bool(tmp_val & 2) return memory