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This branch is 2397 commits behind kubernetes-retired/contrib:master.


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Jan 19, 2016
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 13, 2015
Jan 8, 2016
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 13, 2015
Aug 13, 2015

Diurnal Controller

This controller manipulates the number of replicas maintained by a replication controller throughout the day based on a provided list of times of day (according to ISO 8601) and replica counts. It should be run under a replication controller that is in the same namespace as the replication controller that it is manipulating.

For example, to set the replica counts of the pods with the labels "tier=backend,track=canary" to 10 at noon UTC and 6 at midnight UTC, we can use -labels tier=backend,track=canary -times 00:00Z,12:00Z -counts 6,10. An example replication controller config can be found here.

Instead of providing replica counts and times of day directly, you may use a script like the one below to generate them using mathematical functions.

from math import *

import os
import sys

def _day_to_2pi(t):
    return float(t) * 2 * pi / (24*3600)

def main(args):
    if len(args) < 3:
        print "Usage: %s sample_interval func" % (args[0],)
        print "func should be a function of the variable t, where t will range from 0"
        print "to 2pi over the course of the day"
    sampling_interval = int(args[1])
    exec "def f(t): return " + args[2]
    i = 0
    times = []
    counts = []
    while i < 24*60*60:
        hours = i / 3600
        left = i - hours*3600
        min = left / 60
        sec = left - min*60
        times.append("%dh%dm%ds" % (hours, min, sec))
        count = int(round(f(_day_to_2pi(i))))
        i += sampling_interval
    print "-times %s -counts %s" % (",".join(times), ",".join(counts))

if __name__ == "__main__":
