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142 lines (103 loc) · 3.69 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (103 loc) · 3.69 KB

Quick start


npm i @kaleidawave/prism

Check its installed

prism info
 ______   ______     __     ______     __    __
/\  == \ /\  == \   /\ \   /\  ___\   /\ "-./  \    Prism Compiler
\ \  _-/ \ \  __<   \ \ \  \ \___  \  \ \ \-./\ \   1.4.4
 \ \_\    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\  \/\_____\  \ \_\ \ \_\  @kaleidawave
  \/_/     \/_/ /_/   \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/  \/_/

You should see something like this with a version higher or equal to than 1.4.4

Create a new prism app with prism init

Should create:

📂 views
	📜 index.prism
📜 prism.config.json

We can start it up and run it with prism compile-app --run open

And we should see a new browser window showing Hello World.

Prism syntax:

Open up views/index.prism

For syntax highlighting if using vscode add this to vscode settings.json "files.associations": { "*.prism": "html" }

You should see:

    <h1>Hello World</h1>

    class IndexPage extends Component {}

You can see where the "Hello World" came from. You can also see @Page which denotes that this component is a page to be rendered under "/"

Adding styles:

Prism is built on single file components. This means that you can append a style tag which contains the styles for the this page / component.

+ <style>
+     h1 {
+         color: red;
+         font-family: sans-serif;
+     }
+ </style>

Adding a new page:

We can create a new page by creating a new .prism file in the views directory. We will call it counter.prism and we will copy the content of the

  • Set the page to be matched under /counter with @Page("/counter").
  • Set the h1 text to be Count: {}. The curly braces indicate we want to interpolate the count value
  • Prism currently requires to know type information of the state. The component we extends needs a generic parameter that is the type def of the state. We can use extends Component<{count: number}> to depict that the component state has a property of count of type number.
  • We can add another decorator to depict the default / initial state of the component using @Default({count: 4})
    <h1>Count: {count}</h1>

    @Default({count: 4})
    class CounterPage extends Component<{count: number}> {}

Save the file, (close the existing server ctrl+c if it is still open). And rebuild and run with prism compile-app --run.

Going to /counter we now see our counter with the 4 interpolated into the markup.


Prism outputs web components with a reactive state. We can get the counter-page component and update its state in the console:

const counterPageInstance = document.querySelector("counter-page");;

.data.count acts like any other object member. You can read its value and mutate it freely while the view will update to its value.


Modifying the state through dev tools is great but lets add some buttons to do this.

    <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
    <button @click="increment">Increment count</button>

We can add events by adding a new attribute. The attribute key name is @ in front of the event name and the value is the name of the method on the component definition:

    @Default({count: 4})
    class CounterPage extends Component<{count: number}> {
        increment() {

More coming soon:

  • SSR
  • Layouts
  • Page metadata
  • #if, and #for