- Ensure textarea ids are unique on entire page
- Fix broken auto-link within block elements other than paragraphs
- Fix issue with editor element being removed in IE11
- Remove references to global variables from internal code
- Fix a regression in the paste extension related to
- Fix issue with creating anchors and restoring selection at the beginning of paragraphs
- Fix issue with creating anchors and restoring selection within list items and nested blocks
- Ensure CTRL + M is respected as a way to insert new lines
- Add new 'tim' theme for medium-editor toolbar
- Fix issue Chrome generated comment tags when pasting
- Fix issue where 'editableInput' is triggered multiple times when creating links
- Fix issue with anchor and selection inconsitencies in IE
- Fix issue with replacing a pre-existing link
- Fix issue with selection after creating a link after empty paragraphs
- Fix issue where block elements where cleaned up incorrectly when pasting
- Fix anchor form checkboxes to reflect status of selected link
- Fix issue with creating links in same paragraph as another link
- Fix issue with creating links after empty paragraphs
- Ensure all attributes are copied from textareas to divs
- Fix appearance of anchor form when checkboxes are present
- Fix breaking issue with standardizeSelectionStart option
- Add setContent method into core API, which triggers editableInput
- Fix issue where custom anchor-preview extensions weren't overriding built-in anchor preview
- Add documentation from wiki into the source code
- Add support for including 'alt' key in keyboard-commands
- Fix issue with disabling image drag & drop via imageDragging option
- Deprecate image-dragging extension
- Introduce file-dragging extension
- Ensure autolink urls respect targetBlank option
- Expose importSelection and exportSelection as generic Selection helpers
- Move allowMultiParagraphSelection into toolbar options
- Deprecate global allowMultiParagraphSelection option
- Fix issue with allowMultiParagraphSelection option over empty elements
- Fix issue with creating links producing multiple anchor tags
- Fix issue where anchor preview displays while toolbar is visible
- Add demo pages for example extension and example button
- Add showToolbarDefaultAction helper method to form extension
- Ensure elements generated for textareas have a unique id
- Ensure all added attributes are removed during destroy
- Cleanup divs generated by Chrome during justify actions
- Add parameter to anchorPreview.positionPreview for reusability
- All deprecated functions have been removed
- Keyboard Shorcuts are now part of an extension and not attached to specific button/commands
- Placeholders are now part of an extension with its own dedicated options
- Toolbar is now an extension with its own dedicated options
- firstHeader and secondHeader are gone you should use h1 thru h6
- Support pre-releases
- Buttons
- The array of buttons can now contain objects, for overriding any part of the button object
- This replaces the custom object value for the buttonLabels option
- The array of buttons can now contain objects, for overriding any part of the button object
- Unique id for MediumEditor instance will now remain unique (regardless of how many instances are created)
- .statics references are gone
- .trigger supports triggering events without needing to declare the event
- .callExtensions(), .setToolbarPosition(), and .hideToolbarDefaultActions() have been removed
- Extension
- .window & .document are now exposed as members of the Extension
- init no longer is passed MediumEditor instance as first argument
- All classes are now
- All classes are now
- Util
- getProp, derives, getSelectionData, setObject & getObject are gone
- getSelectionRange & getSelectionStart are now in Selection
- Fix issue with restoring selection within nested block elements
- Ensure auto-link will never select an empty element (br, hr, input, etc.)
- Fix bug with un-linked auto-links causing unexpected cursor positioning
- Fix broken keyboard shortcuts
- Fix break with updateOnEmptySelection option for static toolbars
- Fix pasting links when targetBlank option is being used
- Fix for spellcheck option after destroy
- Fix over-reaching keyboard shortcuts for commands
- Expose new 'positionToolbar' custom event
- Add new isKey() helper in util
- Add cleanup on destroy for auto-link and placeholder extensions
- Base extension changes
- Add getEditorElements(), getEditorId(), and getEditorOption() helpers
- Add on(), off(), subscribe(), and execAction() helpers
- Introduce destroy() lifecycle method + deprecate deactivate()
- Fix issue with auto-linked text after manually unlinking
- Fix some incorrect TLDs for auto-link
- Add hideToolbar and showToolbar custom events
- Add hideOnClick option for placeholder extension
- Fix issue with linebreaks in Safari
- Fix issue with calling setup again after destroy
- Add support for CDN hosting
- Pass window and document to each extension
- Deprecate .parent property of extensions
- Auto-Link Fixes
- Don't auto-link text after it is manually unlinked
- Trigger auto-linking when focus is lost (ie Tab key)
- Fix issue where link appears and immediately disappears when hitting Enter in IE11
- Fix issue where hostname with more than three w's only auto-links final three w's in the name
- Fix issue where valid urls were not auto-linked
- Fix issue where some text was auto-linked when it shouldn't be
- Fix paste issue with plain-text containing multiple paragraphs
- Fix issue with incorrect cursor positon after creating a list
- Fix disabledDoubleReturn option within a sentence
- Allow for nested contenteditables
- New style of passing options for anchor-preview and anchor
- Introduce extensions.button + extensions.form as extendable base extensions
- Convert anchor, fontsize, and anchor-preview to updated extensions model
- New auto-link support for detecting urls and converting them to links
- Fix target _blank issue for links in Firefox
- Don't show placeholders for empty lists
- Allow for overriding image drag and drop via extension
- Fix error thrown when loading MediumEditor js from head
- Expose new 'editableInput' event for monitoring changes to editor
- Cleanup contenteditable elements created for textareas
- Update version number in dist files
- Add shortcut to insert a link (ctrl/cmd + k)
- Fix
this.getAttribute is not a function
- Make anchor preview wrap for long links
- Fix issue when clean pasting spans with child nodes
- Expose importSelection + exportSelection helper methods
- Fix issue with initialization of MediumEditor using textarea
- Introduce jscs
Add 'beta' version of fontSize button/form
Add option for enabling/disabling spellcheck
Add titles to toolbar buttons for tooltips
Use actual anchor tag in anchor preview
Fix anchor preview issue with tags nested inside anchors
Speed up travis builds
Convert paste handler into overrideable extension
- Fix blur event detection when clicking on elements that don't clear focus
- Fix broken 'paste.cleanPastedHtml' option and rename to 'paste.cleanPastedHTML'
- Expose 'unsubscribe' for custom events
- Detach custom events when editor is destroyed
- Fix fontawesome url in demo page
- Expose smart 'blur' and 'focus' events which account for toolbar interaction
- Expose selectElement method for selecting text and updating toolbar
- Fix always wrapping pasted text in a
- Add override options for pasteHTML and cleanPaste
- Support overriding of scss theme variables
- Fix for justify button states in IE
- New helpers for manipulating nested objects
- Internal tooling prep for options and defaults
- Add textarea support
- Fix .version issue
- Expose Util and Selection methods externally via MediumEditor.util and MediumEditor.selection
- Expose MediumEditor.version for version info
- Add support for custom cleaning of attributes and tags for .pasteHTML
- Move from jslint to jshint
- Introduce 'removeFormat' button, for removing formatting from selection
- Fix issues with focus/blur when using standardizeSelectionStart option
- Fix bug causing toolbar to disappaer on click in safari (rollback fix from 4.0.1)
- Break up anchor form extension logic into more overrideable parts
- Fix issue with dragged in image sizes
- Fix issues with focus/blur when using standardizeSelectionStart option
- Introduced custom events (consumable externally)
- Reduce API surface area
- Deprecated activate & deactivated. Exposed setup and destroy as replacements
- Updated documentation to reflect API changes
- HTML standardization around list items
- Fixed throttling
- Added superscript & subscript css
- Added better paste cleaning for Microsoft Word
- Convert anchor preview into overrideable extension
- Added disableAnchorPreview option
- Extract toolbar
- Extract anchor preview
- MIT License
- Use code from selection.js which is duplicated in core.js
- Fix bug in paste handling + increase paste coverage
- Ensure static toolbar won't render outside window + minimize when toolbar overflows
- Fix flashing static-toolbar bug
- Fix bug with sticky-toolbar when scrolling past bottom of contenteditable
- Fix css declaration of linear-gradient
- Fix AMD "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" issue
- Account for 'full' actions when doing queryCommandState
- Fix bugs in modified queryCommandState calls
- Extract anchor form code from core code and convert into an extension
- Expose onShowToolbar and onHideToolbar as options
- Change button method names (now
) to differentiate from core'sactivate
- Simplify blur check selection
- Add Sauce Labs configuration to automate cross-browser testing
- Add IE9 polyfill to repo
- Let 'meta' key trigger shortcuts
- Add basic support to keyboard shortcuts
- Fix main file reference in npm package
- Introduce full content actions
- Fix disableDoubleReturn option
- Fix isListItemChild call
- Split source code into several files for better development flow
- Make saveSelection and restoreSelection more consistant cross browser
- Use document.queryCommandState for some button toolbar states
- Add selection storage
- Call extensions deactivate when deactivating the editor
- Turn Anchor button into an extension
- Fix various selection and positioning bugs
- Introduce commands as combination of buttons and extensions
- Update aria label so that setting secondHeader activates the toolbar
- Don't use styles for detecting underline + strikethrough
- Fix 'imageDragging: false' option
- Fix list item tab identation
- Add extension onHide command
- Fix bug in getSelectedParentElement + Fix tests in browsers
- Fall back to shimmed insertHTML in cases where firefox throws when calling insertHTML
- Prevent "Argument not optional" error
- Prevent infinite loop after findAdjacentTextNodeWithContent
- Remove cleanups from contenteditable false areas
- Firefox fix: Don't modify value of input before calling execCommand()
- Fix selection issue for clean pasted html test case in firefox
- Add image drag and drop support
- Fix issue with multiple elements with the same class on the same editor instance
- Specify default npm registry (
- Adds support for newlines in placeholder attribute
- Adds support and documentation for new toolbar extensions
- Adds support for changing 'open in new window' label text
- Fixes bug where
could unexpectedly be null - A couple of fixes to make tests a bit more reliable when run in the browser
- Handles ESC key in link editor
- Standardizes usage of setTimeout for UX delays vs debouncing vs deferring
- Adds an optional onShowToolbar method
- Supports enabling/disabling checkSelection updates externally
- Standardizes where in the DOM a range begins
- Adds ARIA role information
- Fixes off() not removing any event listeners
- Misc minor bug fixes and improvements
- Adds static toolbar feature
- Now uses textContent instead of innerText
- Fixes plain text paste on IE
- Hides placeholder on mouse click
- Adds a 'collapse' option to 'selectElementContents' helper
- Allows toolbar button states to change when selection is collapsed
- In hideToolbarActions, calls an optional 'onHideToolbar' method
- Ensures that ul.id and anchor.id are unique
- Avoids grabbing selection on keypress for contenteditable except for spacebar
- Supports disabling anchorForm, avoiding unnecessary event handling and element creation
- Supports disabling placeholders, including not attaching event handlers when not needed
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements
- Adds a strikethrough option in buttonLabel
- Now uses
to calculate ID - Removes events during deactivate
- Adds custom doc and win functionality, now you can specify the editor container
- Minor bugfixes
- Fixes 'this' out of scope
- Adds justify buttons
- Fix #308 by passing clipboard content through self.htmlEntities before inserting
- Minor bug fixes
- Adds support for tab based indenting and outdenting of
- and
- Adds a save button to the anchor form
- Improves toolbar positioning
- Adds anchorButton and anchorButtonClass options
- Extensions
- Disables the toolbar when selecting within an element that has contenteditable="false"
- Fixes hidden placeholder content override
- Fixes bug where if you had an empty blockquote the placeholder would still be active
- Fixes bug that would create link without values
- Exposes save/restoreSelection()
- Allows customization of active/first/last button classes
- Adds a script to run app from the cli
- Adds protocols to checkLinkFormat regex
- Fixes unlink behavior on Firefox
- Fixes white space behavior at the end of anchors
- Adds non-minified CSS files to bower.json
- Changes to the element list or element selector now take effect on reactivation
- Changed innerHTML to textContent to prevent XSS through twisted href values
- Checks for data-disable-return on element on paste
- Adds disableEditing and elementsContainer options
- Removes anchor preview listeners on deactivate
- Implements clean paste
- Adds an option to validate links
- Adds a basic extensions support
- Misc minor fixes
- Fixes isActive toggling
- Removes anchor preview default value
- Fixes activate/deactivate behavior
- Removes DOM elements created by MediumEditor on deactivate
- Prevents new lines with shift+enter when disableReturn is set to true
- Removes compass dependency by using grunt with libsass
- Fixes subscript button markup
- Fixes anchor preview behavior for empty links and anchors
- Adds a new option to disable double returns
- Allows initialization with a single DOM node
- Adds indent and outdent buttons
- fixes some minor paste bugs
- adds a delay option for anchor toolbar
- fixes anchor toolbar initial positioning
- fixes heading and blockquote on IE
- fixes case where clicking anchor preview and then clicking into the anchorInput causes hideToolbarActions to be called
- fixes window resize when toolbar element is not created
- Reorganizes CSS files
- Removes unused method bindElementToolbarEvents
- Adds a preview toolbar for anchors
- Removes paste event binding on deactivate
- Fixes filenames for main in bower.json
- Removes window resize event listener on deactivate
- Adds bootstrap theme
- Adds image button that converts selected text into an image tag
- Removes normalize.css dependency
- Adds 3 new themes: Roman, Mani e Flat
- Adds ability to set custom labels on buttons
- Updates uglify
- Fixes bug where pressing enter on formatted list item would generate a new list instead of a new list item
- Adds new extra buttons: pre and strikethrough
- Fixes placeholder bug on paste
- Various code improvements
- Prevents returns using shift when disableReturn is set to true
- Improves CSS to avoid conflicts
- Fixes problem with text selection ending outside the container div
- Implements serialize method
- Adds a targetBlank option
- Fixes Firefox box-sizing declarations
- Fixes toolbar binding button issue with multi-editor mode
- Fixes data-disable-return not preventing paragraph creation
- Improves getSelectionElement() to work in any case
- Fixes multi element selection bug
- Fixes Issues #88 & #89
- Improves binding for multiple editor instance, checkSelection() is called only once per instance
- Improves allowMultiParagraphSelection filter by removing empty tags elements before counting
- Considers header tags has a paragraph too (same as medium)
- Removes blur event listener when disabling the toolbar
- Adds a light gradient opacity to the toolbar
- Fixes bug that would keep toolbar alive when moving out of the anchor input
- Fixes empty selectionNode.el bug
- Prevents toolbar opening when changing to selection elements with the toolbar disabled
- Adds a transition to the toolbar when moving across elements
- Fixes issue on deactivation without enabled toolbar
- Fixes checkSelection error when disableToolbar option is enabled
- Adds new option to disable multiple paragraph selection
- Prevents paragraph creation on paste when disableReturn is set to true
- Adds extra buttons: superscript, subscript, ordered list and unordered list
- Changes buttons blacklist to whitelist
- Exports MediumEditor as module
- Changes "Underline" button to display "U" instead of "S"
- Pasted text is now wrapped into P elements
- Changes the editor to use the formatBlock command to handle block elements
- Fixes placeholder for empty elements
- Normalizes styles and scripts
- Improves bower manifest
- Adds an option to disable the toolbar and maintain only the contenteditable behavior
- Adds an option to disable returns
- Adds an placeholder option for the contenteditable areas
- Fixes toolbar positioning on screen top
- Adds the possibility to pass an element list directly into initialization
- Fixes issue with initial positioning when some actions are disabled
- Don't rely on :last-child to style first/last element, as they may be hidden
- Changes demo texto to something more friendly
- Fixes shift+enter behavior
- Initial release