This repository is used as a centralized configuration for my personal development environment. It takes the effort out of installing everything manually. But before continuing to actual setup instructions, here's a couple of helpful resources:
📖 - Read the blog post
📺 - Watch the screencast on Laracasts
💡 - Learn how to build your own dotfiles
These dotfiles have following features:
- Includes setup for zsh and Oh My Zsh
- Global git configurations
- Support for Github Codespaces
To create your own dotfiles, you can fork this repository and then search and replace following placeholders:
<first name>
<last name>
<work email>
After replacing these, you make your own customizations and additions to these files. When you´re finished, you can apply the dotfiles by following the instructions in the next chapter.
If you did all of the above you may now follow these install instructions to setup a new Mac.
Generate a new public and private SSH key by running:
curl | sh -s "<your-email-address>"
Install chezmoi and clone this repo with:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply -n <github-username>
Restart your computer to finalize the process
Your machine is now ready to use!
This repository is based on Dries Vints' dotfiles and Tom Payne's chezmoi. Thank you for all the inspiration, guides and excellent code you've provided.