func main() {
app := command.App()
if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "containerd: %s\n", err)
+ command.App()
- 命令行库使用urfave
- 日志库使用logrus
// App returns a *cli.App instance.
func App() *cli.App {
app := cli.NewApp()
app.Name = "containerd"
app.Version = version.Version
app.Usage = usage
app.Description = `
containerd is a high performance container runtime whose daemon can be started
by using this command. If none of the *config*, *publish*, or *help* commands
are specified, the default action of the **containerd** command is to start the
containerd daemon in the foreground.
A default configuration is used if no TOML configuration is specified or located
at the default file location. The *containerd config* command can be used to
generate the default configuration for containerd. The output of that command
can be used and modified as necessary as a custom configuration.`
app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
Name: "config,c",
Usage: "path to the configuration file",
Value: filepath.Join(defaults.DefaultConfigDir, "config.toml"),
Name: "log-level,l",
Usage: "set the logging level [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic]",
Name: "address,a",
Usage: "address for containerd's GRPC server",
Name: "root",
Usage: "containerd root directory",
Name: "state",
Usage: "containerd state directory",
app.Flags = append(app.Flags, serviceFlags()...)
app.Commands = []cli.Command{
app.Action = func(context *cli.Context) error {
var (
start = time.Now()
signals = make(chan os.Signal, 2048)
serverC = make(chan *server.Server, 1)
ctx = gocontext.Background()
config = defaultConfig()
// Only try to load the config if it either exists, or the user explicitly
// told us to load this path.
configPath := context.GlobalString("config")
_, err := os.Stat(configPath)
if !os.IsNotExist(err) || context.GlobalIsSet("config") {
srvconfig.LoadConfig(configPath, config)
- // 命令行flags的优先级比config文件高,要apply一下
// Apply flags to the config
applyFlags(context, config)
- // 建立root和state顶层目录
// Make sure top-level directories are created early.
done := handleSignals(ctx, signals, serverC, cancel)
// start the signal handler as soon as we can to make sure that
// we don't miss any signals during boot
signal.Notify(signals, handledSignals...)
// cleanup temp mounts
mount.SetTempMountLocation(filepath.Join(config.Root, "tmpmounts"))
// unmount all temp mounts on boot for the server
warnings, err := mount.CleanupTempMounts(0)
if config.TTRPC.Address == "" {
// If TTRPC was not explicitly configured, use defaults based on GRPC.
config.TTRPC.Address = fmt.Sprintf("%s.ttrpc", config.GRPC.Address)
config.TTRPC.UID = config.GRPC.UID
config.TTRPC.GID = config.GRPC.GID
"version": version.Version,
"revision": version.Revision,
}).Info("starting containerd")
- // Server的创建及初始化
type srvResp struct {
s *server.Server
err error
// run server initialization in a goroutine so we don't end up blocking important things like SIGTERM handling
// while the server is initializing.
// As an example opening the bolt database will block forever if another containerd is already running and containerd
// will have to be be `kill -9`'ed to recover.
chsrv := make(chan srvResp)
go func() {
defer close(chsrv)
- // New服务器
+ server, err := server.New(ctx, config)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case chsrv <- srvResp{s: server}:
var server *server.Server
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case r := <-chsrv:
if r.err != nil {
return err
server = r.s
// We don't send the server down serverC directly in the goroutine above because we need it lower down.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case serverC <- server:
if config.Metrics.Address != "" {
+ l, err := net.Listen("tcp", config.Metrics.Address)
serve(ctx, l, server.ServeMetrics)
// setup the ttrpc endpoint
tl, err := sys.GetLocalListener(config.TTRPC.Address, config.TTRPC.UID, config.TTRPC.GID)
serve(ctx, tl, server.ServeTTRPC)
if config.GRPC.TCPAddress != "" {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", config.GRPC.TCPAddress)
serve(ctx, l, server.ServeTCP)
// setup the main grpc endpoint
l, err := sys.GetLocalListener(config.GRPC.Address, config.GRPC.UID, config.GRPC.GID)
+ serve(ctx, l, server.ServeGRPC)
- // 通知systemd,containerd在ready状态
err := notifyReady(ctx)
log.G(ctx).Infof("containerd successfully booted in %fs", time.Since(start).Seconds())
return nil
return app
// notifyReady notifies systemd that the daemon is ready to serve requests
func notifyReady(ctx context.Context) error {
+ return sdNotify(ctx, sd.SdNotifyReady)
主程序里调用server, err := server.New(ctx, config)
该函数是创建并初始化containerd server,
- 加载plugins,逐个调用p.Init(initContext)来初始化
- 创建GRPCServer,TTRPCServer,tcpServer并注册服务
// New creates and initializes a new containerd server
func New(ctx context.Context, config *srvconfig.Config) (*Server, error) {
- // apply OOMScore和Cgroup
apply(ctx, config)
for key, sec := range config.Timeouts {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(sec)
timeout.Set(key, d)
- // 自动在指定路径load plugins
plugins, err := LoadPlugins(ctx, config)
- // 给Diff用的MediaType处理器,用于解压
for id, p := range config.StreamProcessors {
diff.RegisterProcessor(diff.BinaryHandler(id, p.Returns, p.Accepts, p.Path, p.Args, p.Env))
- // 流式gRPC
serverOpts := []grpc.ServerOption{
if config.GRPC.MaxRecvMsgSize > 0 {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, grpc.MaxRecvMsgSize(config.GRPC.MaxRecvMsgSize))
if config.GRPC.MaxSendMsgSize > 0 {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, grpc.MaxSendMsgSize(config.GRPC.MaxSendMsgSize))
+ ttrpcServer, err := newTTRPCServer()
tcpServerOpts := serverOpts
if config.GRPC.TCPTLSCert != "" {
log.G(ctx).Info("setting up tls on tcp GRPC services...")
tlsCert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(config.GRPC.TCPTLSCert, config.GRPC.TCPTLSKey)
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{tlsCert}}
if config.GRPC.TCPTLSCA != "" {
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
caCert, err := os.ReadFile(config.GRPC.TCPTLSCA)
tlsConfig.ClientCAs = caCertPool
tlsConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
tcpServerOpts = append(tcpServerOpts, grpc.Creds(credentials.NewTLS(tlsConfig)))
// grpcService allows GRPC services to be registered with the underlying server
type grpcService interface {
Register(*grpc.Server) error
// tcpService allows GRPC services to be registered with the underlying tcp server
type tcpService interface {
RegisterTCP(*grpc.Server) error
// ttrpcService allows TTRPC services to be registered with the underlying server
type ttrpcService interface {
RegisterTTRPC(*ttrpc.Server) error
var (
+ grpcServer = grpc.NewServer(serverOpts...)
+ tcpServer = grpc.NewServer(tcpServerOpts...)
grpcServices []plugin.Service
tcpServices []plugin.TCPService
ttrpcServices []plugin.TTRPCService
s = &Server{
grpcServer: grpcServer,
tcpServer: tcpServer,
ttrpcServer: ttrpcServer,
config: config,
// TODO: Remove this in 2.0 and let event plugin crease it
events = exchange.NewExchange()
initialized = plugin.NewPluginSet()
required = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, r := range config.RequiredPlugins {
required[r] = struct{}{}
for _, p := range plugins {
id := p.URI()
reqID := id
if config.GetVersion() == 1 {
reqID = p.ID
log.G(ctx).WithField("type", p.Type).Infof("loading plugin %q...", id)
initContext := plugin.NewContext(
initContext.Events = events
initContext.Address = config.GRPC.Address
initContext.TTRPCAddress = config.TTRPC.Address
// load the plugin specific configuration if it is provided
if p.Config != nil {
pc, err := config.Decode(p)
initContext.Config = pc
- //初始化plugin
result := p.Init(initContext)
+ if err := initialized.Add(result); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not add plugin result to plugin set")
instance, err := result.Instance()
delete(required, reqID)
- // 把三种类型server的services分别放入各自的列表
// check for grpc services that should be registered with the server
if src, ok := instance.(plugin.Service); ok {
+ grpcServices = append(grpcServices, src)
if src, ok := instance.(plugin.TTRPCService); ok {
+ ttrpcServices = append(ttrpcServices, src)
if service, ok := instance.(plugin.TCPService); ok {
+ tcpServices = append(tcpServices, service)
s.plugins = append(s.plugins, result)
if len(required) != 0 {
var missing []string
for id := range required {
missing = append(missing, id)
return nil, errors.Errorf("required plugin %s not included", missing)
- //按照server类型注册services
// register services after all plugins have been initialized
for _, service := range grpcServices {
- // 运行service里的Register方法
if err := service.Register(grpcServer); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, service := range ttrpcServices {
- // 运行service里的Register方法
if err := service.RegisterTTRPC(ttrpcServer); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, service := range tcpServices {
- // 运行service里的Register方法
if err := service.RegisterTCP(tcpServer); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
Server.New里调用plugins, err := LoadPlugins(ctx, config)
- 一是从指定路径自动加载
- 二是程序里手动加载,如ContentPlugin, MetadataPlugin
func LoadPlugins(ctx context.Context, config *srvconfig.Config) ([]*plugin.Registration, error) {
- // 自动加载Plugins。这些plugins通常被编译成binary,放在指定的目录PlguinDir下
// load all plugins into containerd
path := config.PluginDir
if path == "" {
path = filepath.Join(config.Root, "plugins")
- // 从指定路径自动加载Plugin binary
if err := plugin.Load(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
- // 部分plugins需要手动加载,详细参看[metadata服务](Metadata服务.md)
// load additional plugins that don't automatically register themselves
Type: plugin.ContentPlugin,
ID: "content",
InitFn: func(ic *plugin.InitContext) (interface{}, error) {
ic.Meta.Exports["root"] = ic.Root
return local.NewStore(ic.Root)
Type: plugin.MetadataPlugin,
ID: "bolt",
Requires: []plugin.Type{
Config: &srvconfig.BoltConfig{
ContentSharingPolicy: srvconfig.SharingPolicyShared,
InitFn: func(ic *plugin.InitContext) (interface{}, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(ic.Root, 0711); err != nil {
return nil, err
cs, err := ic.Get(plugin.ContentPlugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshottersRaw, err := ic.GetByType(plugin.SnapshotPlugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshotters := make(map[string]snapshots.Snapshotter)
for name, sn := range snapshottersRaw {
sn, err := sn.Instance()
if err != nil {
if !plugin.IsSkipPlugin(err) {
Warnf("could not use snapshotter %v in metadata plugin", name)
snapshotters[name] = sn.(snapshots.Snapshotter)
shared := true
ic.Meta.Exports["policy"] = srvconfig.SharingPolicyShared
if cfg, ok := ic.Config.(*srvconfig.BoltConfig); ok {
if cfg.ContentSharingPolicy != "" {
if err := cfg.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if cfg.ContentSharingPolicy == srvconfig.SharingPolicyIsolated {
ic.Meta.Exports["policy"] = srvconfig.SharingPolicyIsolated
shared = false
log.L.WithField("policy", cfg.ContentSharingPolicy).Info("metadata content store policy set")
path := filepath.Join(ic.Root, "meta.db")
ic.Meta.Exports["path"] = path
db, err := bolt.Open(path, 0644, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var dbopts []metadata.DBOpt
if !shared {
dbopts = append(dbopts, metadata.WithPolicyIsolated)
mdb := metadata.NewDB(db, cs.(content.Store), snapshotters, dbopts...)
if err := mdb.Init(ic.Context); err != nil {
return nil, err
return mdb, nil
clients := &proxyClients{}
for name, pp := range config.ProxyPlugins {
var (
t plugin.Type
f func(*grpc.ClientConn) interface{}
address = pp.Address
switch pp.Type {
case string(plugin.SnapshotPlugin), "snapshot":
t = plugin.SnapshotPlugin
ssname := name
f = func(conn *grpc.ClientConn) interface{} {
return ssproxy.NewSnapshotter(ssapi.NewSnapshotsClient(conn), ssname)
case string(plugin.ContentPlugin), "content":
t = plugin.ContentPlugin
f = func(conn *grpc.ClientConn) interface{} {
return csproxy.NewContentStore(csapi.NewContentClient(conn))
log.G(ctx).WithField("type", pp.Type).Warn("unknown proxy plugin type")
Type: t,
ID: name,
InitFn: func(ic *plugin.InitContext) (interface{}, error) {
ic.Meta.Exports["address"] = address
conn, err := clients.getClient(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f(conn), nil
filter := srvconfig.V2DisabledFilter
if config.GetVersion() == 1 {
filter = srvconfig.V1DisabledFilter
// return the ordered graph for plugins
+ return plugin.Graph(filter(config.DisabledPlugins)), nil
- 完成server创建和初始化后,每种server都要被serve一次,表示服务开启。
l, err := sys.GetLocalListener(config.GRPC.Address, config.GRPC.UID, config.GRPC.GID)
- // 注意第三个参数serveFunc代表了Server类型
serve(ctx, l, server.ServeGRPC)
func serve(ctx gocontext.Context, l net.Listener, serveFunc func(net.Listener) error) {
path := l.Addr().String()
log.G(ctx).WithField("address", path).Info("serving...")
serveSpan, ctx := tracing.StartSpan(ctx, l.Addr().String())
defer tracing.StopSpan(serveSpan)
go func() {
defer l.Close()
+ serveFunc(l)
// ServeGRPC provides the containerd grpc APIs on the provided listener
func (s *Server) ServeGRPC(l net.Listener) error {
if s.config.Metrics.GRPCHistogram {
// enable grpc time histograms to measure rpc latencies
// before we start serving the grpc API register the grpc_prometheus metrics
// handler. This needs to be the last service registered so that it can collect
// metrics for every other service
+ return trapClosedConnErr(s.grpcServer.Serve(l))