Only BEP2 tokens issued on Binance chain can be listed. Learn how to issue BEP2 tokens here. If a token's listing proposal has been passed by valdiators, then a list
transaction must be sent before expire-time
Fees will be charge when issuing a token, creating a proposal, depositing and listing. You can refer to fee table in trading spec.
: For now, only support BNB as quote asset.init-price
: the initial price for your asset, it is boosted by 1e8proposal-id
: this corresponds to the listing proposal that is passedfrom
: this address should be the issuer of base asset
Example on mainnet:
$ ./bnbcli dex list -s AAA-254 --quote-asset-symbol BNB --from test \
--init-price 100000000 --proposal-id 15 --chain-id Binance-Chain-Tigris --node --json
"log":"Msg 0: ",
Example on testnet:
$ ./tbnbcli dex list -s AAA-254 --quote-asset-symbol BNB --from test \
--init-price 100000000 --proposal-id 15 --chain-id=Binance-Chain-Nile --json
"log":"Msg 0: ",
After the transaction is executed, you could see the newly added trading pair from Explorer and maket API.