otj app- transfer tool with command-line syntax compatible to opentxs
transfer --hisacct ACCOUNT_ID --args "amount 100 memo \" \""
send 100 to ACCOUNT_IDacceptall
print account balanceprocnym
reload trans# from our server nymfile
select server by id or name, Transactions.com(localhost) and vancouver btc available--mypurse
specify asset type to use, can be--mypurse silver
or--mypurse d2Af13...
specify recipient asset account id--args
args fortransfer
refresh otj by deleting./client
create fresh asset account--dir
specify otj client directory, default is./client
You can see how to use it looking at bash/ scripts e.g. transfer0.sh receives 100 from opentxs, sends him back 10 to check balances finally
If you see Error: Could not find or load main class com.kactech.otj.examples.App_otj
while running bin/otj.sh you first have to do mvn compile
because otj makes use of unpacked classes from ./target
otj now has injectable JavaScript filters that can e.g. create malicious request
Take a look at notarizeVirus.js, it increments balanceStatement amount and signs contracts just before sending to the server
Usage: otj -f notarizeVirus,echo transfer --hisacct silver --args 'amount 10'