A Vagrant environment for testing Docker Swarm mode in Docker 1.12.
NOTE: This project is mainly meant for (me) testing how to set up a cluster in swarm mode with Ansible. If you want to only test the new features of v1.12, it's almost always better to just use Docker Machine via Docker Toolbox.
- Vagrant
- Virtualbox
- Ansible
ansible-galaxy install -r roles.yml
vagrant up
ansible-playbook install-docker.yml
# Because of a bug in the jzmch.ansible-docker role, you have to reload the servers so Ansible can find the docker daemon.
# I will fix this soonish.
vagrant reload
ansible-playbook initialize-cluster.yml
ansible managers -m shell -a "docker node ls"
new_worker ansible_host=<ip>
ansible-playbook add-worker-nodes.yml