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Event log 'Keywords' p1

keywords: (SystemPropertiesType) Element - A bitmask of the keywords defined in the event
Defines a list of keywords that categorize events (type="HexInt64Type").

Patterns: The HexInt64Type simple type is a string that is restricted by the following pattern: 0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,16}
The value can contain from one to sixteen hexadecimal characters (for example, 0xa or 0xac7bd361004fe190).

keywords property: The keywords for an event are used to group the event with other similar events based on the usage of the events.
Each keyword is a bit in a 64-bit mask.
Predefined bit values and reserved bits occupy the top 16 positions of this mask, leaving the manifest to use any bits between 0x0000000000000001 and 0x0000800000000000.
The standard event keywords are defined in the StandardEventKeywords enumeration.

  • PowerShell script to list all unique event log 'keywords'

     try{$event = @((Get-WinEvent -Listprovider *  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).events.keywords) }
     $keywords = @(foreach($i in $event) {
          if($i -ne $null){           
                                         Name = $
                                         ValueHEX = "0x"+'{0:x16}'-f $i.value
                                         ValueDEC= $i.value
                                         DisplayName = $i.displayname
     $keywords = ($keywords|sort-object -Property ValueDEC -unique) 
     $keywords |format-table -autosize
     $keywords |Export-Csv -path "$($env:userprofile)\desktop\keymain.csv" -Delimiter ","
  • Output in CSV

  • Output:

    Name Keyword (HEX) Keyword (DEC) Display Name
    Base 0x0000000000000001 1
    Performance 0x0000000000000002 2 Performance
    Tasks 0x0000000000000004 4
    Trigger 0x0000000000000008 8
    ETW_KEYWORD_SESSION 0x0000000000000010 16 Session
    Warning 0x0000000000000020 32 Warning
    WFTracking 0x0000000000000040 64 WF Tracking
    ut:TcpipDiagnosis 0x0000000000000080 128
    USER_LOADER_KEYWORD COMPONENT_ON_DEMAND 0x0000000000000100 256 Windows component on demand.
    DxgKrnl_Power 0x0000000000000200 512
    RotationManager 0x0000000000000400 1024 CUI RotationManager
    StationId 0x0000000000000800 2048 StationId
    Rendering 0x0000000000001000 4096
    HWVerifyHub 0x0000000000002000 8192
    PLM 0x0000000000004000 16384 Lifetime Manager
    RoutingServices 0x0000000000008000 32768 Routing Services
    Shell 0x0000000000010000 65536
    CSM 0x0000000000020000 131072 Crawl Scope Manager
    Streaming 0x0000000000040000 262144 Streaming
    APPXDEPLOYMENTSERVER PERF_KEYWORD 0x0000000000080000 524288 AppXDeploymentServerPerf Keyword
    ExecSelfHostCritical 0x0000000000100000 1048576 SelfHost Critical
    ExecDevPlatCircular 0x0000000000200000 2097152 DevPlat Circular
    Write 0x0000000000400000 4194304 Write request
    tabhydration 0x0000000000800000 8388608
    WFRuntime 0x0000000001000000 16777216 Workflow Runtime
    LowMemoryRead 0x0000000002000000 33554432 Low memory Read request
    StartupPerf 0x0000000004000000 67108864
    StructuredQuery 0x0000000008000000 134217728
    ViewManager 0x0000000010000000 268435456 OneCore CUI ViewManager
    animation 0x0000000020000000 536870912
    IOCTL 0x0000000040000000 1073741824 Device I/O control request
    composition_verbose 0x0000000080000000 2147483648
    MessagingPerformance 0x0000000100000000 4294967296 CoreMessaging MessagingPerformance
    Keyword.RECEIVE 0x0000000200000000 8589934592 RECEIVE
    debug 0x0000000400000000 17179869184 Debug events
    DCompDetails 0x0000000800000000 34359738368
    CommsService 0x0000001000000000 68719476736 CommsService
    ut:Authentication 0x0000002000000000 137438953472
    Warning 0x0000004000000000 274877906944
    StateTransition 0x0000008000000000 549755813888
    ut:Dropped 0x0000010000000000 1099511627776
    ut:PiiPresent 0x0000020000000000 2199023255552
    WININET_KEYWORD_PACKET 0x0000040000000000 4398046511104 Flagged on all WinINet events dealing with packet capture
    SelfHostError 0x0000080000000000 8796093022208 CoreMessaging SelfHostError
    Messages 0x0000100000000000 17592186044416
    ut:StateTransition 0x0000200000000000 35184372088832
    ms:Measures 0x0000400000000000 70368744177664
    WinRTCaptureEngine 0x0000800000000000 140737488355328
    win:ResponseTime 0x0001000000000000 281474976710656 Response Time
    win:ReservedKeyword49 0x0002000000000000 562949953421312
    win:WDIDiag 0x0004000000000000 1125899906842624 WDI Diag
    win:SQM 0x0008000000000000 2251799813685248 SQM
    win:AuditFailure 0x0010000000000000 4503599627370496 Audit Failure
    win:AuditSuccess 0x0020000000000000 9007199254740992 Audit Success
    win:EventlogClassic 0x0080000000000000 36028797018963968 Classic
    0x0100000000000000 72057594037927936
    0x0200000000000000 144115188075855872
    0x0400000000000000 288230376151711744
    0x0800000000000000 576460752303423488
    0x1000000000000000 1152921504606846976
    0x2000000000000000 2305843009213693952
    0x4000000000000000 4611686018427387904
    0x8000000000000000 -9223372036854775808
  • Known keywords ( source1)

    Name Keyword (HEX) Keyword (DEC) Display Name
    0x0000000000010000 Shell
    0x0000000000020000 Properties
    0x0000000000040000 FileClassStoreAndIconCache
    0x0000000000080000 Controls
    0x0000000000100000 APICalls'
    0x0000000000200000 InternetExplorer
    0x0000000000400000 ShutdownUX
    0x0000000000800000 CopyEngine
    0x0000000001000000 Tasks
    0x0000000002000000 WDI
    0x0000000004000000 StartupPerf
    0x0000000008000000 StructuredQuery
    0x0008000000000000 win:SQM
    0x8000000000000000 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/Diagnostic
  • Known keywords ( source2)

    Name Keyword (HEX) Keyword (DEC) Display Name
    win:AnyKeyword 0x0000000000000000
    0x0000000000010000 Shell
    0x0000000000020000 Properties
    0x0000000000040000 FileClassStoreAndIconCache
    0x0000000000080000 Controls
    0x0000000000100000 APICalls
    0x0000000000200000 InternetExplorer
    0x0000000000400000 ShutdownUX
    0x0000000000800000 CopyEngine
    0x0000000001000000 Tasks
    0x0000000002000000 WDI
    0x0000000004000000 StartupPerf
    0x0000000008000000 StructuredQuery
    win:Reserved 0x0001000000000000
    win:WDIContext 0x0002000000000000
    win:WDIDiag 0x0004000000000000
    win:SQM 0x0008000000000000
    win:AuditFailure 0x0010000000000000
    win:AuditSuccess 0x0020000000000000
    win:CorrelationHint 0x0040000000000000
    win:EventlogClassic 0x0080000000000000 Classic
    win:ReservedKeyword56 0x0100000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword57 0x0200000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword58 0x0400000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword59 0x0800000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword60 0x1000000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword61 0x2000000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword62 0x4000000000000000
    win:ReservedKeyword63 0x8000000000000000 Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Core/Diagnostic

Next Page: Continues to keywords2