A nice use of enums for differentiating two different configrations in the same view.
class RequirementsView: UIView {
enum Kind {
case register
case download
var kind: Kind = .download
var ctaText: String? {
switch kind {
case .register:
return NSLocalizedString("Register", comment: "")
case .download:
return NSLocalizedString("Download", comment: "")
Never assume reference the first element in an array with 0
guard let hardware = subscription.hardware[0] else { // BOOM! - Don't do this
Use first
guard let hardware = subscription.hardware.first else { // Safe - nil return guard fails gracefully
Here are some Swift idioms that are handy when writing code.
class CreditCardDetailsViewController: UIViewController {
var name: String { return nameField.editingText ?? "" }
var number: String {return numberField.editingText ?? "" }
var month: String { return monthField.text ?? "" }
var code: String { return codeField.text ?? "" }
var year: String { return yearField.text ?? "" }
@objc protocol PaymentSetupUserActions {
@objc optional func performChangeNameAction(sender: Any?)
@objc optional func performChangePasswordAction(sender: Any?)
private extension Selector {
static let performChangeNameAction = #selector(PaymentSetupUserActions.performChangeNameAction(sender:))
static let performChangePasswordAction = #selector(PaymentSetupUserActions.performChangePasswordAction(sender:))
Then get some nice readable type safe extensions for your ViewController by implementing the protocol.
extension PaymentSetupViewController: PaymentSetupUserActions {
func performChangeNameAction(sender: Any?) {
// do something here...
// Once you've created the builder, pass it to the sfmc_configure method.
do {
try MarketingCloudSDK.sharedInstance().sfmc_configure(with:builder)
success = true
} catch let error as NSError {
// Errors returned from configuration will be in the NSError parameter and can be used to determine
// if you've implemented the SDK correctly.
let configErrorString = String(format: "MarketingCloudSDK sfmc_configure failed with error = %@", error)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Configuration Error", message: configErrorString, preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil))
self.window?.topMostViewController()?.present(alert, animated: true)