c# Arduino Weather Alarm Clock
This is an touch screen ESP8266 Weather Clock with mp3 Alarm sounds. Based on the (ESP8266 WiFi Weather Station with Color TFT Display)[https://learn.adafruit.com/wifi-weather-station-with-tft-display/overview?view=all] project.
Install the ESP8266 Board Package Enter http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json into Additional Board Manager URLs field in the Arduino v1.6.4+ preferences.
- Adafruit GFX Library
- Adafruit ILI9341 Library OR
- Adafruit STMPE610 Library
- Adafruit Image Reader
- Adafruit EPD
- Adafruit SPIFlash
- Adafruit SdFat
- Mini Grafx by Daniel Eichhorn
- ESP8266 Weather Station Library by ThingPulse
- Arduino JSON
- Adafruit RTCLib
- Time Lib
- NTPClientLib
- Adafruit FT6206 Library
- ESP8266 Wifi
- ESP8266 WifiClient
- WiFiManager for ESP8266
- JSON Streaming Parser
- DFRobotDFPlayerMini
- ESP8266
- Adafruit 2.4" TFT Feather Wing OR
- 2.8" TFT LCD with Cap Touch Breakout Board w/MicroSD Socket
- DS3231 RTC
- DFPlayer Mini