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Polyominoes are a collection of n squares of equal size that are arranged with coincident sides. Think of them as an extension of dominoes. In this demonstration a random tiling of adjacent, non-overlapping polyominoes (ranging from 4 squares to 8 squares in size) are produced. The polyominoes are randomly rotated (in 90 degree steps) and placed on a grid. The user is given the polyominoes that were used to tile and has to cover the tiled area (gray) by moving and rotating all the blocks. The difficulty level ranges from 1 to 5 with an increasing number of blocks to tile in a larger grid. To get a polyomino from the right onto the grid you just need to click on it. After you place a polyomino on the grid you can click on its shaded version on the right to rotate in the grid. To move a polyomino just click and drag it around in the grid. When the puzzle is successfully tiled you will be given a congratulations message along with the time it took you to complete.