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Phase 4: Julia Optimization

This project is meant to help you see that optimization is different (sometimes dramatically so) in every language--what you learned in the last phase was "the basics of optimizing C++," not "how to optimize." The guiding principles (using efficient algorithms, vectorizing, eliminating unnecessary work, etc.) remain the same, but the method of implementing them varies widely. Since you have at least a bit of experience, this phase will be more open-ended than the last.

Your job is to make WaveSim.jl faster while keeping it correct. Specifically, solving 2d-medium-in.wo with it should complete in less than 60 seconds on an m9 node:

# Read in the 2D wave orthotope files from wavefiles.tar.gz
using WaveSim
tiny2din, small2din, medium2din = (WaveOrthotope(wavefiles(2, s, :in))
                                   for s in (:tiny, :small, :medium));
solve!(tiny2din); # compile
@time solve!(medium2din); # should be under 60s

Depending on whether you want to try for the extra credit, you'll need to modify energy_2d.jl and solve_2d.jl (2D) or energy.jl and solve.jl (ND). You'll also need to change the default implementation in WaveSim.jl itself from ND to 2D if you are going to use the 2D files. You can modify any other files you like as well, but you won't need to do so to attain the required performance.

For most students, optimizing in 2 dimensions will be significantly easier.

Setting up Julia

In a shell on the supercomputer, run module restore; module load julia; module save. That will make the most recent Julia available by default, which will enable VS Code to use it.

Julia integrates nicely with VS Code; you can do without, but you'll need to do some extra work (e.g. using viz and specifying --project). Install and enable the Julia extension on the supercomputer. That done, you can run the REPL via the extension with Alt+j, Alt+o or via the command pallette. The instructions in the rest of this assignment assume you launch the REPL thus.

Downloading and Using a Modified WaveSim.jl

git clone will download the WaveSim.jl package to your current directory. If you're using the 2D implementation, change implementation's default in src/WaveSim.jl from ND to 2D. Open that directory in VS Code and launch the REPL. Activate package mode by typing ], then run activate . (if the listed package isn't already WaveSim) followed by instantiate; you only need to instantiate once, and WaveSim should be active by default. That done, you can use WaveSim:

using WaveSim # this will now load the WaveSim.jl in this directory
w = WaveOrthotope(wavefiles(2, :small, :in))
@profview solve!(w);

I strongly recommend using Revise by default--it will enable you to test changes that you make live. Otherwise, you'll need to quit Julia, re-launch the REPL, and run again to see your changes reflected there.

Performance in Julia

As mentioned in the resources, Julia's performance tips page has everything most users will need to squeeze performance out of Julia. Use @profview liberally to see where time is being taken; if you're using VS Code, you don't need to install ProfileView since the Julia extension includes a custom @profview.

Eliminating Unnecessary Work

By default, Julia does bound checking to avoid segmentation faults. You can wrap expressions (e.g. functions, while loops, for loops, etc.) with @inbounds to prevent bounds checking, but be aware that you are promising that the block following won't attempt out-of-bounds memory access.

Julia allows dynamic typing; this is convenient, but causes severe performance problems when a variable's type changes. Avoid changing the types of variables; you can track down such changes with @code_warntype. You may notice that one member of WaveOrthotope, t, will trigger warnings--don't worry about it, it has a negligible performance impact in this particular case. You'll need to call the "base" function for @code_warntype to give meaningful output--e.g. @code_warntype energy(w, :total) will give lots of information while @code_warntype energy(w) will not.

Unneeded allocations are harder to track down and eliminate in Julia than they are in C++; you can use julia --track-allocation=user for thorough tracking, or see how many allocations a function commits with @time.


Along with the usual need to iterate in memory order (which is opposite of C++) and remove branches from inner loops, you can help Julia vectorize with @simd and @fastmath.


You'll submit a tarball named WaveSim.jl.tar.gz containing a modified WaveSim.jl directory at the top level--when I run tar tf WaveSim.jl.tar.gz | head -n 1 on it, I should see WaveSim.jl/. I'll test its speed thus:

# Extract your package
tar xf WaveSim.jl.tar.gz
cd WaveSim.jl
# Instantiate your package and force download of wavefiles.tar.gz
julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); using WaveSim; wavefiles()"
# Time within a job on an m9 node
sbatch -t 10 --mem 16G -N 1 -n 28 -p m9 --wrap 'julia --project=. -e \
       "using WaveSim
        solve!(WaveOrthotope(wavefiles(2, :tiny, :in))) # compile
        @time solve!(WaveOrthotope(wavefiles(2, :medium, :in)))"'

You should do so as well to ensure that it works as intended. Note that you can request less resources to hasten job submission (e.g. --mem 2G -N 1 -n 1)--if your code runs fast enough when sharing resources, it'll run fast enough when it has a node to itself.


This phase is worth 20 points. The following deductions, up to 20 points total, will apply for a program that doesn't work as laid out by the spec:

Defect Deduction
Failure to run correctly on 2d-medium-in.wo in 60 seconds on m9 5 points
Failure to run correctly on 2d-medium-in.wo in 120 seconds on m9 5 points
Failure of your WaveSim.jl to work correctly on each of 3 2-dimensional test files 4 points each