This is an experimental natural language autocomplete library written in TypeScript.
##Included token types
- String options
- Numbers
- Custom remote JSON autocompletes (with caching)
- more to come...
##How to use?
###From Typescript / ES6:
Get the package from npm
npm install magicomplete --save
Then import it in your code
import {Service} from 'magicomplete';
let service = new Service({
phrases: [ "(i want to find|i'm looking for) [genre] movies" ],
tokens: [ { key : 'genre', type: "string", options: { values: ["Action", "Adventure", "Animation"]} ]
service.search("i").then(result => {
console.log(result); // ['i want to find', 'i'm looking for']
###From plain old Javascript:
Get the built library file (from GitHub)
<script src="demo/js/magicomplete.min.js"></script>
then use the global magicomplete.Service constructor.
var service = new magicomplete.Service({
phrases: [ "(i want to find|i'm looking for) [genre] movies" ],
tokens: [ { key : 'genre', type: "string", options: { values: ["Action", "Adventure", "Animation"]}]
service.search("i").then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // ['i want to find', 'i'm looking for']
##Supported platforms
- Every desktop and mobile browser
- Node.js
If it supports JavaScript, it probably supports this library.
##Using with existing Autocomplete libraries
MagiComplete can be easily used with any Autocomplete library like jQuery UI or typeahead.js. Just create the service and set up the library to use the service.search() method instead of a remote datasource.
kalinbas AT gmail.com