Kyle Hazen - 20 March 2020
SPARX Data Set were provided in the sas7bdat file format.
To ease exploratory analysis these files were imported into a PostgreSQL database named "pdsas".
The code in the jupyter notebook requires a connection to the pdsas database, hosted at localhost. To set up the pdsas database on OSX you can do the following:
To install postgres on mac use homebrew
brew install postgresql
To start the postgres background service use
brew services start postgresql
Make a database called pdsas
psql postgres
>postgres=# CREATE DATABASE pdsas;
import 'pdsas.pgsql' to postgres with the following command. You should have the postgres background service running.
"user" is the Owner of the pdsas database.
psql -U <user> pdsas < pdsas.pgsql
Edit the database.ini file with your username and password
Then open the jupyter notebook sparxv1.ipynb
jupyter notebook sparxv1.ipynb
Below steps documents how the data was imported into postgresql
After initializing a postgresql database (pdsas), tables for each data set were created by running.
The tables were then populated with the bash script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Run in SPARK Data Sets directory to populate tables.
for f in *.sas7bdat; do sas2db --db postgresql+psycopg2://kyle:password@localhost:5432/pdsas $f; done;
And the ASCII encoding was fixed in the database by running.
The case of the table names and table columns names was converted to lowercase by running