#The Coxes and Cadwalladers
Edith’s mother was Martha Cox and her father was Isaac Cadwallader. Martha’s father was John Cox and her mother was Jane Thompson. The Cox’s had settled in Madison Twp, Franklin County, Ohio. John Cox served as Justice of the Peace and helped to settle this township. The Cox’s and Cadwallader ‘s are 2 other Quaker lines that Leah Huddleston and I have traced. Isaac was in the Civil war as Edith states and her parents were married in Ohio after the civil war. I wish I could have found Isaac in a census record in 1870. The obit of Ida Cadwallader Hearn says that her parents brought her to Jay County when she was a child. The first wife we believe to be Sarah Jane Pennock, the Pennock’s were another Quaker line. Isaac and Martha certainly did not continue on in the Quaker faith. Several family members on this line became Methodists. The obituaries that I found on Edwin shows that he was a faithful Methodist to the end. He died in Ridgeville, Randolph, Indiana in 1938. This obit was a very precious piece of evidence, corroborating the evidence to the Hearn’s, and Huddleston’s & Pennock family members.
##John Cox
Ridgeville Times, 1938 Edwin A. Cadwallader, son of Isaac Dillon Cadwallader and Jane Pennock was born in Jefferson County, Ohio. February 19, 1958. Departed this life at his home in Ridgeville, Indiana, March 27, 1938 aged 80 yrs and 1 month and 8 days. Early in his life he was converted and united with the M.E. church and remained true to his faith til taken from labor to reward.
I will post here the information that was researched by someone else on the Cadwallader name and information regarding John Cadwallader from whom we are descended. None of this has been verified by me. The following was excerpted exactly and in its entirety from the article The Descendants of John Cadwallader by Le Roy Linn.
The Descendants of John Cadwallader Ancient and Medieval Wales
Remarks in [ ] added by Andrew L. Moore
The first known inhabitants of Wales were Iberians [the present day Iberian Peninsula contains the countries of Portugal and Spain], who were short, dark and of Spanish-Portuguese extraction. When the Celts, who were from northern Europe and were fair, not necessarily fair haired but of fair skin and tall, invaded northern Wales, they forced the Iberians into the southern part of Wales and by utilizing the almost impenetrable mountain fastnesses strategically, they were able to resist invasions of the Romans, Angles, Saxons and Normans. There the royal tribes of Wales lived for centuries and maintained the most pure blood of the Celtish stock of Great Britain and Europe. The extravagantly scenic grandeur of northern Wales lends itself to the mystic part of the royal heritage of Wales. There are still traces of the Iberian element in the peoples of southern Wales and the later emigrants of Wales to the coal mining areas of Pennsylvania.
Northwestern Wales is considered a region of fabulous beauty with its mountains, lakes and ancient castles. It is referred to as the fabled land of song and story, only the fables were more truth than fiction. Wales still keeps its bright flame of individuality. Its people are poetic and musical - especially given to choir singing. One of the last ancient kings was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, Cadwalader Ap Cadwallon (Lloyd vol. 1, p. 230) "After the fall of Cadwallon, the house of Cunedda was represented by his son Cadwaladr, who was king among the Britians in the days of Oswy of Northumbria. None of his deeds are recorded yet he must have been a figure of some distinction, for the bands of later ages regarded his name as one to conjure with.….He died in the great plague of 664" "the church of Eglays Ael or Llandawaldr in Anglesey claims him as its patron saint and founder, some two miles east from Abertfraw in Anglesey." On a modern map of Anglesey (part of northern Wales) is a small bay near Abertfraw called Portcadaladr.
Cadwalader or Cadwallader (encyclopedia of Names and Places) surnamed the "Blessed" died probably in 664 a British King. He was the son of Cadwallon, King of Gwynedd, whom he succeeded in 634. He obtained great fame by the heroic exploits which he performed in the defense of Wales against the Saxons and holds a high place in Welsh tradition and poetry. According to the prophecy of Merlin, he is one day to return to the world to expel the Saxons from the land. He came in time to be regarded as a saint, hence his surname the "Blessed". Undoubtedly many Cadwalladers today are descended from those ancient kings. The banner of king Cadwaladr was emblazoned with the red dragon, and even today Wales bears the red dragon on its heraldic symbol. The name CADWAL(L)ADER in Welsh means "Valiant in Battle" and rings with its Celtic sound.
The religion of ancient Celtic Wales was a nature religion conducted by their priests or leaders called Druids. When Christianity came in the sixth century, the Celtic Church was formed. That continued until after Rome set up its Pope-controlled Catholic Church. Roman Catholicism was resisted for a while but in 664 at the Syned of Whitby, the differences between the Celtic Church and the Roman Church were adjusted with Roman influence prevailing. Both Henry VIII and later Queen Elizabeth were instrumental in breaking the hold of Roman Catholicism and the Anglican Church was established and became increasingly more powerful.
In 1282 Edward I of England partially conquered northern Wales. He built the beautiful castle of Caernarvon. Here his son, Edward II the first English Prince of Wales, was born in 1284. Other English nobles built castles in the mountains round about. The Welsh were hightly rebellious and antagonistic to the English until the coronation of Henry VII. His father, the Welsh born Owen Tudor, married the widow of Henry V of England. Their son Henry Tudor, after his victory at the Battle of Bosworth Field, were he defeated Richard III, became King Henry VII in 1485. When he entered London for his coronation with the red dragon flag of Cadwaladr born before him, it was thought that Wales had recovered its independence again, but the Act of the Union of 1536 united Wales to England with only the graceful heritage of a Prince of Wales to soothe them. Since that time, the first born son of the English Kings has been called the Prince of Wales. The present Prince Charles of England was made Prince of Wales on July 1, 1969, at the castle of Caernarvon with much pomp and heraldry.
The Friends, or Quakers as they are popularly called, had their rise in the turbulent years of the English Commonwealth period (1642-1660). The founder of the movement was George Fox. He was a born leader and a spiritual genius and drew many groups to him who were eager for a more complete reformation of the Church. The movement spread in England in the face of fierce and brutal persecution, and from 1657 onward the Quakers sought refuge in America. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, was one of the notable figures of the Society of Friends. The movement had spread to Wales, and because of the simplicity of the Faith, was adopted by many of the most educated and the highest gentry of the land. William Penn was himself an aristocrat, who was practically disinherited by his family for becoming a Quaker, as most of the English Quakers were of the middle class.
William Penn was friendly with the Indians, bargained with them and took possession of Pennsylvania, where he started his "Holy Experiment". He was very pleased to have many Welsh Quakers from the highest social order to contact him to purchase 30,000 acre to settle in eastern Pennsylvania. The earliest settlers of the Welsh Tract were peers of William Penn and planned to establish an exclusive Welsh Quaker Barony, but the experiment failed. Later they bargained with Penn for 20,000 acres to add to the tract and more Welsh Quakers came and later some Welsh Presbyterians and Baptists. The towns in this great Welsh Tract - Bryan Mawr, Gwynedd, Bala Cynwood, Berwyn, Wyncote, Chalfonte, Malvern and Merion [all in eastern Pennsylvania - near Philadelphia] - are Celtic in sound and origin.
For many years after Great Britain and many European nations used surnames, Wales still used only one name, and the term "son of" was written "ap" with always the son's name first and continuing back through the father as John ap Hugh ap Thomas. When Wales started using surnames, the same Cadwal(l)ader was always a given name or first name, and it was not used as a surname until after the immigrants landed in America. Mothers in Wales often named their sons Cadwal(l)ader in honor of King Cadwaladr just as they named sons Arthur after the fabled King Arthur of ancient Welsh fame. That is the reason it is practically impossible to trace the Cadwal(l)ader lineage back in Wales with any certainty. Dr. Rawlins Cadwallader in
his History said: "I have many Welsh parish records of births and deaths. They are impossible to trace as a family and I am perforced to start from four heads of families who came to Philadelphia. All four were Friends [Quakers], all four had well defined descendants, all four admitted relationship, and may have been cousins. The records of the original meetings in Wales under George Fox might clear it all up but I have not located them. They are probably lost." He goes on to say "There was a peculiar tradition in early Pennsylvania that the families were descendants of three brothers. It was wide-spread and undoubtedly referred to the three original Johns. Unfortunately, the early minutes are not complete. A more exhaustive search might add the missing proof but of this I am doubtful."
The three Johns that he is referring to are: John Calwalader of Merion and then of Philadelphia, John Cadwallader of Horsham and then of Warminster, and John Cadwalader of Randor. The fourth line is Robert Cadwallader or Cadwallader Roberts as he was later called. His male descendants carry the name Roberts. John Cadwalader of Philadelphia [PA] was from Bala, Merionethshire [Wales]; John Cadwalader of Horsham [PA] from Montgomeryshire [Wales]; John Cadwalader of Randor [PA] from Radnorshire [Wales]; and Cadwallader Roberts from Bala, Merionethshire [Wales]. These counties in Wales connect and are a small tract of some 15 miles by 45 miles. As there was much intermarriage between Quaker families both in Wales and the early United States, a certain amount of relationship would likely exist."
Taken from Rootsweb.com John Cadwalader (All this information, much typed verbatim, comes from Le Roy Linn's article "The Descendants of John Cadwalader").
John was born circa 1676 in Montgomery Shire, Wales, United Kingdom. He was a minister among the Society of Friends (Quakers) and adhered to the Quaker calendar which began with March as the first month of the year. According to several sources, he emigrated from Wales to Pennsylvania in 1697. He married twice: (1) Mary Cassel on 28 May 1701 at the Abington Quaker Monthly Meeting in Abington, Montgomery Co PA, and (2) Margaret Peters on 29 Apr 1730. Margaret was a widow living in Warmister, PA at the time of her marriage to John. He conducted several missionary journeys - home and abroad and died 26 Sep 1742 in Tortola, West Indies. After John died, Margaret remarried a Rees Nancy and died in 1748 childless. She willed her estate to nephews, nieces and friends – but not to any Cadwaladers. Mary Cassel, John's first wife, was the daughter of Joannes and Mary Cassel. She died on 8 Nov 1728 and is buried in Horsham, Montgomery Co PA. Joannes was a Quaker and a weaver and one of the founders of Germantown, PA. He migrated from Kresheim in the Palatinate, High Germany to the United States on 20 Dec 1686. He had five children: Arnold, Peter, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. He died 17 Feb 1691 and is buried in Germantown, PA.
The following memorial to Mary (Cassel) Cadwalader was submitted by the Abington MM to the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1758: "On 8 Nov 1728 died Mary Cadwalader, the wife of John Cadwalader, deceased. She was appointed and Elder for Horsham Particular Meeting, and died in that station. She was inoffensive in Life and Conversation; discreet and careful in management of her husband's affairs when he was abroad in Truth's Service; aged near 50 years, was buried at Horsham." According to Lee Roy Linn, the author of The Descendants of John Cadwalader, John and Mary lived at Horsham, PA on a tract of land acquired from Samuel Carpenter on 16 Dec 1702 which was next to the present Horsham MM (Quaker Monthly Meeting House) land. They were members of the Society of Friends at Abington PA. In 1714 John was instrumental in helping establish a small log meeting house at Horsham on 50 acres of land granted by the widow of Samuel Carpenter. The Horsham MM was a part of the Abington MM until it became large enough to establish itself as an independent Monthly Meeting. The minutes of the Abington MM lists that in: 1716 - John Cadwalader was appointed to visit families on a religious visit to New England. 1719 - Certificate to visit Barbados but did not go at this time. 1721 - Certificate to visit Great Britain. 1724 - Certificate to visit Long Island. 1732 - Certificate to visit Great Britain and Ireland. 1740 - Certificate to visit Virginia and North Carolina. 1742 - Certificate to visit the Island of Tortola in the West Indies of the Caribbean Sea.
On 12 Aug 1742, John sailed from Philadelphia for the island of Tortola. He contracted "fever" and died there on 26 Sep 1742. He is buried on the island. By 1900, traces of the church's foundation were barely discernable and the graves of John and his fellow missionaries were also faintly evident. Prior to his departure, John drew up a will (dated 30 Jul 1742) leaving his wife Margaret (Peters) Cadwalader all of the household goods, one gray house and one cow. His daughter-in-law Mary and grandson Isaac each received 5 pounds (British Pound Sterling). The balance of his estate was divided between his children: John, Jacob, Joseph, Benjamin, Sarah, Jane, Mary and Martha.
The following memorial to John Cadwalader was submitted by the Abington MM to the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 1758: "Our friend John Cadwalader of Horsham, was convinced of the Principles of Truth when young; had a gift in the ministry bestowed on him in which he was serviceable; underwent many deep baptizing seasons, by which it is believed he was in good degree an overcomer. He traveled much in the exercise of his gift, having visited his Brethren in Truth's service in most, or all, the parts of this continent where Friends reside; and crossed the Seas twice to Europe on the same account; and once to the island of Barbados. He last visit was to the island of Tortola. He was taken indisposed on his passage thither before he landed, yet proceeded on the service he went up for the satisfaction of Friends there, but is distemper increasing upon him. He departed this life in Peace, on said Island of Tortola, on the 9 Sep 1742, aged near 66 years."